
Chapter 1 -In the middle of nowhere

Feeling a cold and tickling sensation on my feet while feasting on a delicious spread in front of me, I try to shake it off so that I can continue feasting, but the sensation just refuse to go away. I take my eyes away from the meal for a moment to see what was making me feel that way but I couldn't see anything out of place, I turn my head sideways and in doing so I am suddenly jolted awake, only to realize the feast was a dream. I look down down on my feet in a annoyance to figure out the reason for the cold and I am shocked to see water rising up to my ankle. I try to stand up but fine my self bound, I desperately try to free myself while looking around but all I can see is a vast ocean in front of me.

How did I get here I wonder? But I'm unable to remember his I got there. "Miss, Miss", I seem to here someone calling from afar. "Miss you have to survive, you have to live on , forget the past" the voice continues speaking abeit very faintly making me strain my ears to hear. I look around in search of the voice and I seem to see a person struggling in the water a little bit far from me, the person continues to struggle for a few minutes before the wave eventually carries him aware, drowning him in the process I believe. Seeing the person drowned in a matter of minutes I suddenly realize I am also in the middle of an ocean and I might also drown any moment from now and so I continue to struggle with my bound a eventually break out of it. After successful freeing my self, I observed my surrounding and notice I am on a boat albiet a broken one which was on the verge of being sumerged, in my confused state, I try to think of what next to do when I suddenly heard a voice in my head "grab the oar quickly and begin to paddle" what is an oar I wonder? "The long wood next to you, you dumb head" the voice says. I quick grab it and begin to paddle before I suddenly realize that there was nobody beside me, so I began to wonder where the voice came from when I heard anothe shout In my head " go faster unless you want to die, this is not the time to think" the voice spoke again and I decided that the voice was right I needed to paddle faster before my boat capsizes.

While paddling I look ahead of me and i could see a vast land in the far distance and seeing that motivated me to increase my effort in a desperate attempt to get to land as soon an possible.

Suddenly I heard a loud shout from afar which prompted me to look back for a splt second and a chill immediately went down my spine as I saw 5 boats behind me with more than 3 huge and fierce looking men in each boat. " Move faster, one said, we have to get her" another said, " we need to kill or or the master will kill out family", "how did she escape from her bound and what happened to the other men who were supposed to watch her on that boat", "go, go, go" several men kept shouting each saying a different thing but one thing was sure, they were after me to kill me. Hearing their shout I was so scared that I put in more effort to paddle fast while crying and pleading for help to anyone out there who was listening. Just when the closet boat was about to reach me I heard a loid sound but I was too scared to look behind, the sound continued and I could hear the voices of the men shouting so I had no choice but to look behind and what I saw left me shocked. The 5 boats earlier has been broken to pieces and the men where attempting to swim but the current was so strong that in a matter of seconds they all drowned. The strong current pushed my boat further and I was almost on the shore. Another loud sound prompted me to look back and I saw a huge ship with huge canons from afar and from the deck I seem to see a figure waving at me, and several others standing erect. I heard another sound from the ship and something shot up towards the sky, I looked up at the sky to see a beautiful display of flashing colours which suddenly filled my heart with a powerful wave of emotion I couldn't identify.

"Goodbye miss, have a wonderful life and stay strong" a powerful voice from what seemed like a speaker spoke. I looked back towards the ship and realized I was too far away to see it anymore, so I looked in front of me and saw that I had arrived on the shore.

The voice in my mind spoke again "Welcome to a new beginning, a fresh start".