
The Unplanned

My name is Sinokuhle Mbana Langa, the daughter of the great Ayola and Lwando Mbana. All grown up and doing my first year in university of Western Cape in Cape Town. I am 17 years old and I’m studying Computer Sciences full time and Fashion Design as part time so I have a lot on my plate and I cannot afford to fail any of the two. It was pretty hard to convince the dean to allow me to do two courses so I cannot screw this up or else I’ll have to drop one and only focus on one. I have a little brother, Thandolwethu who is 3 years younger than I am and is in high school doing commercial subjects and then there’s my little sister Sanele who is 6 years younger than me and is a smarty with a very loud mouth it’s even annoying at times but we get along well, all of us. My mother is a lawyer, greatest lawyer of her time and my father runs a strings of companies he acquired from my grandfathers with the help of my uncle Aphiwe of cause and the rest you’ll learn along the way. If you thought my parents love story was not a typical fairy-tale, I wonder what you’ll think of mine. Mine’s not a fairy-tale, it probably was at some point until I got married. Nothing in life is ever planned, I mean we don’t plan to be born nor do we plan to end up in a mental institution but hey, things happen. This is THE UNPLANNED life of Sinokuhle and it all starts at 17 only for me to be declared mentally unstable at age 27, who would have thought right?

Sandisiwe_Gxaba · 若者
10 Chs

Chapter 9

Well the party was interesting. For the first time I

tasted alcohol, wine... Bae was not so happy about

that. Said he doesn't want me drinking and he likes

me all innocent and what not and told me to never

touch alcohol again and a whole lot more. He

practically lectured me about it. On the other hand,

Layla was excited.

Anyway it's Tuesday and Layla and I just got out of

class and headed to the cafeteria before I have to

attend my fashion classes. My life sucks! I get in

and sit on Bae's lap hugging him, I haven't seen

him all day ok? Shoot me!

"Hey beautiful"

He says kissing my neck and damn that feels good,

that kiss alone sends an impulse to my nookie. OK!

"I missed you"

I say whispering

"I missed you too. What time is your class?"

He asks


I say eating his fries

"You'll be fine babe"

He says kissing my cheek

"So Mrs B"

Says the cousin, name is Bathabile but prefers to

be called Thap's... I don't know why and I never


"Yes Thap's"

I say turning to her

"So there's a party at my crib this Friday, you

coming through?"

She says

"I have a test at 7 this Friday"

I say and she looks at me frowning

"What do you mean you have a test at 7? The party

starts later than that"

She says

"Yeah but I can't make it Thap's"

I say with a shrug

"What are you afraid I'm going to do to you sweet

cheeks? I mean you can only enjoy whatever it is I

could possibly do to you"

She says with a smirk

"Bathabile watch it!"

Bantu warns

"It's ok babe if you can't make it"

He says

"Come let's take a walk"

He whispers in my ear and so I stand up and we

walk out leaving the guys chatting

"So tomorrow we have this thing at home whereby

my parents do a thing for my late sister"

I look at him; I did not even know he had a sister

"You had a sister?"

I say

"Yeah. She died... or at least that's what we think

happened. She went to school and she never came

back. That was 10 years ago"

Bantu is 19, that means he was 9 when his sister

was taken from them

"I'm sorry"

I say not knowing what to say or how to offer

comfort. I stop and pull him to my size and hug him


"I'm so sorry babe"

I say

"It's uhhm... it's ok"

He breaks out of my arms

"I'm ok. So can you pull through after school

tomorrow? Dinner is at 7pm"

He says and I just nod. Wednesdays I don't have

Fashion classes anyway. We continued walking

"Thank you Sino. Quick warning, my parents are

kind of weird in a way"

He says, it then hit's me. I'm going to meet his

parents. Am I ready to meet them? It hasn't even

been a month and already he's introducing me.

FLIP! What am I going to wear?

"Babe isn't it a family thing?"

