
The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the Shrew

Not born with a silver spoon in her mouth, Sharlene Cunning-ham is a mediocre individual working for a successful jewelry company. Known as the errand girl of her boss, although she is a private secretary, she is a studious, hardworking, and excitingly bubbly person. Dramatic, Sharlene is a born professional busybody. Applying for a free Pap smear check-up in a newly opened and growing in popularity hospital in her neighborhood due to a promotion of Women's health, Sharlene's mediocre life explodes with more color when her Pap smear examination is confused for an insemination examination. Pregnant, Sharlene storms into the life of Nicholas Ross, the hospital investor. What happens when these two opposite people find themselves in an arranged marriage? Excerpt: That was not possible. No. Sharlene could and would not believe this. How in the world had this occurred? Was it from space? Had she woken from a terrible dream? Is she on another planet or dimension like the mangas, novels, and webtoons she invested most of her time in real? But, by continually pinching the soft part of her wrist that had already turned red from the constant abuse, Sharlene knew she was on the earth and facing reality.

KimAmai · 都市
53 Chs

Chapter Thirty

Guiding her into the building with her hand in the crook of his arm, Nick ignored the curious eyes and whispers surrounding them. Sensing her nervousness, he patted her hands. That action gained her attention, and Nick wasted no time reassuring her everything was fine with a bright smile.

Returning the smile, she stopped fretting.

Satisfied with her compliance, his smile broadened as they walked towards the smiling receptionist's desk.

"Welcome to Biastro. How may I help you?"

"I called earlier and reserved a table here."

He spoke sincerely and politely.

Understandably nodding, the woman glanced at the tablet attached to the large desk.

"May I please know your name?"

"Nicholas Ross."

Astonished, the woman searched through the lists of reservations until she stumbled upon his name. After rapid typing, she pressed a button on the tablet.

"Yes. Carlie from the main floor. Two VIP customers need assistance getting to the room they reserved on the fourth floor. Thank you."

Saying all this through the single earpiece connected to her one ear, Carlie smiled in surprised Sharlene and neutral Nick's direction.

"Please wait a moment. Someone will bring you to your room. And do come again."

"Thank you."

Assertive, he was not bothered by the wait since it would not take too long because it was not five stars for no reason.

Pulling Sharlene towards a large lobby so the other customers could have their chance, he lightly chuckled when she admired the place.

"Is this your first time in a five-star restaurant?"

Blushing when he had caught her staring, Sharlene hurriedly shook her head.

"Not this way."

"I am guessing it was always work-related?"

"Yes. The only time I admired the beauty of the place was during my bathroom break."

Sliding his hand down her arm, he gently grabbed onto her hand. His eyes twinkled with glee, the smile on his lips unmovable.

"Well, tonight you will see everything for as long as you like, so enjoy it, okay?"

Glancing down at their interlocked hands, she soon looked into his eyes with a nod. Soon, their staring contest began, her cheeks turning rosy every minute.

"Mr. Ross?"

Forced to break eye contact, Nick turned in the direction of a female waitress. She was the one who had called for his attention.


Not wasting time, she quickly spoke.

"Hello. My name is Afina, and I am the one who will be bringing you to the VIP room."

Glancing down at blushing Sharlene, he nodded.

"Show the way then."

Pointing at the elevator, Afina spoke, her actions professional and direct.

"Come right this way."

With another sweet smile at blushing Sharlene, he pulled her along to follow the short woman.

Six minutes later, they walked out of the elevator and into another beautifully designed hallway.

Silently chuckling as he admired how Sharlene kept her excitement at bay while she glanced at everything with awe, Nick felt his heart burst with admiration.

It made his footsteps slightly falter, but he quickly resumed his pace when Sharlene glanced in his direction with raised eyebrows.

Brushing her look by looking away, he became lost in his thoughts.

'Was this what people call love at first sight?'

He wondered as he liked the twinkle in Sharlene's eyes.

Soon, Afina brought them toward a private room located at the end of the hallway. Pushing the door open, she slid to the side to allow them access to the room. The room was as beautiful as the rest of the restaurant. A splash of gold, white, and cream brought out the expensive oak round four-seater table and frilly tablecloth.

The ceiling was a high roof, the chandelier falling just above the table. It brought sufficient light into the room though it was late afternoon. That was possible because the shut windows enabled the air-conditioned unit to spread air into the room.

He realized it was in a setting where he felt neither cold nor hot. He was impressed and it was a rare occurrence.

Gently pushing stunned and open-mouthed Sharlene into the room, Nick pulled out a chair in her stead that made her blush.

"Thank you."

