
The Underworld Is A Lustful Place

Our protagonist is sucked into the Lustful Underworld where he is forced to marry a hot Vampire Lord. He is then shared among the high nobles of the Underworld; representatives of supernatural families that hide in the shadows. He would then gain powers that would help him and his new wife overtake the Underworld King. (Cover is AI art I did online)

Lunacia_Yujin · ファンタジー
8 Chs


[A/N: I have another Novel on my main Account, it's called Darkstone Legacy.

https://www.webnovel.com/book/darkstone-legacy_29500232708408805 ]

(Rey's POV)

So this is my life, now? Held captive by monsters....

Not like I had a good one, to begin with. I was alone the majority of the time, a shitty gas station job that didn't treat me well. I had no girlfriend, no friends, nobody that cared for me. My only family died out years ago, my parents passed away when I was young, I was taken in by my adoptive mother who eventually died due to cancer. 

Every friend I made left me due to the fact I was almost always depressed. The true friend I've had was Jake, who died 2 years ago. It broke me, it sent me down a spiral of emotions that caused me to almost take my life. Depression wasn't a joke. 

The only thing good that was worth continuing on was my dog, Sydney...she's gone too. She made me want to live again, I just don't know how to explain it. 

She's gone too, I can't believe it. 

Now I'm stuck here, wherever in the world this is. In a massive courtyard that was overlooked by the dark clouds in the sky where no light shone. The only light that shone was a massive blue flame that raged on on top of a tower, which made no sense. 

I looked up at the flames, I had no idea what they were made of, but knowing physics, that flame must emit a crazy amount of heat. It didn't, it did the opposite, it emitted cold. 

My entire body was shivering due to how cold it was, it pissed me off. A flame isn't supposed to be this fucking cold. 

"Hehe, interesting, isn't it?" I heard Lady Priscilla's voice say 

I turned to see her walk up to me, the little puppy walking behind her. She wore the same dress she wore when I met her a couple of days ago. I assume she got it on the washing rotation, cause she wore a silver one yesterday. 

"Hm...." I said

I don't bother to speak to her, she can hear my thoughts. Every time I think it's a fluke, similar to the Doctor, she confirms that she can in fact hear them. 

I thought a single lecherous thought of her, which isn't surprising, I'm a man and she's a very beautiful woman and-

"Aw, thank you~" She said while blushing, "You think I'm beautiful, Mi Rey?"

There she goes again, reading my thoughts....

I turned around and sighed, "Yea...." I said softly

You know you're pretty, why ask me this?

"Fufu~ I wish to hear it from your mouth, my dear~" She said as she stood behind me


I then felt the puppy's tongue on my bare toes, he was licking them as he wagged his tail excitedly. 

"Hey." I said as I wriggled my toes, "Don't lick them too much." 

Lobo stopped and sat down, panting as he looked up at me. He had a happy vibe to him, something that eased me. Maybe my soft spot for dogs is what is allowing me to stay calm in a situation like this. 

Or maybe they're using that against me....

"No, I want you calm, my dear." Lady Priscilla said, "Come. Your exercise is over, let us go to Brutus personal training room." 

I turned around to face her, "W-What for?" 

"It is time I show you what we're about, Rey." She said, "These past few days were merely to condition your body to this place's climate, which is why you're in this cold courtyard. Now, come. The real training starts now." 


"You are to be married to me, Rey." Lady Priscilla said, "But that won't be till you're officially ready, till your body and soul are conditioned to be part of this world. Until then, I'll place you in an education system...You're going back to school, in a sense." 

I raised an eyebrow, "O-Okay..." 

We were walking down the massive hallways, empty and cold. 

She looked back at me and gave me a warm smile. I swear, the only thing warm in this place was Lobo and her smile. 

"Thank you~" She said brightly

"I would appreciate if you don't listen to my thoughts." I told her

"I apologize, but I can't help hearing a Human's thoughts. It's difficult for me, especially one whose mental fortitude is so weak." She said as facing back in front of her, "But soon, that'll change." 

