
The Universal Villain[Old]

(This Fan-Fic has been rewritten. While still enjoyable to some this one has a lot of plot holes and other bullshit. So if you want a more complete version check out the rewrite.) Shen had obtained a strange system that gave him the chance to get abilities ranging across multiple fictional universes. The system only requires him to make it a better version of its former self by defeating or killing anyone or thing that is more powerful than an average human. At the same time, Shen personally doesn't care what he has to do as long as he gets stronger abilities. This is a story about a boy who does not care about the damage he causes or the people around him. What kind of chaos is he going to cause ripping through universes for fun and with the sole goal of becoming stronger, and what kind of impression will he make on the original characters involved?

Aizen_Dleitch · アニメ·コミックス
130 Chs

The Zero Squad (1)

"Damn they really did a number on this place didn't they." A man with puffy black hair and sunglasses looked around with a large smile on his face. "What a shame that we arrived so late." The woman known as Kirio with purple hair scanned the ground below them. "How much power would someone have to use to do all this."

Glancing at Kirio, Senjumaru is a slender woman with long black hair and a golden ornament. "Yes though if they were able to beat Yamamoto it should be expected at the very least." It was then the space in front of the Zero Squad began to split open vertically. Revealing a dark void the sound of footsteps echoed into their ears.

"Well, even I couldn't destroy the entire world sadly I'm not god." As Shen's leg extended out of the dark void it was immediately coated in a dark light as black armor began to fold and appear on his body like scales. Fully walking through the dimensional gate, Shen's figure cloaked in black armor with its rugged cape blowing in the wind created a tense scene as the portal closed behind him.

"Though at the end of this encounter I will be the closest thing to it you've ever seen." Looking at Shen with a sideways glance a loud yet chilling laugh came from the black-bearded man with a bald head from the back. "With such a bold statement I am guessing you are the irregularity." Smiling at Shen with a big grin with his arms crossed Ichibe examined Shen and down as if confirming something. "So it is true you don't have Reiatsu."

It was while Shen and Ichibe were recognizing one another that Tenjiro snickered. "Him really? He looks like a kid. I doubt he's even 100 years old." Taking the small stick in his mouth out and throwing it away. "Well, whatever let's just get this crap over with." Done with the idle chatter, Tenjiro used a flash step appearing above Shen's head in an instant. 'He's really faster than all the captains.'

"Should we stop him?" Looking at Ichibei, Kirio asked though it was obvious she wasn't worried. "No we're here to kill him; it doesn't matter how it's done. Though if he dies this easily then we may have to manage the next Head Captain a little more." Laughing out loud Tenjiro yelled out while pulling out a large wooden paddle. "Shine! Kinpika!" Removing gripping the wide end of the paddle with his toes a short blade was revealed as it gleamed with radiant light.

It was at this moment that Shen looked up at Tenjiro and the rest of the Zero Squad as he whispered to himself. In an instant Tenjiro almost froze up as the oppressing dominance of the Rinnegan appeared in his head along with the rest of the Zero Squad. "Shinra Tensei." The gravity around Shen warped as it expanded outwards with incredible force.

Before Tenjiro could even swing his Zanpakuto he was slammed against this force and sent hurtling into the air as a strong air erupted around Shen. "Not bad for someone with any real combat training." Smirking at Shen Tenjiro began to slow himself mid-air while spinning his Zanpakuto clockwise like a propeller. "But how do you fare against this." Stopping the rotation of his Zanpakuto he aimed the tip of his blade towards Shen as the sound of rushing water made itself apparent.

"Heh if you're gonna fight me at least try I'm not playing games with you." Starting as a spark from his palm Shen's entire body suddenly erupted. Normally he wouldn't use such an ability until it had reached above level 7-8 in a fight however Shen would now compromise. While level's represented his ability to use technique and mastery along with strength it was his Power stat that truly made up the difference.

And with his power stat being as high as it was you can be sure it was extremely hot. As a tsunami of boiling hot water rushed up from behind Shen preparing to engulf him the fire surrounding his body expanded. Witnessing this from afar Tenjiro smiled. "Do you really think you can deal with this with your puny flames?"

Hearing that Shen's body flexed instantly the fire expanded. Without regulation, the fireball expanded to the size of a building almost immediately engulfing everything around Shen causing the air's temperature to rise sharply. "Wooh that's pretty hot not gonna lie." Looking at Shen's flames as they reflected in his glasses Oetsu looked excited.

As Shen's flames came in contact with Tenjiro's special spring water as tons of steam-exploded and rose up into the air. However, one didn't need to look past the steam to see that Tenjiro's spring water had evaporated. "Now how about we try this again. My name is Shen, it is a pleasure to meet you. I would personally appreciate it if you didn't hold yourself back or else…"

Flashing into existence with a golden light, a massive buddha statue appeared behind Shen. In one swift movement, the statue moves one of its hands that shot through the air breaking the sound barrier instantly. As a dark void opened in front of the large palms path and another one appeared to the side of Tenjiro, Shen's actions that happened in the briefest of moments.

