
The Unknown Valorants

Multiple Stories following multiple leads in a world similiar to ours First Story-Evaiden One Evening, A Dead Body Was Found Lying in the outskirts of Leoright, From the Looks of it, It was as if an Animal had eaten it but when his back was checked, they found a mark not resembling any animal they had ever seen, and so the question was raised "what was it that killed this person"

Alight · SF
4 Chs

1.1 Death Of the Outskirts

In the outskirts of Leoright

A Police car was driving on the road with its siren on as it soon after stops nearby a giant forest with multiple police cars around as a Man comes out wearing a brown coat as a Man comes running towards him and says "Sorry for calling you so late night sir" The Man hears that and says "No Problem, just tell me what happened" "Yes sir, the victim couldn't be identified because well..this person has horribly been eaten by something" replies the Officer as his senior asks "Hmm...but this forest doesn't have any wild animals so how is that possible" The Officer hears this and replies while taking out something from his back "that's the thing, sir, we don't know what ate it, but it doesn't seem to be a normal animal to me, Because...well it would be better if you see for yourself" handing out some photos to his senior.

The Man looks at the Officer in worry as he takes the photos and sees through something unexpected, giant claw marks on trees, rocks and at the last photo, his eyes open wide as he sees a body with multiple slashes on different parts of his body along with some parts missing as if they got eaten by something, The Man was shocked to see this as he says "what the hell....is this"

Same Day

7 Hours Ago

A Bell starts ringing as multiple students come out of their classes and start heading towards their locker while one student with his headphones around his neck closes his locker and with his bag's strap around his right shoulder starts walking towards the exit when someone calls him and says "Hey Aiden, Wanna hang out today" "Sorry, No can do today, have some work to attend" replies Aiden as the person replies "Oh, Ok, then will see you tomorrow" Aiden agrees as he then starts walking through the hallway as he soon leaves the building and starts heading towards a bus stop nearby.

soon after a bus arrives at that stop as Aiden sits down on a seat in it while giving out a sigh as he puts on his headphones and then from his phone plays a song that best suits his mood, and soon after that the bus starts moving heading to different roads and stopping at multiple other spots while Aiden was just looking out of the window peacefully listening to his song and before he knew it, the bus stopped at the stop he was supposed to get off, and so he did while taking off his headphones and walks through a small street walking towards somewhere when he feels his phone vibrate.

He takes it out from his pocket and sees a message in the notification bar from a person named Luke, he double taps on it to open the message and sees Luke say "you are coming today, aren't you?" Aiden sighs as he replies "Yeah, but stop messaging me about it or I will not" and then presses the send button as he puts back the phone in his pocket and continues to walk forward as he soon reaches a two-floored apartment building where he walks up the stairs and reaches a door at the end of the hallway, he takes out a key from his bag and opens the door to walk into his apartment.

After turning on the lights, he puts his bag on the nearby table as he stretches his body and then lies down on the bed as he says "Man, I am tired..." and before he knew it, he slowly dozed off to sleep as he suddenly hears some police sirens and a person shouting "MOM!" as the police takes the person away and her mom was taken into an ambulance as he then hears someone say "I am sorry" as Aiden then opens his eyes and thinks "Ah...I slept huh" He slowly stands up and sees the sun setting and crows crowing as he thinks "what is the time" as he looks at it and sees it was 6:30 in the evening and thinks "I still have a little more time before the meetup so should probably make something to eat or else I will seriously die of hunger" as he then walks towards his kitchen and starts preparing some food, the story continues.

End of 1.1