
The Unlucky Cards of Fate

A unlucky guy got killed by truck-san on his way home, only to get sucked into what he hated most... his luck. "Eh? Wait, mom, we can talk about this! Don't just put me in a dress!" "Hey dad, I'm your son! At least try to help! Wait, did you just shout out in happiness?!"

Yokiri · その他
16 Chs

The Dice Rolls

It was a sunny day as a guy with black unkept hair walked along the road.

Staring at his phone, one thing came to mind, 'Fuck.'

In his hands was a shining silver card picturing a heroic knight. He was playing Fate/Grand Order.

Waiting for his next card- everything went black.

'Ah, I thought I saw gold...'

Akira Shikibu had died playing his favorite game, killed by an oncoming truck.

Then there was light everywhere! The world that existed faded away to reveal a vast expanse, something that could never exist on Earth.

A sky of gold and a ground of pristine marble floors, the scene went on forever.

As the only living being within miles, Akira stood out against the white floors with his black hair and black eyes.

However only one thing rang out in this empty plain...


Akira kneeled, lamenting his missing phone where he held his precious game...

"Welcome! I am God!" A man appeared in a blinding white robe. He was the picture of an aged man, one who have seen countless years.... but that wasn't Akira's concern.

Shooting up, God was now in Akira's firm grip. "YOU BASTARD! GIVE ME MY PHONE, MY SABER, LANCER, ARCHER, ALL OF THEM BACK TO ME!"

God could only twitch in confusion. Wasn't he mourning his death? Didn't he wanna know how he died? Why is he crying about a game?

"Now look at me you bearded bastard! I have slaved away for SIX, SIX years playing that game! It was my love and it was basically my life! Return my rolls you old man!"

And for the first time in centuries... God was speechless.

God had bought this young man here to give him a chance at reincarnation, but this kid couldn't even wait five seconds.

Holding his hands up he tried interrupting Akira's rant. "Young man, would you like another chance with your cards? Another life? I shall-"

"Yes!" Akira's answer once again rang out.

"Then young man how would you like to reincarnate?" Finally feeling freedom from Akira's firm grip, God slowly shuffled a meter away to avoi- I mean give the child space.

Akira running his countless calculations could only come up with one answer, "Old man... I could care less! I. Just. Want. My rolls!"

God figured as much and only sighed, "Very well, you shall be reincarnated in a wor-"

Akira interrupting again, "Get to the point old man."

Sighing, at this point God didn't know why he tried anymore, "You shall be isekaid away to a new world with your Fate System!"

Akira nodding his head, "You lost me at isekaid, but got me at Fate! SIGN ME UP!"