Barely over a whisper, she spoke, but he had heard her.

Sitting in the chair opposite her, he turned his undivided attention onto patient Afina.

"Your waiter will be here in the next minute or so to ask for your choice of dish."

The service impressed him. He planned to give an appropriate review after leaving.

"Are there any special dishes this week?"

"Yes. There is. Do you want your waiter to bring a small list you can choose from, Mr. Ross?"

Humming, Nick glanced in Sharlene's direction.

"Do you want to try it?"

Perplexed and nervous, since she had never eaten any of the unique dishes from the restaurants she accompanied Madam Sinclair to, Sharlene skeptically asked.

"Are they expensive?"

Lightly chuckling, Nick shook his head.

"You do not need to worry about the price because I am treating you today, Sharlene."

Her heart was racing, for that was the first time he had said her name. Unlike him, she was too shy to call him by name though he had offered.

"But...I mean...It..."

Rambling, she quickly shut up when he suddenly held onto her hand with a heart-stopping smile.

"Just think about it as a new experience, okay?"

Unable to break away from the spell he had bestowed upon her, Sharlene nodded like a doodle head.

Gently releasing her hand, he gazed up at Afina, who had a blush adorning her cheeks. It appeared she was invading a sweet and warm moment between beloveds.

"Yes, please do, Miss. Afina."

Nodding, Afina glanced at Sharlene for the first time with a smile.

"You will certainly enjoy it, Miss."

Glancing down with another rosy blush, Sharlene wordlessly nodded.

"Then I will be off, Mr. Ross. Do enjoy your meals."


Nodding, Afina left the room by closing the door behind her.

Worried, since Sharlene had suddenly gone silent, Nick stood and stooped next to her.

"Are you okay?"

Glancing up, she rapidly nodded.

Seeing the blush on her cheeks, he realized she was just shy.

Lifting his hands to push a loose strand of her hair behind her ear with a chuckle, he placed his hands underneath her chin.

"Why are you always hiding your blushing from me?"

Averting her eyes, Sharlene turned pinker.

"It is embarrassing, and are...are you not too close?"

Stuttering out, she could practically feel his breath on her cheeks.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?"

"Yeah, a little."

Pulling away until there was enough breathing space between them, Nick removed his hand underneath her chin, his fingers tingling from touching her smooth skin.

"Oh, I am sorry. You are just too beautiful."

His teasing comment made her blush a brighter pink, and he smirked.

"You are teasing me again."

Referring to the times they were enjoying their times today, Sharlene placed her palms on her hot cheeks to hide her blush. In every situation, he had commented on her beauty. It was something she knew would always catch her off-guard.

"No, I am not. You are beautiful, Sharlene. Very beautiful, both inside and out, and though we only spent nine hours with each other today, I felt like I knew you all my life."

"Oh, my god. Are you always this cheesy?"

Standing, Nick walked back and sat in his seat.

"Only six days ago."


Gasping, Sharlene was curious.

"Six days ago was the first time we met."

Leaning on the table onto his elbows, Nick smiled.

"Yes, and it was at that moment. When I saw you, something in me changed."

Amazed by this, Sharlene gazed up at him and got enraptured in his smoldering stare again.

The door opened, and a tall young man walked through the door and broke their staring contest. It appeared he was the waiter because he held the menu cards in his arms. As if he had not seen anything, he went right in distributing their menu.

Sharlene hid her blush behind the long menu card.

Her heart palpated in her chest, for she realized she was growing to like her future husband in only one day, or was it from the moment she first saw him? How cliché!

"What would you like to order, Sharlene?"

Biting her lip to control her blush, Sharlene slowly placed the menu back onto the table, her eyes gazing at the waiter instead of patiently waiting for Nick.

She picked the first thing she saw at the top of the list because everything else was too expensive.

"I would like the garlic butter steak and potatoes."

Nodding while writing her order on his tablet, the waiter's eyes turned to Nick.

"And what of you, Mr. Ross?"

With a knowing look in his eyes, Nick glanced up at the waiter.

"I will have the same thing."

Astounded by his choice, Sharlene raised an eyebrow, but he returned it with a wink.

That made her blush.

"Would you like anything to drink?"

"One bottle of red wine."

"Your homemade sweet grape juice."

At the same time, Nick and Sharlene spoke.

That made the waiter hide a small smile. Being in their company, he could feel the love in the air.

"Of course. And this is the list of our special dishes, Mr. Ross."

Saying this, the waiter passed a golden medium size menu card to Nick.

"Your meals will arrive shortly."

Picking up the menu cards, he tucked it and left the room after Nick's brisk nod.