
The Undead Snake

Credit For Amazing Help With this Book. Kissmewithaknife. Lin LanYu is done. He not only hasn't got his wish of eternal rest, but was put in a body with this disagreeable system that seems to contradict him at every turn. Well it doesn't matter he just wants a easy life where he can relax all day long. That life looks like it is within reach nothing should happen, right? I'm not really sure how to write a blurb without giving spoilers or writing part of the first chapter. Also this is my first novel so please don't come at me about any writing errors or short chapters. Another thing the romance part won't come in for a little while because I want the MC to get used to a cultivation world first. Also because plot armor. Thank you! Title may change. Cover is a place holder.

LittleLol · LGBT+
5 Chs

Oh Mr. Arrogant Man Come Here

Thinking it would be fun, Lin Lanyu quietly approached Ning Zheng.

Nuna: Oh god no. I feel a misunderstanding coming along. (╥︣﹏᷅╥)

Lin Lanyu: Hehe. This gonna be hilarious.(๑✧◡✧๑)

Ning Zheng: Fishy come here. Nooooo come back. I wonder when the Second Young Master will be done.( ͡◡ ͜ʖ ͡◡)

Jumping out of his hiding place Lin Lanyu tackles Ning Zheng into the koi pond while screaming. Hearing all the commotion many disciples that were just outside the residence doing daily tasks rushed in showing little to no courtesy or etiquette thinking their dear Second Young Master was in danger. However upon arriving many faces paled and shivered as they believed that they may have interrupted something private. They had come across their beautiful Second Young Master stripping down to his undergarments(A/n: Referring to a pair of trousers and a shirt.) and was with another similarly dressed disciple that was much less likes.

The reason that Ning Zheng was so disliked among the sect was the fact that his cultivation was both low and he wasn't skilled in many areas except for catching animals. Meaning although most other disciples did treat him with respect as he was both favored by the Lin Lanyu and was also a relatively influential individual when it came to worldly matters. Many disciples of the Lin Sect were born and raised in the relative seclusion of the Tranquil Stream.

This being the Sect Land in the Trickling Mountains renowned for its many waterways many of which are used by cities along the mountain range. Thus when it came to worldly affairs such as rebellions and emperors who else would be more proficient than one of the few disciples that was born outside the sect. Although disciples were allowed to travel out of the sect the first years of their lives where they were most impressionable they were brought up in a safe quiet environment completely shielded from the world. Disciples also live in Tranquil Stream and very rarely go into the world for extended periods of times. Although there are countries and the such across the continent none would be able to hold a candle to a large sect much less one of the Five Great Sects.

And here the disciples came across one of the most influential young masters in the world half naked with a disciple that was known as a placeholder. This referring to the point in time when Ning Zheng would lose the favor of the Lin Clan. Now seeing that Ning Zheng was not only very intimate with Lin Lanyu but was also just found half naked with him. Although according to the Lin Sect's rules and morals it was wrong to hold animosity toward a fellow disciple, at this point it was almost impossible not to see the envy and jealousy of the disciples toward Ning Zheng unless one was incredibly dense.

Nuna: Perfectly describing both host and the suitor. Aya! I need a break from these idiots, I'm losing processing power just from watching them.

Jealous Disciple 1: "What happened!? Second Young Master are you alright!? Should we escort Elder Brother back to his room?"

Lin Lanyu: "I'm fine. Although sense we are both soaked wouldn't it be better for him to rest here for a while until his clothes dry."

Hearing this Nuna almost coughed up blood. At the same time the disciples had just gone from 0 to 10 in the period of Lin Lanyu speaking. Faces practically glowing with envy and hate they all turned to Ning Zheng.

Nuna: Wow host is good. He won't even have to kill Ning Zheng himself. At this rate Ning Zheng will be a corpse within the hour. Nevertheless you should never ever trust host with anything important. 'Host don't you still need to meet up with your uncle?'

Lin Lanyu: 'Ohhh right. Ok.' "Well I need to meet with Uncle first and discuss something with him. Either way could you all help Ning Zheng dry off and hang his clothes. Thanks!"

Nuna: Wait a damn minute! What the heck! Dumb host I was trying to keep you from digging Ning Zheng a deeper pit. At this rate Ning Zheng is going to be the center of all the resentment in this sect.

