
The Unlucky Cards of Fate

A unlucky guy got killed by truck-san on his way home, only to get sucked into what he hated most... his luck. "Eh? Wait, mom, we can talk about this! Don't just put me in a dress!" "Hey dad, I'm your son! At least try to help! Wait, did you just shout out in happiness?!"

Yokiri · その他
16 Chs

Being OP is Hard

-2 Years Later-

After being in the world of Boku no Hero, Akira had began to realize that no matter what world, life wasn't fair.

After realizing the error of his ways previously, Akira was originally going to go with one of the most undisputed strongest Servant he knew from fate- Gilgamesh.

That little dream was burst like a bubble.

Turns out that unlike in the game when he turns into a servant, he does not in fact get the character's respective weapon.

In the system's words:

[Weapons are not included in the system guidelines. This would cross domains of different worlds.]

Akira's only response to that was extreme bull shit and a middle finger.

At the least however, it didn't interfere with the power of the servants themselves.

Every skill that the servant knew, he would learn as well.

For Hokusai, he could use a brush and mana to momentarily bring his attacks to life, much like in fate. The only downside was that he could not tread outside of what was established in fate.

Okita was similar in that he instinctively knew all her skills with the sword and her extreme speed. The power of reaching one sword stroke splitting spacetime itself was not a joke.

In other words, Gil at the current moment would literally be a glorified storage space.

Thus in the end, Akira decided to choose someone a bit more practical.

Osakabehime, the princess of Himeji castle.

Originally, Akira was going to decide on someone more powerful and earth rending, but then realized that in the world of Boku no Hero, killing was kinda a big no no.

Thus he decided to pick someone who could act as a support.

Osakabehime just happened to be perfect.

Not looking at her np which gave her a buff, her familiars were the icing on top of the cake.

While Akira couldn't exactly buy a gun, sword or spear, origami paper was the easiest shit ever.

Taking a piece and turning it into a shikigami was basically as cheap as a dollar. There was only one issue.

The more expensive the paper, the better the shikigami.

That however was still easier to ask for than a sword.

'Hey dad, mom, can you buy me a very lethal weapon?' Like they would ever, it was already hard enough for Akira to ask for a wooden sword, let alone the genuine article.

Anyway, this was the easier choices Akira had made today.

Today, Akira was in kindergarten during recess.

Yes, the time for Akira to finally experience school life had finally come.

There was just one issue.

"Hey! Let go of my hair!" Said a feminine disembodied voice.

"What do you mean?! I'm grabbing nothing." Said a noticeably pudgy boy.

Ah, it was the classic kindergarten bullying. In Japan, bullying was a huge problem and most wouldn't realize it unless they read beforehand.

The view in front if Akira was easily disassembled before him.

The boy was a quirk user who revolved around him being fat to gain strength, while the girl was someone with the invisibility quirk.

The bullying was because of the discrimination behind quirks with physical attributes.

The boy himself was probably made fun of because of his weight and now he is bullying someone who had seemed weaker to make himself feel better with a power trip.

Stepping in, Akira tried to reason with the kid, " Hey, it's not nice to grab people's hair you know?"

Coming closer to attempt to separate the two, Akira tried being nice as he could.

His reward? He knocked on his ass with a push.

"Stay out of this! You stupid quirkless!" Said the pig- I mean pudgy boy.

He then began to pull the girl's hair more. "Stop! That hurts!"

The girl was beginning to tear up.

Akira in this situation could only sigh, because of the side effects of his powers, he always tried his best to hide it.

Being in this situation however, he couldn't help but get a little pissed.

Standing back up to look the boy in the eye he said, "I'll give you one more chance, let her go."

The boy feeling proud of himself just replied, "Make me wuss."

And in a split second, the world for the puggy kid changed.

It was all over in less than a second.

All that the poor fool saw was Akira's hair change into a pale blonde before he felt a smack on his hand making him let go and his ass on the playground sand.

Some people might have said two wrongs don't make a right, but Akira could've cared less.

"WAHH WAHHHH!!!" The pudgy kid was crying and Akira had already changed back from his shoulder length blonde hair into his short black hair.

The girl now freed barely blinked before she registered what happened.

And now what Akira could only assume was the girl facing him, put his hand to his lips with a finger and to whisper, "Ssshhh."

Not long after a teacher ran over to find the pudgy boy crying and asked, "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Helping him get up, the teacher looked at the nearby culprits.

The kid inly now getting up said, "I-it was him! He pushed me!"

The teacher looking at Akira could only raise his brow.

Akira for as long as the teacher could see was the teachers pet. He listened to adults, did all his work, and mostly stuck to himself reading.

Why would the star student start a fight?

The other kid however was prone to anger and had always caused the teacher trouble. It was obvious who side the teacher chose to side with.

"Chosokabe, I don't know what you did this time, but I'm not gonna stand here while you cause others trouble!" After checking the now known Chosokabe for injures, other than a sandy pants and a slight welt near his wrist, there wasn't much that left any evidence of a push.

Knowing that making Akira apologize would only worsen the spoiled kid's behavior, he dragged the kid away to the office to report to his parents the issues he had been facing. Honestly, the teacher knew he wasn't being paid enough to deal with this shit.

Akira on the other hand, being left skot-free, faced the girl and introduced himself, "Hi. My name is Akira Shikibu."

The girl fidgeting a little shyly said, "M-my name is Toru Hagakure."

It was obvious to Akira that the invisible girl was still confused about what just happened so he didn't want her to stress about it.

Putting his hand out, Akira asked, "Wanna go play on the swings?"

After a moment of silence, he felt a warm hand on his and what he could only assume was a nod.

Smiling, he dragged the girl along to enjoy the rest of recess.

The girl only mumbling to herself, "Wow... he's like hero."

Before sharing an invisible smiling only she knew.