
The Underworld Is A Lustful Place

Our protagonist is sucked into the Lustful Underworld where he is forced to marry a hot Vampire Lord. He is then shared among the high nobles of the Underworld; representatives of supernatural families that hide in the shadows. He would then gain powers that would help him and his new wife overtake the Underworld King. (Cover is AI art I did online)

Lunacia_Yujin · ファンタジー
8 Chs


(Rey's POV)

"There is no escape from here, my King...." Lady Priscilla said as I walked behind her, "So don't think about doing anything foolish, it would break my heart." 

My head was hung, my eyes looking at the bright white tiles on the floor. I had no idea why my life has resulted in such a thing, I was in the grasp of a Vampire.....Vampires....

They were real, Vampires.....she fed on the girl right in front of me....

Was the girl alive? Is she okay? Are they going to feed on me? Just what the hell was going to happen to me?!

"We're here." Lady Priscilla said as she stopped in front of the door, "For now, this is your room." 

I looked up to see a similar type of door to the one of her study. 

"I..." I said softly, "What..." 

She opened the doors and walked inside, turning around and smiling at me, "Come inside, My King...." She said with a warm tone, "This is your room~" 

I felt Brutus pushing me from behind, slightly but firmly. 

"Go on." He said

I walked inside and looked around, it was a massive room that had simple furniture and very little amount of framed paintings compared to the entirety of the halls I had seen. 

"Oh...." I said, "Quite big...." 

She walked over to the massive king-sized bed that was at the far end of the room, "Come." She said patting on the mattress, "Sit with me." 

She sat down and crossed her legs, her thighs exposing themselves slightly more. 

"I...." I said, "Okay...." 

I managed to walk over there without Brutus holding me from behind, his firm hand was constantly on the small of my back. It was as if he knew that I couldn't move easily, the shock and everything that I received. 

I slowly sat down next to her, feeling the cold aura that she emanated. Despite this feeling, she gave me nothing but a heartwarming smile. 

"It's okay..." She said placing her hand on my shoulder, "I understand how this must feel, it's overwhelming....but soon, Mi Rey, you'll understand why....why this must've happened. I told you, that you were gonna die and that I saved you. But that is the tip of the iceberg. Until you're ready, until you've grown strong, I will keep the real truth from you...." 

I looked down, "I.....I don't care...." I said, "I wanna go home, I....I'm not suited for stressful situations like these.....my heart....it's weak....I need my meds....I need....I can't....I have to see my dog...." 

"Oh, you poor thing..." She said, "They've fooled you, huh? Meds? Human chemistry that has caused your mind to confuse itself, You will not need that! It angers me so that they've clouded your mind that way." 

I looked at her, "What?" 

She pointed at my chest, "Your body has no need for chemical aid." She said with a smile, "You are special, a Primordial..." 

"A what now?" I asked

"Relax." She said, "I'll explain that when the time comes. But there is one thing I am saddened to report to you..." 

Her expression changed to a sad one. 

As this happened, Brutus approached us and placed his hands behind his back, "Sir, I am anguished to report this..." He said with a sudden change of tone, "Your dog, your uhm....was it a German Shepherd...? I think...She...she died when we found you..." 

I looked at him, "What?" I asked softly

What the fuck were they talking about? Sidney died? What? My dog died?! How?!

"I understand the bond a human has with their pet dog, I understand." He said, "Which is why I didn't want to tell you that. When we found you, you were barely waking up from the attack. That's why you thought we kidnapped you, the truth is, we were sent to help you, like M'Lady said." 

Lady Priscilla leaned in closer to me and placed her head on my shoulder as she patted my chest. I ignored her, I was still in shock. I couldn't believe what I just heard. 

Sidney was dead. The dog my adoptive mother gave me before she died.....I've had her for 6 years....I.....she was the only thing I had left of her. 

"I am sorry, Mi Rey, we couldn't help the poor thing..." She said, "Necromancy was the option, but for an animal, a pet...? It's different...." 

I felt as tears rolled down my cheek, "Oh..." I said, "I-Is that so....." 

"I deeply apologize. If she had been alive, we would've brought her with you. She'd be in this room at this moment." Brutus continued, "Such was Lady Priscilla's orders." 

"I'm sorry..." Lady Priscilla said

Was this a trick? Some way to make me appreciate them? Were they feigning sympathy? Vampires are monsters, right? Yes, that's right, their only care is for human blood. They're fucking with me.....they're only doing this so I can get my guard down....They-

"Shhhh....." Lady Priscilla whispered in my ear, "I can hear them....those anxiety-filled thoughts....Mi Rey, I would never hurt you....." 

She....she can hear my thoughts...?

"Yes~" She said, "But no matter." 

She stood up and snapped her fingers. 

In an instant, a person appeared with a poof of smoke, this was a young asian-looking woman with dark blue hair and blood-red eyes. She was wearing a maid's outfit, a black one. I could see her cleavage from here, even her thick and nice thighs.....

Why was I thinking this? 

"Ho?" Lady Priscilla said, "Is Akane to your liking?" 

"M'Lady." The girl said, "I brought the 'animal' you've asked for." 

I saw as she lifted a small puppy into the air in front of her. It looked like a black puppy, I couldn't tell since my vision was blurry due to the shock of hearing that my Sydney was dead. If it was even true....

"Oh!" Lady Priscilla said, "A black one~" 

Lady Priscilla turned around with a bright smile and walked over to me, handing me the puppy. I instinctively took it in my arms and felt as it nuzzled up to me without question. 

"From what the human told me..." The maid girl said, "It is a King German Shepherd....a black one....they grow to be quite big and require a lot of maintenance.....I never understood the appeal of Dogs....I'll rather have wolves." 

"Wolves are too vicious, especially the ones from these parts, Akane." Brutus said, "Dogs, however, they'll turn out how you nurture them." 

"Quiet, you two." Lady Priscilla said

I looked down at the dog, it was simply looking up at me with its round black eyes, nothing but curiosity and innocence in them. 

"You..." I softly said, "You're a boy? Or a girl...." 

I lifted the puppy up and looked down at it's privates, it was in fact a boy. 

"Hm..." I heard Lady Priscilla say, "Maybe a female, similar to his Sydney....it would've been more appropriate..." 

"N-No...." I said, "Nobody could replace her...." 

I placed the puppy on my lap as it lay there, calmly.

Lady Priscilla walked over to me and smiled warmly, "Oh...okay then..." She said as she patted my cheek, "You must give it a name, dear...." 

"I...." I said, "I guess...." 
