
He Stole Our Cold


How tiny must we look right now? Two small figures running in an endless expense of ice. 

Our white robes are barely protecting us from the cold, but at least it shows others our affiliation. How many have given up on killing us after seeing the hand symbol made with swirling lines? A few, at least. 

"Master, stop! Please reconsider! This is madness!" 

In the back, I can hear the pleading voice of my disciple. She has always been a strong one, but she always acts like this whenever I am going on a dangerous mission. She thinks of me as her mother. 

Well, it has been a long time since I have welcomed her in the Serene Plenitude Sect. Even now, as her feet are frozen and the wind mercilessly cut at her delicate skin, she still follows. She turned out to lack the gift of magic. Yet, she still decided to stay to do the best she can to help. 

As usual, we will go through the same exchange.