
The unraveling puzzle

Wedding of wealthiest billionaire Asher-Smith with a mysterious woman Elena Davis .This is not a love marriage but an arranged marriage because of the son of Asher Smith , Adam bill. Elena Davis is an unidentified woman, her past and present are strange and her future is unknown . She is an Undercover agent who wants to take revenge on the world's most dreadful and wanted criminal. Taking vengeance for the girls/woman who were raped by the criminal.

charise519 · 都市
5 Chs





In California,

There was a perfect silence on the road.

The only thing that can be heard is the sound of the engine of a black Lamborghini. The Lamborghini is on its way from Atherton, a wealthy town.

The driver is the rich, handsome CEO of the newly built company, "David Bill". Sitting next to him is his beautiful wife, Adeline Bill, who is currently 8 months pregnant.

While driving on the deserted road, Adeline notices a petrol truck in the opposite lane approaching them at a high speed.

Then she suddenly notices the driver being thrown out of the truck.

She is shocked and confused.

She just couldn't believe what had just happened in front of her eyes.

Then when she finally comes to her senses, she screams at the top of her lungs. She tells David to drive away from the truck because she thinks that the people driving the truck may try to kill them.

David tried to avoid the truck as best as he could.

But the truck kept following them.

And then suddenly! The truck crashed into their car and blasted it.

After one year….

In California in the afternoon, there is a huge crowd outside of Calvary Bible Church. There are many of the world's best celebrities, lots of security, and many rich and wealthy CEO's with their families arriving at the church. The crowd of reporters and cameramen outside the church to record this wedding is huge. They are desperately trying to record the events of this marriage that is taking place in the church.

The interior of the church is decorated with beautiful white, red, pink, and even black flowers, just like a palace. There were a lot of chairs lined up on the floor just opposite to the wedding stage. People were arriving and sitting in the chairs. The smell of jealousy in women is understood by their expressions and body language.

And the men are happy about the marriage. There are very few women and old ladies in the church, but there are a lot of mans.

Suddenly, everyone heard the engine of a Ferrari.

With the sound of Ferrari, the whole church went silent.

Outside the church, everyone stops and stares at the Ferrari when it stops.

The driver opens the gate of the car, comes out of it and opens the door of the passenger seat. When he opens the gate, a very beautiful old lady appears.

Her eyes are bright blue. Her hair is a beautiful brown. She looks like a classy old lady. She held a boy in her hands, a very cute and handsome one.

His cheecks were very smooth. His lips have a proper pink colour, as do his eyes, which are blue. His hair is a very dark black colour.

An old man steps out of the opposite gate of the passenger's seat.

He has a straight face. His eyes are brown and his hair is black. He says in a cold voice, "Olivia, stop!!"

Old lady said "what?"

He said in order "Walk with me."

When they arrive, the cameramen start reporting them.

The reporter says in front of the camera.

"I am here for the wedding of a rich, handsome, newly built company whose CEO got this company into peeks.

When this company's CEO died, he was the only person who was a substitute, but he took over this company and made it into the world's best company.

His company is not only the best, but he is also the best businessman.

Every businessman has a dream of doing work with him.

Every woman's dream husband. The sole and unique "Asher Smith".

Yes, I am not joking.

Also, Asher Smith has a son who is just like him: cute, handsome, and very intelligent.

"Adam Smith".

Adam's mother means Asher's girlfriend,

" Yap!!".

both are not married yet.

today, a day when the world's youngest billionaires are going to marry.

A young girl named "Elena Davis" is not very attractive.

She does not belong to a rich family; she is middle class.

She works for the government as a book editor.

So yes, I think Asher loves Elena too much.

but now the ex-CEO's parents, Mr. Oliver Bill and Mrs. Olivia Bill, who are herewith Adam Smith.

So there, after his son's death, Asher was raised as a son. He didn't change his surname. People don't know who their actual parents are.

Mr. Oliver and Mrs. Olivia are too happy about this marriage.

I think they already know about their relationship and that they are both happy. and happy with their grandson.

Mam, please reply, "Where is Asher Smith?"(She ignores the huge crowd of reporters and goes inside the church with Adam Smith and Mr. Oliver).

Mr. Asher's manager replays the answers of the reporters. Let's ask them.

Where is Asher Smith, sir?

Sir is getting ready in his room. He'll arrive in Church in 20 minutes.

"Thank you everyone for watching our channel. We give you every small update."