
For all the Unspoken hearts out there....

When they met for the first time, they felt like two perforated sheets searching for something to close the holes... The assumption they had for each other was so weird. Maybe that could be the reason for the distance they felt.

Just like that ,

hours passed....days passed....months passed....

The much they searched for their soulmates, they much they got hurt...

One day they got to know each other.... and talk. That day they understood their perceptions about the other was so foolish. That image they created for each other was all a lie. A lie that made up by others...

They felt so sorry. And like that it went on.....

They started to spend time together. They played together. They chattered even about the most random things existed on the world. That made people think that they ran from the same Mental asylum!!

They loved each other's company a lot. They wanted to cherish each and every moment of their life with those beautiful memories.... They were so happy in each other's hand. Even tho they knew their heart beats for each other, they decided to hide it. And be glad that they had them right now. At this moment...

But little did they know there will be a day when they have to part two ways. Afraid of that time, they thought of creating their destiny together. Their dreams, their happiness, their life everything together.... And they were so delighted as things gone the way they expected.

But fate! That day.... The day everthing changed. All the tables turned....

Their dream of continuing together broke and shattered into millions and trillions of pieces. They were so helpless. Cause there is nothing to be done. Even tho they wanted to be together. They knew their life was not in their hands. There were other people who jeopardized their life....

Here they are....Standing on the two ends of the bridge of their life. Silent.... Eyes glued to each others. Their eyes glistened with tears. But they decided not to break down now.

The silence which consumed them had a tension. Tension of depression, sorrow, fate, woe, recession, fear, Fear of lose!! They decided to turn. They turned.

From there they could see their anguish life.... The same one.... The same people.... The same lies.... But one big difference, they lost their precious soul.... The soul who protected and secured them from all the lies....

They started to walk. The more they walked, the more they cried. With each drop of tears falling down, they wanted to run into each other's embrace.

When it got so hard to place another step, they turned. To see the person they wanted to see for their whole life...

But.... they couldn't see anything. The only thing they saw was a barren land spreading upto infinity. They searched for each other desperately. But all in vail....

It was this time they understood they've gone too far.... too far away from each other.....

They kneeled down, crying their heart out, screaming those unspoken, unheard words from their heart.....

"When I was with you I felt like myself.... like my home.... You weren't a part of me. But myself. When you went away from me, I lost myself.... I lost my home...



the end-