Rushing back to his room Lin Lanyu hurriedly puts his wet clothes on a drying rack while changing his undergarments and drying his own body off. Putting on another light blue this time instead of being plain it has a flower pattern embroidered on it. Now some may refer to said clothing as girlish but Lin Lanyu was a very cheerful person with what the people in this era respectfully call interesting tastes or in a less respectful way girly or useless interests(A/n Both old and new Lin Lanyus are homosexual and bottoms by the way. However not many people knew about either.). In fact some of the other young masters of the Great Sects even speculated that with Lin Lanyu's looks he might have been female. Of course all this was completely dropped when a young master of a large sect got his hand cut off by the Patriarch of the Lin Clan, Lin Lanyu's Grandfather, when he attempted to court his grandson. All is well though as he was compensated by Lin Lanyu's uncle with a pill that could regrow said hand.

Thus Lin Lanyu paid very little mind to the flowery pattern finding it slightly cute. Moving to sit down he took the jade serpent from his hair and started combing his long inky black hair. Of course this lasted quite a while as he found with all the jumping and going through bushes he did has made quite the mess of his hair. Finishing he takes a portion of his hair and repins it with the jade serpent.

Throwing the door back open the disciples on the other side were shocked. Not only were they surprised by the fact that it took less than 10 minutes for him to clean up but also the fact that he never wore his girlish clothes outside his residence since the incident with his Grandfather being over protective. Although that wasn't uncommon as the Lin Clan though small was very powerful in both cultivation and influence and their number one goal was to protect the baby of the clan, Lin Lanyu. So when put in perspective it was pretty mild when the Patriarch only cut off a hand and didn't totally slaughter their whole clan. As in Golmin if you offend the wrong people it is totally okay for those people to end your family line.

Of course none of this was in Lin Lanyu's mind as he rushed past the disciples and out of his residence practically skipping all the way to his Uncle's residence. The reason...

Lin Lanyu: 'Ahh. This boy has got the best family they always give him desserts when he visits. Yes please.'

Nuna: 'First off you gonna be here for a while so I suggest getting in character before you slip up idiot. Second off if they have any jelly tarts grab them.'

Lin Lanyu: 'Ehh. Why would I do that?'

Nuna: 'Because they're really good and also your favorite.' Haa! You think you can trick me, Idiot.

Lin Lanyu: 'Touche and stop going through my head.' Tsk, no privacy I tell ya!

Throwing the door open with little to no courtesy of what exactly his Uncle what was doing. Although as soon as he walked in he had wish he didn't. Why because then he wouldn't have a sword flying toward his head. Instead it would have hit the spiritually inforced door and bounced right back. But as of now a unfamiliar sword from a unfamiliar owner was flying straight at his head.

Lin Lanyu and Nuna: 'Oh Shi-'

With wide eyes Lin Lanyu had practically thrown himself to the side and like any sensible person would do he had thrown himself at the side that was closer so upon closer inspection like very close. Meaning bashing his head of the door frame he crumpled to the floor. The original objective was accomplished however and the sword had missed him and went flying into the bushes.

Now while holding his aching head and standing up Lin Lanyu sees a very arrogant man standing over him. Tsking this mysterious young man walks back inside while summoning his sword back.

Lin Lanyu: 'Boy if I had brought my sword with me I could've easily beat you! Imma hit him Nuna. I'm gonna grab his head and bash that arrogant face into a table.'

Nuna: 'I fully support this! Then grab his sword and slash that pretty face! He doesn't deserve to dirty our sword!'

Whilst both were internally cursing the arrogant man. Lin Lanyu walked into the residence and nursing the growing bump on his head. When Lin Lanyu walked into the main hall both his and Nuna's curses fell away because sitting there was the whole of the Lin Clan which only included 7 people as well as 5 people wearing the arrogant man's robes. One of the five was also said arrogant man but Lin Lanyu couldn't bash his face in especially if the whole of the Lin Clan deemed it worth all of them to be here to greet them. As all eyes turned to Lin Lanyu who had just arrived the arrogant man tsked.

Arrogant Man who may be in a lot of danger: "Servant what are you waiting for serve some tea."

Lin Lanyu: 'What did he just call me? Sir, you are courting death!'

Nuna: 'Agreed I mean have you seen how dark the Lin Clan's faces just got it looks like they're demons out of hell.'

Grandpa and Grandma Lin: I'm sorry I must be getting old but what did you just call my grandson!?

