
The unhappy bride

The story of Makayla and her fight for love, will she choose her betrothed lover or the person she’s been with since high school. What will happen if she doesn’t do what her parents want her to?

Ellebella · 都市
5 Chs

In too deep

"Tell me what's going on K!" Kyle demanded.

"Did you use protection?" I asked. Kyle looked at me and shook his head. "Did you at least pull out?" He shook his head. I was pale, it was evident that something was wrong. Kyle insisted I tell him, but I reassured him I was fine. Inside I was dying, I wished I could just leave Mike but it wasn't that easy. I had no choice but to leave with Mike.

"K what's going on?" Brice said interrupting my thoughts.

"I really wish I could-

"I'm not taking no for an answer." She demanded. I asked Kyle to leave, I have to tell Brice, or she'll find out another way. I told her everything, from the wedding to now. She was shocked, she cried when I told her he beat me.

"K you need to tell the Authorities," she cried.

"We're not in America, women are allowed to be beaten here, men are considered the superior sex here."

"Honey we need to get you home and you have to tell your family that you're-

"I don't even know who the father is or if I'm really pregnant, I just need to go home, oh my gosh the company!" I tried to move my right arm, but it was in a cast, I forgot I jumped out of a car yesterday.

"You're kidding, how the hell do you not know who the father is? And they can survive a week without you." She was furious, I felt bad for just now telling her, but it was hard to tell her everything and to see her cry over me. I needed to get back home, I was VP at a PR Firm in New York. I also needed to tell Kyle but I don't want him to do anything stupid to Mike again. How was I supposed to tell him? He'd kill Mike if he knew everything he's done to me. I was in too deep.

"I just need to go home." I said.

"Well you can leave in about two days." She replied.

"Why can't I leave now?"

"Well you have a broken rib firstly, your arm is also broken, and you have two concussions, your head was bleeding so much you still have blood in your hair."

"Are you serious." I said as I felt my head, there were several bandages around the area. I remembered hitting my head as I jumped out of the limo trying to land on my arm, and the lady helping me until the paramedics arrived. Brice and I talked a bit more until she had to take a call. Kyle came in, he looked concerned but he didn't want to intrude.

"What Kyle?"

"So are you really leaving with him." He looked me in my eyes as he held my hand.

"I don't have a choice."

"How can you say that!" He snapped.

"I might be pregnant Kyle!" I screamed, he squeezed my hand as he looked me in the eye. His eyes were filled with hope and disappoint. He was going to find out some way or another, and I rather it be now than later.

"Who's the father?" He said as Brice walked in. She walked towards me and laid her hand on my forehead, nodding for me to tell him.

"This is hard for me to tell you but I think it's Mike." His eyes widened and he let go of my hand.

"So this is the end, you know I though I had another chance with you but you choose to be with him, what does he have that I don't, what does he do for you that I don't. I loved you Makayla- he cried.

"Don't do this to me Kyle stop it."

"It was supposed to be us Makayla! I though you would come back to me but I was wrong, I see you've made your decision and it isn't me. Goodbye Makayla." He walked out. I felt my heart fall to the floor, as his words scarred my heart. When he said goodbye I felt like someone stabbed me in the back. I felt the tears streaming down my face.

"He was going to find out one day Makayla." She said as she wiped my tears. I know she was right but it hurt me more for him to say that to me. I couldn't live with all this chaos. I had to come clean and right now was the time to do it, starting with my Mom.