
The unknowners

It was all normal. Everything, but I had to ruin it. Let me introduce you to me. I'm a girl, 13 or so. I lived in a big city. The city of Nirae. I went to a normal high school... but a bit more strict than usual and with a ton of rumours. I promise.. I thought I was Normal. I didn't know... This story is about a girl who finds out she is an "unknowner". Her whole life she thought she was normal but... I guess it never was. This is my first book so I hope you enjoy it.

Hanin_gurl · ファンタジー
15 Chs

The Triangle that isn't a triangle

"What..?" I said completely confused. "triangle?"

Magreta looked at me silent, before she sighed. "I'll talk to you about this later, let me just show this girl around the village." she said to Stacey. "well, alrighty Magreta." she took me by the hand and kept on showing me around. "Uhm, L-lady Magreta?" I looked at her and stopped. "What is it? C'mon we ain't got all day on us." She asked in a hurry. "Uhm what's the triangle of-" as I was about to ask, Lady Magreta cut me off. "Oh no, if I don't show you around everything now, I might have to let all that I didn't show you be, and let those stinkin' Young childish guards take care of it! this would be the Last thing I would let happen to you."

she dragged me hard so I almost fell. As she started going quicker, it started hurting my wrist. so I started walking quicker too. she stopped. She then pointed to me a forest. it was huge, bigger than the village itself. there was small colourful lights and a beautiful water spring. but the water spring looked diffrent. it was so beautiful and it shone. I couldn't really see well because it was behind some trees. she then calmly let go of my hand. and then lead me more into the forest. the more I went in, the more i realized she lead me to the water spring. there was a small round quartz-palace-like building with a small door.

and it was colourful orbs-like things, those orbs-like things must make the forest colourful. I call them orbs-like things, is because they move around and glow diffrent colors. but I dont know if they are orbs, as they were so easy to find. or was this forest just... lucky?

but that wasn't all.

inside the beautiful quartz-like building was a bench and a table made of wood but painted in white. there was also a small decoration fountain with cut roses in it. It was also 7 stone statues of women and men. But there was two that caught my eyes the most... there was two made of iron. the two was a man and a woman sitting on the rocks near the water spring. they were looking into the water spring. the woman had long hair, her eyes were not fully open, she was mostly concentrated at the water spring. she had a beautiful long dress to her foot, her sleeves showed her shoulders and were long to her arms. She had a calm smile on her face. she had no shoes or socks, she was just calmly looking at the water from the spring. and the man on the other rock looked a bit of the opposite. He had warrior, fighting clothes, his hair was short, he had a scar near his mouth and one even on his left eye. He sat in a more tired way, like he had trained more than he is supossed to. and a sword was laying right beside his feet. he looked tired but concentrated on the water. even how tired he was he still smiled. and this smile didn't look "fake" either. I dont know how, since he is only a statue, but just that smile shows that he still can push more and it gives so much, I don't know. it feels like, if he can push through life, I can too. just those two statues made me smile.

it was a lot of positive energy from it, and it was where most of the orbs-like things were. but let me describe, the 5 others, who were made out of stone. there was two men and three women who were made of stone. the first man stood beside the three that was beside that small quartz-like building. he had long hair and a serious face expression, just by looking into this statues eyes I could feel my anxiety rise, it was quite intimidating. he looked kind of.. pouty, I guess you can call it. and his eyes.. didn't speak. I don't know how to explain it. it was just, it didn't feel..

he had not much of an eye expression, I'll put it like that. he had warrior clothes as well. and his sword layed on the three. his head layed on the three. he seemed like he looked at something. it looked like he looked in the direction of the water spring, but I was still unsure.

the second man was bruised and injured badly. he had short hair. and looked like a guard. he was looking at his helmet. he had a sad or hurt expression. he was sitting down, hurt but looking at the helmet in a hopeless way.

but there was something that truly caught my eyes. there was lamps, with diffrent things on them.

one had a sun, one had a moon and one had stars. but there was one that interested me over all of them, since I had never seen it before. there was a big triangle but inside of the triangle there was probably over million, if not more, dots.

I also noticed that the water spring shone and sparkled a lot.

the woman shook me a little so I would concentrate on her. she pointed to the water spring. "Do you know what this water does?"

I shook my head in a no. "this is healin' water. this is where we get water to heal the injured." she smiled at me. "Oh, What are these statues?" I asked. "Those? you don't know them? well I said I was pretty busy hun, so I have to go now. Stay out of trouble!"

she took my hand to lead me out of the forest. and then waved in a hurry.