
The Unknown World:For the sake of my sister's soul.

Anime/ Manga series. Hikari Mayumi is a young freshman that has been accepted to one of the top universities in Campbell, she wanted to live a life of a normal freshman, having a part-time job, hanging out with her friends, finding a boyfriend, and graduating. That is her dream. One day as she was living her best dreams, Hikari got a phone call from her parents saying her little sister has gone missing. As the eldest sister, she got to return home and find out what is happening. As she struggles to find out, she encounters a few people who have been in the same situation as her, and she begins to investigate the disappearing high school students, alongside a few friends she encounters. They all set into a dark and ugly truth about the other dimension world. Hikari set her goal to save her sister and the others from the dark place. Her journey might just begin.

Maryam_Aldariya · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs

Part 2 : The Moving day.

"Have you packed all your things?" Ask Mother, these few days we have all been super busy with my tight plans. I have found a new small apartment for students, thanks to all the kind neighbors they have been asking around from their relatives for my sake. I must say, I'm pretty lucky to have these beautiful bonds. But I must thank my parents for bringing us to Hiraizumi.

"Yes, Mother! I've got the last boxes." I walk downstairs in a hurry cause I need to catch my flight.

"Hurry up! How on earth you missed your alarm this morning?!" Say Dad in panic. The other neighbors help us too, carrying my stuff into a small truck. They even give me a lot of farewell gifts.

"Hikari wait!" shouted Aoi, She's been my best friend since we were in kindergarten.

"Aoi-chan! What took you so long?"

"Here, take this with you. It's a good luck charm and a protective charm. I made this with Grandma and we even got it to the monk to bless this charm for you. I hope you will always carry this around with you." Say Aoi, she the type of friend that believes in spiritual energy, and her family line are from a monk. Their house is the biggest in Hiraizumi, the people believe their Gods has blessed them to be a monk. You can say she's like a protective friend.

"Thank you so much Aoi-chan! I will always keep it close to my heart. I promise when I reach Campbell, I will video call you! Take care Aoi. Next time I come around, I will treat you to an expensive meal!" We hug and I say my last goodbyes to all the people before leaving the town.

In the car.

"Nee-san... Nee-san.." Hanabi pointed her phone into my face and show me a horror picture of a woman who was found dead in Tokyo.

"why are you showing me this?" I ask her, she is always into weird stuff.

"what do you mean? I wanted to show you so that you can take good care of yourself. Many people have gone missing lately and Please keep this a secret." Hanabi looks restless, but for my point, she always looks restless.


"Lately, I have had strange dreams and I have been followed by someone," says Hanabi in a low tone, as if she was whispering in my ears.

"What?! You mean a Stalker?!" Hanabi nods her head and made a sign to lower my tone.

"SHH! keep it low!"

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?! We could make a statement in the police station." I feel bad for her. My little sister is not the type of person that will open up to people easily, she's been depressed as her mental state is not stable. We even caught her cutting her arms with a sharp knife.

"I-i wanted to tell you a long time ago, but you always seem so busy and I don't want to take your time," explain Hanabi.

"You should tell me long ago! Look, right now I might not be able to bring you to the police station. I want you to go with Mom and Dad after this and fail a case. You hear me?"

"Yes, Nee-san. I understand.."

"What else have you been feeling?"

"I got a weird text message from an unknown number. Sometimes I can't even read the text, It's like a different language."

"Have you tried googling it? Show me the text." Hanabi shows me all the messages from the unknown number, she even blocks the user number but it always comes back to her with a different number.

"I think this is a stalker number. Whoever is this person, I think he wants to scare you to death and made you feel stressed about it. Do you have anyone in your mind? A person or a stranger you ever helped before?"

"None. I'm not sure about it, I have helped a lot of people recently. I save someone's pet from a wide dog, I helped a grandma with heavy stuff, and I even helped my classmate with their project. So I don't think I can point out who."

