
The Underworld Is A Lustful Place

Our protagonist is sucked into the Lustful Underworld where he is forced to marry a hot Vampire Lord. He is then shared among the high nobles of the Underworld; representatives of supernatural families that hide in the shadows. He would then gain powers that would help him and his new wife overtake the Underworld King. (Cover is AI art I did online)

Lunacia_Yujin · ファンタジー
8 Chs


(Rey's POV)

"W-what?!" I said as the bag over my head was pulled off right away, "Who are you people?! What is this?!" 

I was tied to a chair, my hands and feet bound by rope as a single light shone on me from above. I looked up to see a lightbulb dangling from the ceiling. 

I looked around, my eyes couldn't focus. All I know is that I was kidnapped by a bunch of ridiculously strong man.

"Rey.....what's this last name?" a voice said

I turned to see a tall and pale man with blood-red eyes looking at a file in his hands,

"What?" I said as I was full of pure anxiety, "Who are you?" 

"Is this Spanish?" He said, "Na? Wait, korean? What kind of name is Rey Na? Some sort of wordplay? Reyna? You a queen?' 

I frowned, "What's it to you, asshole?" I said, "I'm adopted." 

"Figures." He said closing the file, "Bleed him." 

I then felt several hands grasp me, gripping me tightly, an indescribable pain from the strength. 

"W-What?!" I exclaimed, "G-Get your hands off me!!" 

I then felt my wrists being cut with some sort of blade, no...it felt weirder.....

I looked down to see pale grey hands gripping my hands as claws were stabbing down. My entire body began to feel numb as blood poured out of the cuts. 

I couldn't tell where the hands came from, I'm assuming from more men that I couldn't see exactly. It didn't matter at this point, even if I tried to escape, I wouldn't make a difference.

"Ah.... " I said softly

"Hm...." the man said, "That's interesting...the scent of this blood...she was right! It is him!" 

My head hung forward as my vision blurred, "What's going on...?" I said weakly

"Relax." the man said as he crouched in front of me, "We won't kill you. We require your blood as proof that you are the one our Lady requested. She's been looking for someone like you for a long time." 

I looked at him, the closer he was to me, the more I could make his scars out on his face. He gave me a sly smirk as he reached his hands towards my wrists. 

"Blood...?" I said as I blinked, "Ah....my head....." 

"Yes." He said, "Blood..." 

I then felt a searing pain come from both my wrists. I looked down to see him holding his hands over the cuts in my wrists, emitting a bright orange light. 

"H-Hurts...." I muttered weakly

"There ya go...." He said, "Don't be such a baby..." 

He then picked up two different cups that were filled with blood, my blood. 

"My blood...." I said

He stood up and smiled, "Yes." He said, "Your blood. Alright, guys, put the bag over him." 


"Where am I?" I said as I laid on the medical bed and looked at the ceiling, "This is too much...I don't know what's going on...?" 

"Interesting....this specimen is quite sturdy...." I heard a raspy voice say, "He'll be ready for preparations...." 

"He's not food." I heard the voice from the man from earlier, "He's Him." 

"Him? Absurd." the raspy voice said

"Doc, just make sure he's in shape for our Lady." the man told him

I moved my neck to see the man, this time he was wearing a long black coat. He was standing in front of another pale-faced man who had dark circular glasses on him. He wore a white lab coat as he had a scalpel on his hand. Something about this told me that I was probably going to die. 

I didn't want to die....I had just taken my dog out for a walk.....this is bullshit.....I was a virgin....

"The specimen is a Virgin." the raspy voice said, "Age 20, 6'3, muscular and with potent blood. How is he not food for our Lady?" 

How the hell did he know I was a virgin? Can he read my mind?

He walked over to me, and a massive scar ran across his paper-white face, "I cannot read minds, I can tell what you're thinking by looking at your expressions." He said, "As for how I knew you were a virgin? I can smell it on you. A Virgin's blood and virgin blood are two completely different things; one is blood belonging to a virgin and the other is blood that hasn't been used for any defiling rituals...or something like that....Yours happens to be both. Extraordinary, you don't get this high-quality potent blood as both!" 

"Doctor Augustus..." the other man said, "Now's not the time for shit like this." 

I frowned, "Blood? Smell it on me..." I croaked, "What are you...?" 

"Silly boy." He said with a wicked smile, "Isn't it clear? We're Vampires~" 

Vampires? What?

"Why would you tell him that?" the other man

"Brutus, my boy!" the man who I think is Augustus said, "There is no point in keeping that information from him, he's about to die.....erm.....well, you said he was the one?" 

"Right..." Brutus said, "It's him. Treat him well." 

"Alright then...some modifications???" Augustus said

"No." Brutus said, "Make sure he's sanitized, that's all." 

"Bummer." he replied

What's going on? I have no clue what's happening! These are Vampires? What? Who? What Lady? Am I gonna die?

"You're not gonna die." Brutus said as he approached me, "Your life is about to change.....to what it was meant to be.....from tomorrow on, you'll be our Lady's Man....her mate for life...eternity...." 

"You're marrying our Master."