The middle aged man that was sitting next to arrogant man had just unnaturally paled and now looked appalled. Turning to the arrogant man on his right he was about to say something when a pissed Grandpa Lin turned his head ever so slightly so now he was glaring straight at arrogant man and middle aged appalled man.

Grandpa Lin: "I apologize to Master and Young Master Huo but I must be getting to old and misheard what you said to my Grandson."

Nuna: As if! 'Host you didn't even need to do anything and a face slapping is being carried out for you!'

Everyone in the room was a cultivator so they all knew that out of everyone in this room that Grandpa Lin was powerful enough to eavesdrop on a whispered conversation all the way across Uncle Lin's residence. Paling even more the newly named Master Huo which was most likely one of the numerous uncles in the huge Huo Clan. Most of which are of a lower position of Young Master Huo as he is the Huo Sects Heir. The most likely reason for why the Patriarch of the Lin Sect didn't straight up kick them out was because they were richer than us and also had more manpower even if we were had more talented disciples and because the Lin Clan has rules of being courteous to guests.

Nuna: 'These people think they're all that just because they have more influence!'

Lin Lanyu: 'Wait why do they have more influence?'

Nuna: 'Oh. My. Gosh. Idiot! They are a Worldly Sect that is literally located in the heart of a huge city where we are a Seclusive Sect that lives in the mountains who can interfere with more people!' Wow. Just wow. I shouldn't even be surprised anymore. Truly one of a kind. I've never met a system host who is so dense.

Moving to sit down and trying to avoid the awkward silence that had enveloped the room Lin Lanyu had sat down at the nearest seat only then realizing that exact action brought everyone's attention back to him. Nuna's metaphorical jaw had hit the underworld at this point because Lin Lanyu was not only dense but very single minded. He was focusing on avoiding the argument that he just made it worse because he had sat a tier below the guests. Realizing this Nuna started screeching out instructions causing him to discreetly move up a tier. It was indeed discreet and wouldn't have been noticed had it not been for the fact that everyone's eyes were already on the youth.

Grandpa Lin started to think hard and when he thinks to hard he starts to overthink. Thus he started assuming that the arrogant man had lowered his precious grandson's self esteem. Quick to action he stood up and Grandma Lin was thinking the same thing because she too stood up. Both approached the two seated Huos and Grandpa Lin proceeded to toss a scroll to Young Master Huo, Huo BoaFu(A/n: At this moment I just decided to mash two names together both generally meaning rich or jewel. I know my naming sense is bad forgive me!).

Grandpa Lin: "After deep consideration we have decided we will not be hosting the Huo Sects disciples for any amount of cultivation lectures. We sincerely apologize." Ha that will teach you to even bother my grandson.

Nuna: What deep consideration? What sincere apology? Why is this happening?

Absently nodding Master Huo stands and walks out along with Huo BoaFu and the disciples that accompanied them. On the way out any Lin Sect disciples who heard what had happened from either being there or being told by another disciple were all glaring at them not attempting to hide their contempt. Master Huo could only sigh who knew that merely making the mistake of bringing this arrogant nephew of his along would be a disaster. Aiyah what will he tell the Sect Leader, Sorry your son called the Lin Clan's Second Young Master a servant and so the Patriarch kicked us out and if it weren't for the fact that the Huo Clan Patriarch was once very good friends with the Lin Clan Patriarch most likely would have cut Huo BaoFu's tongue out.

Back in the Uncle's residence all was silent as they watched them leave. When suddenly Lin Lanyu's Elder Brother, Lin Shemu, whips around and runs out of the room returning with multiple plates of desserts. As soon as Lin Lanyu saw the desserts all negativity had disappeared and was replaced by a smiling giggling Lin Lanyu. Having skipped not only breakfast but also lunch the atmosphere quickly changed to a warm bubbly one with Grandma Lin playfully chiding Lin Shemu for feeding Lin Lanyu desserts before dinner and so Lin Lanyu's precious desserts were kidnapped and held hostage until Lin Lanyu had eaten his dinner. Thus the whole of the Lin Clan had a enjoyable family dinner.


Finishing the family dinner Lin Lanyu was actually in a very good mood. Not only did he enjoy the food he also enjoyed being the center of attention after all in the orphanage was sadly very understaffed with never enough Nuns to take care of the children. Yes the children's basic needs were covered but their need for attention was never really fulfilled.

