
The Unsung Throne

"Ugh, who transmigrates people like that man." Our main character, Keiji, was transmigrated to another world without his choice or consent, "Well, not like I'm complaining or anything, it's not everyday that something like this happens." Either way, he wasn't complaining, he was just feeling regretful about the things, or humans, he left behind, "I feel sorry for them, to witness such a scene, *ugh* I get shivers just thinking about it, well, let's not dwell on it for now, let's think about my current situation." *Click* "Keiji, who are you talking to?" At that moment, a woman entered, one that Keiji knows very well at that.

FreezeTDE · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Discipline (2)

"Right away madam." With that the head maid called upon a few other maids and dragged them away.

"Noooo, leave me. I didn't do anything wrong, that girl is a freak, she doesn't deserve to be here. But I do, I was always diligent in my work before that brat arri--mfghfh"

One of the maid being dragged kept shouting about how she's better and how the young maid is undeserving of such a position. To stop her from speaking and shouting, the maids dragging her put a gag in her mouth.

"Yes yes yes, that girl is a freak, look at those eyes. They look like the eyes of a mutant. We couldn't stand her looking at is with those eyes. That's why we made her do more work, so she knows her place and doesn't get arrog--mghfhs"

The other maid, just like her friend, got dragged away with a gag in her mouth.

Throughout all that, the third maid seems to realize that they shouldn't have dumped their work on a young child just because of how she looks.

While all of that commotion was happening, Keiji's mind was elsewhere.

'What do you mean suitable servant?'

[Just like it sounds, someone that can and will serve you well and be a great help to you.]

'Yes, I get that, but she's still a child that doesn't know anything, how can you determine that?'

[Because just before you and your mother arrived here this young girl had the soul of an expert enter her body and start merging with it. Which is what caused her to faint.]

'So you're telling me that this young girl right here is housing an expert's soul? No wait, doesn't that mean that the little girl died unfairly just because she had a suitable body?'

[The girl didn't die, if anything, she just became normal, her soul became a whole.]

'So that expert's soul was supposed to be a part of her? Why? How can a soul be that late?'

[The expert seems to have wanted to retain her memories when she reincarnated, so she must've did something when she died, which caused such a delay. And also why you need to hurry and make her your servant before she merges completely and recovers her memories.]

'How am I gonna tell my mother that? She'll think I'm weird, what kind of six months old kid asks for a personal maid? Keep in mind too that I still can't speak properly.'

[You don't have to worry about that because it seems like your mother already had plans regarding your personal maid. That could also be the main reason as to why she brought you here first.]

'I'll wait and see then. It will be interesting though.'

Taking Keiji into her embrace again and kissing his head she said

"I'm so sorry you had to do see things like that today, I wanted to show you more of the mansion, but this is something much better. We can always look around at any time, but we can't find a girl like her this easily. I wanted to bring in more maids and have you choose when you're a bit older, but it looks like that'll be useless with this girl right here."

'It seems like what the system said is true and also scary, who can create a system like that? One that can think and even make correct assumptions.'

"Mary, bring a few maids and take this little girl here to get her washed up and cleaned. You have thirty minutes to finish and bring her in front of my son's room, I'll be waiting there. If she wakes up while you're washing her, bring her to me right away, don't even waste time drying or clothing her properly."

"Right away Ma'am."

Mary, the head maid, heeded her madam's order and got right away to taking her to a bath.

Right after the maids left, Keiji's mother took him to his room to wait for the maids and also prepare a contract.

'Hey system, is this world a world of magic or cultivation or martial arts or what? Because I've had suspicions since a while ago, but now I've confirmed that it's true.'

[The world you're currently in can be said to be a mix of all. Some cultivate, some use magic, but they all use what's called martial arts, or better said, techniques that utilize the energy they have or have cultivated. The two are practically the same, just different utilization methods of the same type of energy, Qi.]

'Then which is the main one?'

[It's cultivation. You'll find that it has a wider range and that magic can be said to be a cheap copy to those who can't cultivate properly or at all.]

'So, can I like cultivate too?'

Keiji didn't want to seem eager to cultivate or know if he can cultivate, but he couldn't hide the excitement in his tone of speech when talking in his mind.

Sadly enough, the head maid had to knock on the door at the time. It seems that a long time passed since the incident.

"Coming." Keiji's mother went to the door to take the little maid and dissmiss the head maid.

Taking the maid in arms, she sat her down on a nearby chair and went to carry Keiji closer.

"Look here Keiji, now I'm going to wake her up and tell her about the contract which, if all goes well, will be easy, I'll just need a drop of your blood. I promise I won't make it hurt. I hate to take away your choice by choosing your personal maid, but I don't think I'll find a more suitable candidate for you at the moment or in the near future. So I hope you'll forgive me sweetheart."