
The Unlucky Cards of Fate

A unlucky guy got killed by truck-san on his way home, only to get sucked into what he hated most... his luck. "Eh? Wait, mom, we can talk about this! Don't just put me in a dress!" "Hey dad, I'm your son! At least try to help! Wait, did you just shout out in happiness?!"

Yokiri · その他
16 Chs

The Last Few Steps

After another two years, Akira knew that he was nearing the plot of Boku no Hero.

How does he know? He honestly only remembered the characters' ages vaguely.

He never fully watched the show and barely remembered the actual plot of the flipping story itself.

Having literally over 14 years pass by, he really couldn't remember a thing.

And even worse, now closer to the plot, he began to run out of servants he'd want to choose from.

His system prevented his forms from maintaining weapons they originally held and he couldn't exactly be carrying around one of every weapon in the future.

With just Okita and Scathach he was already holding two.

At first he thought of Sherlock Holmes, but in the end, he was just a detective with a little enhanced strength. While he would come in handy, he in the end couldn't compare with more powerful servants that could use magic.

In the end, he opted for a strong fire power just in case he ever needed it.

He chose avenger Nobunaga.

Someone who is fearsome and holds both physical prowess and magical powers.

She can expertly use a sword as well as use her reality marble to summon a giant fearsome skeleton.

Akira was already feeling nervous from what the future could hold.

He already knew beforehand that he was going to become a hero.

Not because thats what the world was, but because he couldn't come to like anything else.

If he wanted, he could've easily spent the rest of his days becoming rich by using Hokusai's skill to paint extravagant paintings or use one of his summons to become a grand musician.

But here... his calling was to become a hero.

"Hey! Akira! Hurry up! We're gonna be late for school!" Says Toru who just threw his door open.

Akira just shaking his head could only smile.

Toru was the same as always.

As she finished calling him and began walking out, Akira briefly changed into Anastasia to see her back.

Her hair still relatively short, now reached a litter further than her neck, her silhouette drawing a beautiful figure as the sun from his window shined on her back.

Well, I guess its time to go to school.