Almost slamming directly into Tenjiro's body if not for him being proficient in flash step he dodged Shen's attack by a hair as a vacuum was instantly created as the palm flew by. As the hand stopped an intense amount of air pressure was shot in the palms general direction colliding with the ground engraving a path into the ruined city below.

"I'll kill you before you even get the chance ok?" Making his intentions clear through his bloodlust and attack, Tenjiro appeared close to the rest of the Zero Squad members sweating slightly. "If you think that you can beat me with an attack like that then you're crazy." Holding his Zanpakuto in a piercing position, Tenjiro rushed towards Shen, calling upon his 'White Bone Hell' spring water.

The water immediately began to circle the blade's tip as the water's temperature rose to an insane degree. 'Now that might be a problem.' Seeing Tenjiro wrap his spring water around his Zanpakuto he immediately prepared to counter, creating a void sword in his right hand. "I'm afraid I can't let you move during this." Creating over five golden arm-like appendages from her back, Senjumaru used a flash step appearing behind Shen and quickly wrapping his body up in thin lines of cloth. As the cloth tightened Shen's arms were forced to his side. "I don't need my arms to deal with you."

Firing out a burst of Ki from his legs Shen jumped mid-air while twisting his body at a rapid pace. Senjumaru didn't know what Shen was doing as all her golden arms began to tangle into one another. "He's fast." Slicing nothing but air, Tenjiro twisted his paddle-like Zanpakuto so the blade was facing upwards.

"Outa the way!" Reacting to Tenjiro's yell she quickly moved from in front of Shen while he was still in mid-air. Changing the direction of his attack mid-swing, all of Tenjiro's force was directed in an upward arc slicing toward Shen. The water from the attack was focused directly at the rim of the blade as a sharp blade of water cut through the air.

Twisting his body slightly, Shen used the blade of water to escape from Senjumaru's threads as the water blade continued to fly through the air. The moment it made contact with the clouds in the sky it was like the clouds were hit by an invisible force as it cut hundreds of meters leaving a line in the sky.

'Well, that was close.' Despite the Royal Guard's lack of overwhelming destruction, their attacks are all powerful enough to kill or at least injure a captain level Shinigami in a single strike. Looking at Senjumaru who was still to the side of Shen he extended his arm to her as he spoke. "Bansho Tenin!" Immediately without any control over her body Senjumaru felt herself being pulled close to Shen's palm.

It was as Shen was pulling her that a large black shadow appeared over his head. Kirio holding her giant spatula seemingly made of wood prepared to strike Shen straight from above. "Sneaking up on me is basically impossible you know." Before the strike could even travel another inch the 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva appeared as it's one of its palms moved above Shen's head blocking the spatula.

Taking advantage of its presence, Shen proceeded to strike each of the Royal Guard members. Flying towards Senjumaru first she immediately smacked from the side mid pull, cracking her golden ornament slightly. Flying through the sky with shockwaves flying behind her body she eventually slammed into the earth beneath them as Shen changed his targets.

With a snap of Shen's fingers, he activated his Sharingan's ability, creating over four dozen portals leading to his void pocket dimension around him, Tenjiro and Kirio. Dismissing the Bodhisattva he activated each pocket dimension at once as spikes directly aimed at the two of them shot out from every direction at once. "Crap!"

Dodging out of the way, Tojiro began using flash step multiple times, dodging as quickly as possible while Kirio blocked each spike with her giant wooden spatula. As the barrage continued Shen began to build up Ki in his right and left hands. While in the midst of avoiding Shen's attacks the two of them saw Shen's hands slowly gathering energy.

'We can't dodge in this position.' Blocking another one of Shen's spikes, she quickly began channeling her Reiatsu. As two large orbs of Ki appeared in Shen's hands they also began to crackle. Electricity fluctuated from his hands merging with the orbs as the sky above them turned dark.

This event was noticed by everyone below them as Rukia and Urahara watched the battle from afar. "That's the Zero Squad?" Urahara could tell Rukia was skeptical. "Yes though they are weaker than imagined they would be." Narrowing his eyes, Urahara seemed skeptical as well. 'Or maybe Master Shen is just too powerful.' As lightning etched themselves through the clouds and the sound of a mighty roar shot through the sky.

Striking each of Shen's Ki orbs they were electrocuted even further becoming crimson orbs surrounded by waves of electricity. In reaction, Kirio's body began to morph as branches extended from her body one after another. In mere moments the branches had created a wall in front of her and Tenjiro.

Slamming the two orbs together causing them to fuse Shen proceeded and fired all of the gathered energy. In a flash of crimson red and neon blue the two colors cast light on the clouds and sky causing everything to become a flash. Soon the wall and Shen's attack clashed causing a massive eruption.

As Shen's attack tried to break through the wall Kirio kept reinforcing it with her Reiatsu. Massive wooden chips as big as cars were thrown in every direction hitting the ground below. Meanwhile, Shen's attack caused mini lightning bolts to fire off etching marks into the ground.

"You know that wall might have actually been able to hold. If my attack was made of Reiatsu that is."