
Chapter 1

It was Titi's 39th birthday, and Madu had taken her to a luxurious café for what she anticipated to be a delightful celebration. However, it quickly turned into a heart-wrenching revelation.

She never fathomed that her husband would drop the bombshell of introducing a new presence into their household on her special day.

"I regret causing you pain, but my mother insists on bringing another woman into our lives. It's been a decade since we tied the knot, and there's been no fruitfulness. I'm exhausted. I feel like I've done everything I can," Madu confessed to Titi. As they sat in the upscale café, Titi's hopes for a joyous birthday were shattered. She couldn't believe her ears when Madu unveiled his plan to bring in another woman.

"Why today of all days? Are you this heartless, Madu? I thought this outing was meant to make me happy on my birthday. How would you feel if I did something like this to you? You're being cruel," Titi exclaimed, tears streaming down her face. She reached for a tissue from her purse, only to find her makeup staining it as she wiped her tears away.

"I apologize, Titi, but I'm at my wit's end. Living with infertility for a decade has taken its toll. I've taken us to countless specialists and clinics, but to no avail. I need to explore other options. Please understand, this decision isn't easy for me either," Madu explained, avoiding Titi's gaze. He knew his words were like daggers to her heart, but he felt compelled to try everything to start a family.

"You say there's nothing to show for our marriage, but what about everything we've built together? I stood by you through thick and thin. I supported you when you had nothing. Yet now, because I can't bear children, you're willing to replace me? It's unfair," Titi lamented, packing up her belongings. She had no appetite left, declining the shawarma that had been served earlier.

"I acknowledge your sacrifices, Titi, and I appreciate them. But the reality is, we haven't been able to have children. My desire for a family is overwhelming, and my family's pressure only adds to it. Please try to see it from my perspective. We're not divorcing; I just need to explore other avenues," Madu pleaded.

"It's easy for you to say, but you don't understand the pain you're causing me. I can't bear to share you with another woman. It's tearing me apart," Titi confessed, standing up and leaving the restaurant without her husband.

As she arrived home before Madu, she was greeted by her mother-in-law and the new wife, exacerbating her anguish. Titi realized she was in for a tumultuous journey, especially with her mother-in-law's disapproval looming over her.

As she retreated to her room, Titi vowed to herself, "I will overcome this."