Returning to his courtyard he sees that Ning Zheng and the other disciples had long since vacated the premise. Practically skipping to his bedroom with his plates of desserts he opens the door and slides it shut again before setting the plates on the table.

Nuna: 'Alright so I've completed a schedule for tomorrow. First you get up and we teach you cultivation. Then you go outside and practice with the martial arts skills you already know. After which we then go into your room and decide whether we want to complete a cultivation technique or martial arts. After that depending on what time it is we then move on to the library in the sect and get you up to date on everything.' Maybe pick up on some of the juicy gossip on the way there.

Lin Lanyu: 'Martial Arts.'

Nuna: 'Huh?'

Lin Lanyu: 'I've decided on martial arts so take that off the list.'

Turning away from his desserts he opens his status screen and he urges the Hidden Execution Needle Technique to be completed. However instead of completing itself 8 glassy pieces appear on the table. Of these 7 are clear while one looks like it is trapping a purple fog. Taking a chance he pushes all 7 pieces towards the purple fog one when they start melding together slowly until it forms into one spherical piece the size of a medicinal pill.

Nuna: To be honest I am mildly impressed. 'Now swallow it.'

Lin Lanyu: 'Swallow!? Do you see that thing I'm all for pills but the hell that thing is huge! I'd choke on that.' The audacity!

Nuna: 'Fine just set it in your mouth.' I wished you choked.

Lin Lanyu humphs before picking up the pill and placing it on his tongue. Like water it trickled down his throat but before he is able to spit it out he gets a rush of knowledge into his mind leaving him in a daze.

Lin Lanyu: 'You know what Nuna. Re-add the complete the techniques thing because I am not doing that again tonight.'

Nuna: 'Yessir!' Oh this is going to give me infinite enjoyment.

Then a thought dawns on Lin Lanyu.

Lin Lanyu: 'Wait one minute. Do I even have needles to use?'

Nuna: 'No I would recommend going to get some with the excuse of hunting for evil beings. That way we can also practice your techniques in a life and death environment. That would make your mastery better quicker.'

Lin Lanyu: 'Emm... Ok. You won't let me die right.'

Nuna: 'Naa. You just need to use a corpse summoning talisman.'

Lin Lanyu: 'So you will let me die.'

Nuna: 'Of course not and even if I did do you think your clan would let you die. Ha no.'

Moving to the bed Lin Lanyu lays down and closes his eyes. Totally forgetting that he is still in his clothes and that his hair is still up. Without a doubt his hair will be a knotted mess in the morning.

(A/n: He didn't really have a reason to open status so here is his profile)


Name: Lin Lanyu

Cultivation Realm: Golden Core Mid Stage[25935/28400]

Demonic Cultivation Realm: Nothing[I'm sure I don't need to say anything. -Nuna]

-Demonic Cultivation Techniques-

[(Incomplete|6 More Fragments for Completion)Black Blood Seven Orifices Cultivation Technique(Mastery: Unranked(0/6000))]

[(Incomplete|12 More Fragments for Completion)Dark Armageddon Art(Mastery: Unranked(0/35000))]



-Martial Techniques-

[Lin Sect Sword Technique(Mastery: Master(19324/20000))]

[Guqin String Arts(Mastery: Master(18329/20000))]

[Lin Family Twin Swords Technique(Mastery: Exceptionable(14395/15000))]

[Wind-Shot Archery Technique(Mastery: Exceptionable(14983/15000))]

[(Incomplete|4 More Fragments to Completion)Ancient Elegant Behemoth Technique(Mastery: Unranked(0/5000))]

[Hidden Execution Needle Technique(Mastery: Unranked(0/5000))]

-Ability Talismans-

[Mastery Talismans(x1000), Technique Completion Fragment(x8), Corpse Summoning Talisman(x5), Random Treasure Case(x10)]


[Azure Deep Water Spiritual Sword(Grade: 6th Tier/10 Tiers)]

[Azure Mountain Wind(Bow)(Grade: 5th Tier/10 Tiers)]

Ok so if any of you are confused here is the Lin Clan tree.

All of them have the relationships to MC.

Patriarch/Grandpa Lin|Matriarch/Grandma Lin(or Yang)

Lin ZanYan(Father)|Jin FangHua(Mother) Master/Uncle Lin|Deceased Lady

Lin Lanyu Lin Shemu(Brother)

LittleLolcreators' thoughts