
The Unplanned

My name is Sinokuhle Mbana Langa, the daughter of the great Ayola and Lwando Mbana. All grown up and doing my first year in university of Western Cape in Cape Town. I am 17 years old and I’m studying Computer Sciences full time and Fashion Design as part time so I have a lot on my plate and I cannot afford to fail any of the two. It was pretty hard to convince the dean to allow me to do two courses so I cannot screw this up or else I’ll have to drop one and only focus on one. I have a little brother, Thandolwethu who is 3 years younger than I am and is in high school doing commercial subjects and then there’s my little sister Sanele who is 6 years younger than me and is a smarty with a very loud mouth it’s even annoying at times but we get along well, all of us. My mother is a lawyer, greatest lawyer of her time and my father runs a strings of companies he acquired from my grandfathers with the help of my uncle Aphiwe of cause and the rest you’ll learn along the way. If you thought my parents love story was not a typical fairy-tale, I wonder what you’ll think of mine. Mine’s not a fairy-tale, it probably was at some point until I got married. Nothing in life is ever planned, I mean we don’t plan to be born nor do we plan to end up in a mental institution but hey, things happen. This is THE UNPLANNED life of Sinokuhle and it all starts at 17 only for me to be declared mentally unstable at age 27, who would have thought right?

Sandisiwe_Gxaba · 若者
10 Chs

Chapter 8

'That means he's leaving next year. What's so

awesome about that?'

My subconscious is kind enough to remind me but I

don't need her now.

"So next year you leaving"

I point out

"After graduation though"

He says but that doesn't make me feel any better at

all. I'm not ready. He takes my hand into his

noticing how deep in thoughts I am with these news

"Look don't over think this, let's just enjoy today and

the rest of the time we have together"

He says brushing my hand but I'm not convinced.

He's leaving! Why did he even pursue me to begin


"What do you want from me?"

I ask and seemingly my question has shocked him

"I don't understand what you asking Sino"

He says

"What do you want from me Bantu? You leaving

next year"

I point out

"So what? Don't you think we can make the

distance work?"

He asks with a raised eyebrow

"Maybe if you were moving to anywhere here in

South Africa I would believe we can but this is

Tokyo a..."

I'm cut short by his phone ringing. He answers it

and it's his father, judging by his face our date will

be short lived.

"Lwando I thought we spoke about this"

Mom yells at dad

"Come on Ayola, it's just a car"

He says

"She's only doing her first year Lwando. You still

have enemies out there or have you forgotten?"

Mom says sounding really pissed. I'm standing by

their door eavesdropping. I just came back home,

it's around 5pm. Bantu had to rush somewhere so

he dropped me off earlier than intended. My

siblings aren't in their rooms or the lounge. My

guess is that they went to visit a family friend or

something or they went out with Nono.

"I understand that Ayola but it's been years since

they did anything. We got rid of all of them"

He says

"NO Lwando! You are returning that car first thing


"And what must I say to Sino? She deserves it

Ayola. We can't keep worrying about people that

died years before Sanele could even say her first

word. That car stays and that's that"

Dad says and that's que for me to tiptoe to my

room. I get there and sleep almost instantly. I'm

woken up by my little sister patting me lightly

"Wake up. Dinner is ready"

She says getting off my bed, I sit up

"I'm on my way"

I say getting off the bed to wash my face and my

teeth. I get downstairs and everyone is settled in

their sit's. I greet everyone and then settle in my sit

"Thank you daddy, it's beautiful"

I say and dad smiles faintly

"Glad you like it princess, tomorrow we taking it for

a spin right?"

"Hell yeah we are"

Says my little siblings. GREAT!

"Dad was talking to me"

I say and they roll their eyes at me. They can be

stupid and silly but I wouldn't ask for better siblings.

We eat over light conversations which mom isn't

really into

"Desert anyone?"

Mom asks while getting up and we all chant yes at

the same time making her giggle

"Sino you'll serve it, Thando and Saney the dishes

are yours ok?"

We all nod our heads

"Tomorrow we attending the first services ok?"

