
The unhappy bride

The story of Makayla and her fight for love, will she choose her betrothed lover or the person she’s been with since high school. What will happen if she doesn’t do what her parents want her to?

Ellebella · 都市
5 Chs

The truth

After being in the hospital for a couple days I was released. Brice helped me since I had some minor injuries. It was a long ride to the airport, I couldn't shake how Kyle made me feel. He hurt me so much I couldn't believe what he said but nonetheless I deserved it. The though of everything he said made me break down. He doesn't even know if it's his baby. I clearly said might.

"K stop crying over him, let him go honey." She said wiping the tears from my eyes.

"You're right, I have Mike now." I tried to reassure myself that everything would be okay with Mike. I knew it wasn't going to be okay. What if I left on business and came back then he'd assume I was with Kyle and I'd be in the hospital again.

"Stop stressing girl, it's not good for your health." She laughed.

"Whatever. I need to get some sleep." I needed to rest, after everything that went down this past week. All this chaos was getting to me. I slept the rest of way back. Brice woke me up before we began our decent.

"You seem tired."

"I was." I replied half asleep.

"Wake up!" She screamed in my ear.

"I'm up," I was up this time.

"So I went ahead and set up a dinner with your mom, tomorrow at 7, and you will return to work next Friday." She was reading my to do list. I was going to put off the dinner with my mom, how was I going to tell her. She would freak out, then she'd kill me or worse make me have an abortion. The though of it all was terrifying.

"You alright?"

"I feel fine, do I look okay?" I didn't feel fine. I was still stressing over my mom and Kyle.

"You seem worried." She looked me in my eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not looking forward to dinner with my mom."

"Honey I'll be there with you if you'd like?"

"Okay." She tried to reassure me it would be okay but my mom isn't that understanding. She'd freak then go crazy on me and ignore me for a week. I can't tell her everything she might actually kill me if I did, I can just tell her I'm going to be with Mike and that I'm carrying his baby. She'd be happy to hear that. We landed. I all most threw up but I calmed down. I just was ready to be on the ground. It took 30 minutes for him to land on the private strip. We got off but when we did I didn't expect to see Mike there.

"Honey." He said cheerfully greeting me with a kiss.

"Hello" I replied shockingly. He was leading me towards the limo.

"Let's go your moms waiting for you-

"I'm not going anywhere without Brice so get away from me." I said walking over to Brice.

"Makayla don't make me-

"Did you forget that we're in America if you lay a hand on me you're going to be in jail quicker than Oj," he paused as he backed away. "Now you can put my luggage in my car I'd really appreciate it hubby." I demanded as I got into my car with Brice.

"Okay."he said as he did as I asked.

"Where did that come from?"

"I saw my parents fight and I refuse to have the same thing happen to me." I said as Mike finished putting the luggage in my trunk. "See you at home" I said as the driver began to drive.

"Home, Mrs. Austin."

"Yes Jeffrey." I replied as he drove to my penthouse.


Jeffery brought all my bags up and he put them in my room. As I walked in with Brice, I saw my mom sitting at the table with a glass of red wine.

"Mike told me everything."

"Mom you have to understand-

"Understand what I know you're pregnant and I couldn't be happier." She got up and hugged me.

"I'm so glad you understand," I said looking towards Brice. She laughed silently. What did he tell her?

"Oh honey, you're home." Mike said as he came out as we all sat at the dinner table. Brice stayed with me for dinner. My mom was so happy but I still don't know why. What had Mike told her? If he told her a lie then it was all about to hit the fan.

"So mom did Mike tell you I was in the hospital."

"Why were you there?" She looked at Mike.

"Mike do you care to elaborate?" I questioned. Every one was silent. All eyes were on Mike.

"She ugh, Kyle-

"Kyle what?" My mom looked at me.

"Mike hit me." I said quietly. All eyes were on me. My mom stopped eating and we locked eyes. She was crying. The look in her eyes said it all, she didn't want to believe me but she knew how it felt to be beaten and no one believe her.

"Thank you for having me over, I have to go." She said walking towards the elevator. She was gone.