"Hmm. I guess you just need to make a statement and show the text to the officer and let them do their work. As for you, after school activity please head home straight with a friend okay? Do not walk alone!" I remind Hanabi to stay cautious of her surrounding. She might be feeling a bit hard to follow the rule, but she has no choice other than that. For almost 30 minutes we're on the road, and finally, we reach the front gate of the Airport. Dad parks the truck at the side, and we all lifted the boxes to the trolly. I check my tickets and head back to my family before I depart from them. We have our last goodbyes and I walk towards the plain. I wave for the last time as I step into the elevator.

I was on a plane for almost 3 hours to reach Tokyo. As soon as I landed, my friends pick me up at the airport. All 3 of them are Ayumi, Nanako, and Jasmin. They are my online friends, I met with them a lot of times, and sometimes they will come and visit me at Hiraizumi.

"The freshman is here! Congrats!" Say Nanako, she's the wide one, always on the run from police for breaking the red light. Also, she's majoring in Opera and Musical arts.

"Welcome to Tokyo!" Say Ayumi, she's the softest and warmest person besides my mother, she's taking a Major in Fashion design.

"I guess I have another victim to be fed." Say, Jasmin, is the most creative and most talented person in food, majoring in Culinary Art.

All three of them attend Campbell University and they are my senpai. A year older than me, but they seem to be comfortable with me. I met them thru an online game and since that, we have been hanging out together.

"Hello hello! We met again guys!" We all jump in a group hug and everyone was happy to have me around. They help me with my bags and boxes before heading to my new apartment.

"So you must be hungry.." Say Jasmin while putting my bags inside her minivan.

"Yea, I'm quite hungry actually."

"Lucky for you! Jasmin brought food with her and we can eat it at your new apartment!" Say Nanako. We enter the car and like always it was Nanako who was driving us around Tokyo city.

"What kind of food you have cooked for us?" I ask Jasmin, wanting to have a taste of her cooking.

"You'll see. Just wait til we get home," responded Jasmin, always keeping the excitement and mystery.

"I can't wait!" I'm so excited to be here, in the big city with them. Living my best life here and enjoying my nightlife with them. I'm pretty sure I was daydreaming when suddenly Ayumi touches my forehead, she might think I have a cold due to the stress and also the opening ceremony tomorrow.

"Hikari, have you called your parents and let them know that you've safely arrived in Tokyo?" ask Ayumi, she's the second mom beside my mother. She always made sure that we all behave and never missed a thing, especially an important event in the game.

"Oh!- I haven't called them yet. Let me make a quick phone call!" I take out my iPhone and dial my Mother's number. It takes a few rings and she finally answers my calls.

"Mother! I've safely arrived in Tokyo and now I'm on my way to my new house with the seniors."

"That's such a piece of good news! Make sure you say your thanks to them properly and never forget your manner," said Mom/

"How's everyone? Are you okay?" I ask.

"Your sister is asleep in her room, as soon as we got home. She seems the most tired among us. Your Father helps Aoi's Grandma with the temple. So he might return home anytime now." explain Mom on the other side of the phone.

"Well, I'll keep in touch with everyone as much as I can. I have to go now, Mom. Take care!"

"Alright, honey. You take care of yourself too. Don't forget to eat okay? Stay healthy." Remind Mom.

"Alright, Mom.. I'll be hanging up now." I ended the phone call as we enter the gate of my new apartment. We come out from the minivan and start carrying my stuff into the house. With an open kitchen and a living room with one bedroom, It's the cheapest rent I could get using my student Id.

"Alright! Let's celebrate Hikari's arrival by having a feast made by our one and only famous chef JASMIN!!!!!!" We all applaud as Jasmin brought out a big tray of food and places it on the small table.

"Oh my god! This is a lot!" I lose my speech as I saw the amount of Food Jasmin has prepared for us.

"This is nothing big! Now everyone, let's eat!" shout Jasmin.

"Ittadakimas!" We all dig in and have fun chitchatting about upcoming plans and new spots to hang out. After such a long day, they all excuse their self and head home.

"Thank you, guys! I'll see you guys tomorrow!"

"See ya kid! Don't be late," said Nanako.

Now it's time for me to unpack my clothes and prepare my uniform for tomorrow's ceremony. I took out my clothes and hang them in my closet. After cleaning up, I straightaway head to the toilet and enjoy my hot tub before going to sleep.

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