I ask hoping to get escape meeting the parents

"It is but you are part of my life and I would like for

you to come spend tomorrow with me and my

family. I love you Sinokuhle"

He says and my heart melts instantly. The way he

says my name...aaaaah

"Uhhm I will be there then; I have to talk to my

parents first"

He nods

"I love you Bantubonke"

I say and he chuckles and kisses me bending down

to my level. I never knew I was this short. He

breaks the kiss and looks into my eyes while still

cupping my face

"You are so short you know that"

He says that pecking my nose, I push him

"Yeah whatever. Nobody asked you to be this tall


I say and he chuckles pulling me to him

"You cute so that counts for something, you being

this short has the potential to get me to agree to

whatever you want"

He says and I look at him and he smiles making me

smile too

"Yeah whatever Bonke"

I say poking.

"need me to wait for you until your last class?"

He asks making that face of his I can never say no

to. GOD I'm whipped!

"I have a car now... remember"

I say and he chuckles

"What's your point Sinokuhle?"

I smile

"I can drive myself home..."

I say and he laughs

"Still waiting for your point here"

He says and I poke him making him laugh

"I don't want you driving alone at night, it's not safe"

He says

"yeah and I don't want you driving alone at night

cause it's not safe"

I say brushing his cheek, he leans in on my touch

"I'm the man here, not you"

He says

"Whatever babe. Let's go get something to eat, I

am hungry"

I say

"Smart ass"

He says nudging me and I can't help but giggle. We

walk back to the caffet, we get something to eat

and go join his friends and Layla

"Babe, you not answering the question"

Says Thaps

"but I answered you, what more do you want?"

Layla defends

"B, Mrs B. The question here is What do you do

when you catch your partner cheating? And Layla's

response was, cheating is for married people"

I laugh because that answer really does sound like

something Layla would say

"I don't know, I guess if you really love a person

then you stay and work things out"

Bantu says

"And what about you Sino"

Asks Sizwe, another Hottie in Bae's squad

"I don't know. I mean I doubt things are ever the

same again. The trust is broken and what's a

relationship without trust"

I say

"So if Bantu cheated on you, would you leave him?"

Asks Thaps but I shrug.

"I don't know. If I stay, then he would probably live

the rest of his life making up for things. I mean

cheating is not a relationship up or down type of


Layla smiles at me for my response

"I'm so proud of you. Your first relationship and you

already know so much"

She says

"None of us are married here. None of us made

vows to the other in front of a whole congregation

and God and vowed to stay loyal to one person

until death. As long as we keep that in mind then

it's not cheating, we just searching for The One"

Says Layla and Thap's smiles

"So if you caught me between some other girl's

legs, you wouldn't throw a fit about it?"

She asks with a smug

"I wouldn't because I understand that there's

something that she has that I don't"

Layla says cheerfully. WOW!

"But shouldn't love conquer all?"

Asks another hot friend of Bantu's, his name is


"I don't think "Love conquers all" includes cheating

and being cheated on"

I say

"I mean the bible is against adultery. It clearly

states that if you look at another person either than

your partner in any lustful manner then you've

already cheated"

Says Sizwe

"If we going to quote the bible then we should also

quote that sex before marriage is a sin but it hasn't

stopped any of us now has it?"

Says Thaps

"You have a point. But..."

Says Bantu but Thaps cuts him off

"No buts cuz, we have all sinned one way or the


"I get that Thaps but if that's the case then why do

we get horny before marriage?"

Asks Bantu and we all laugh

"I mean think about it. If we not supposed to have

sex before marriage then we shouldn't be getting

horny before marriage"

Says bae and I cant help but laugh at his logic

"That's why we have hands though"

Says Thaps

"Yeah but fondling yourself is also a sin"

I say

"Every nice thing is a sin according to the bible"

Says Thaps frowning

After all that talking and eating, Bantu accompanies

me to class and when I get out of class he is

waiting for me near my car... This boyfriend of