"I see..." I said

I don't see. I can't understand anything that's going on. 

"Any normal Vampire Clan would've forced themselves on you, defile your body, and turned you against your will." She said, "I will not do that." 

Vampire Clan? Turn me? They wanted to turn me into a vampire? I thought I was....whatever she called me...a Primordial. 

"You are of Primordial blood." she said, "All will be taught to you in my system, worry not. But I want your Human self to be conditioned to the point that you're ready to receive my blood." 

As she said this we arrived at two massive wooden doors and without touching it, she opened them by waving her hands. 

Inside, there was a massive platform in the room where Brutus stood, wearing no shirt. He had a muscular yet so pale body, filled with nothing but scars. His blood-red eyes were so scary as always. 

"Worry not about his eyes." Lady Priscilla said as she stopped and gave me a smile, "It's his mind and body that should worry you. Brutus is one of my best lieutenants, loyal only to me. I turned him myself. He was the one who figured out that the Clans would strike at you while I couldn't figure out where you were, he found you. Also, he fought off several rival Clan Vampires and killed them, sent their heads back to the Clans as a message to stay out of my way." 

I blinked, "Huh?" 

What Clans? What attack? I don't remember any of that. Brutus said that I was attacked by Vampires but the only thing I remember before him pulling off that bag from my head was walking Sydney down the park. 

"Your memory is jumbled, It's fine." Lady Priscilla said, "It's for the best, though. From what Brutus told me, it was the Nightworth Vampires that attacked you...Brutal....have you ever read that book that kickstarted a very popular trend with giant Sandworms in a desert planet, you know the one." 

I do know the one. I read all the books. What's she getting at? These Nightworths are like the bald guys or something?

"Bingo~" She said with a smile, "Exactly that, they're Brutal." 

"Okay..." I said

She then clapped her hands, "Brutus!" She said, "Your turn." 

"Up here, Sir." Brutus pointed at the platform

I slowly walked over to it as Lobo was running in circles around me, barking loudly. 

"Here, boy." Lady Priscilla lifted him up in the air by pointing at him

Lobo was wagging his tail as he levitated while Lady Priscilla walked over to him and placed him in her arms. 

As I climbed on the platform, which was only two feet off the floor, Brutus began to pace around. 

"Do you know what we are?" He asked

I nodded, "Vampires..." I said

"That is right." Brutus said, "We are Vampires. What do you know of Vampires?" 

"Creatures of the Night, immortal, blood-sucking monsters...." I said, "Weak to wooden stakes and garlic...." 

"Hmm..." He said as he stood in place and gave me a serious look, "Wrong about the wooden stakes and garlic." 

"Oh, so the rest is true." I said nodding, "Good to know." 

"We are Supernatural Creatures of the Night, born of the Blood of the Onyx Mother." Brutus said as he walked over to me, "We are Immortal, we are Eternal, we are the Nightmares of The Shadows....but you're also wrong about one more thing; We are not Monsters." 

I raised an eyebrow, "How so?" 

"Monsters are mindless animals that only seek destruction on instinct." He said, "We are not mindless, we're sentient and well aware of our blood-driven curse." 

"Your definition of Monster is different than mine." I said

"I don't doubt it." He said, "One more thing, you've noticed Lady Priscilla's abilities, correct?" 

"Telekinesis? Telepathy?" I asked, "Normal Vampire stuff?" 

"Wrong again." He said as he swiped his hand at me 

I was suddenly hit by a bright blue flash of light that sent me crashing to the ground. 

"Aghh!" I shouted in pain


"Calm thyself, Lobo." I heard Lady Priscilla tell the pup as I stood back up

I looked down at my chest, It was slightly charred, a searing pain shaking me to my core. 

I looked up at Brutus who was giving me a serious stare, "W-What the fuck?!" I said

"Magic." He said, "We Vampires are not just Creatures of the Night...." 

"We are Children of Magic."