

Hey lol wake up, Steiten woke up to his only best friends voice trying to look around for what was going on,he saw that he was lying down in a forest with Reiden trying to calm him down ,Steiten felt hot in all his body having a worse headache and with a rough voice tried to ask Reiden why I'm I here? Trying to think he remembered that the last time he was awake he was with her,the cause of all the mess up that he had been going through this past few weeks Adenly,why aah Seisten said as his fists cretched he remembered a few hours before his passing out he was in this same school forest waiting for someone smiling like a stupid he saw Adenly coming with her black hair and blue eyes ,Adenly saw the pretty boy and felt pity for him it wasn't because he wasn't her perfect fit but because she had this other guy Adam's who she was with even though she hid it but she knew Steiten knew it,standing in front of him she was lost at what to say,hey Steiten said as he tried to comfort himself trying not to shy away ,hi Steiten , Adenly said how have u been recently ,aaah scratch good good Steiten said not trying to be nervous, look aah I've been trying to tell u something that have been troubling me recently so ,I know Adenly answered quitely making Steiten heart beat almost loudly,I know how u feel about me but I want to tell u that I'm so sorry Steiten I can't because I'm already with somebody I'm really sorry,"yeah I know "answered Steiten feeling heart broken,but u know I knew it but still I tried my best u know ,I gave u everything but still all was damn for nothing but I can understand u,"I wish u luck and happiness Adenly, I need to rethink about myself and restart new goodbye"said Steiten as he turned around preparing to go ,wait suddenly Adenly said Steiten turned and looked at her ,her lips were trembling lost for words ,"Isn't there any chance for me to try?"asked Steiten , I'm so sorry but it's impossible replied Adenly,"ok I think atleast I failed but after trying I did my best,see u Adenly"said Steiten as he turned around and started going back into the forest , Adenly saw him going back and felt complicated due to mixed feelings, Steiten moved deep into the forest lost in thoughts about all that happened and as he continued deep he got lost without knowing it and as he was in the middle of the forest he heard a sound "Hehehehe u see the world hates u,they also hate u and she hates u but I can help hehehe"Steiten heard a strange rough voice saying,wait who the hell are u Steiten said trying to search for the strange sound