We nod yet again. She goes to the kitchen and then

makes her way upstairs

"Dad what did you do to mom?"

Asks Saney

"What makes you think I did something?"

He asks frowning

"Because mom is not happy and it can only be


She points out and Thando and I can't help but


"Now I'm forced to wash dishes with Thando"

She says frowning and we just laugh at her

"So your problem is washing dishes with your


I ask with a raised eyebrow

"yes and no. I'm tired"

She whines and we all laugh at her. She is a drama

queen this one. I pack the dishes and take them to

the kitchen and then dish out desert for everyone

and serve them while we watch tv. When we all

done I take them to the sink, say my goodnights

and go to my room. My phone is ringing and it's


"Miss Layla"

I say throwing myself on my bed

"Honey boo"

She says mumbling the words

"Everything ok?"

"Yeah Yeah Yeah. Gosh I'm so drunk. I'm at this

party in Bellville"

She says rumbling

"but are you safe?"

"of cause. I'm here with your boyfriend and his

cousin. We kissed"

I laugh

"That is great, I guess"

I say not knowing what to say really

"Yeah and I'm going home with her. Can't you talk

to your mom to let you come here?"

I laugh

"No Layla. You know how my parents are"

"I know that your mom is cool and your dad.... Your

dad is an overprotective father"

She says making me laugh at how she said it

"Layla go and have fun ok. I am sleeping"

"NO! We are coming to fetch you and if you don't

come out I will blast the speakers until Mr and Mrs

Mbana wake up"

She says and knowing her, it's possible. I know

mom wouldn't mind me going as long as I drink

responsibly and be safe. But dad on the other

hand... That's a problem

"Layla come on, don't be like this"

I plead

"Come through honey or else we going to blast

some speakers outside your crib"

She says unbothered. Layla can be difficult

"I'll go ask mom and then get back to you ok?"

"That's all I ask. Your boyfriend is sulking here"

She says and I chuckle

"kiss him for me ok"

I say

"I love you but we not those kind of friends"

She says dropping the call. I laugh at how serious

she got. I got to mom's room carrying my phone, I

knock once and walk in. She's on the phone with

someone and the call seems intense


I say sitting on her bed

"Listen mom I'll call you tomorrow ok?".... "Bye


She says ending the call

"What if I wanted to greet grandma?"

I say sulking

"then you can call her from your phone. What's


She asks and suddenly nerves kick in

"Layla invited me to a party in Bellville and it's

totally cool if you don't want me to go"

I say speaking really fast, she chuckles

"sure. Just be safe and don't drink too much"

She says chilled as ever

"How come you not strict?"

She shrugs

"I don't see reason for me to be. Sino I want you to

live your life and enjoy it to the fullest so that when

you ready to settle down you settle down without

doing things you were supposed to do during your

youth. I mean I had the best youth, thou I was doing

the things I did out of rebellion but I had the best

youth ever and I want you guys to do the same but

responsibly and in the right way"

She says brushing my knee

"yeah but what about dad? He's as strict as they


I say and she giggles

"let me deal with your father ok?"

She says

"go have fun baby. Just be safe ok?"

She says and I smile and kiss her cheek before

leaving her room. I get to mine and text Layla then

shower real quick and wear something decent.

Jeans and a t-shirt with sneakers. I'm not trying to

get laid now. When I get out I get a text from Layla

all excited telling me that she's going to get me

super sloshed.

I don't drink, I am an angel you guys. I am nothing

like my mother was in her teen years. That woman

lived her life to the fullest, she partied, drank, at

some point she fooled around with girls. Mom's

parents were always called to school for her

behaviour but she was an A student despite all the

things she did and when I ask her why she was so

rebellious she tells me it's because her parents

were never around and she did everything she did

to get their attention, it makes sense why she's

worked so hard to build such strong relationships

with my siblings and I. I admire her for that. Mom

was a wild one, this one time she told me how she

and dad met and the story was pretty graphic, I'm

talking 18snpg. They had sex before getting into

any kind of relationship. It's funny and crazy you

guys. (read Not Your Typical Fairytale)