
The Undead Knight

In a world where light and darkness are at war, a lone skeleton soldier, once a mighty warrior, stands on the edge of death. The forces of light have won, and the battlefield is covered in snow. Feeling his soul slipping away, the skeleton soldier walks through the snow, haunted by the sight of his fallen friends. Just as he is about to give up, a massive sword appears before him, glowing with an eerie light. With the sword, the skeleton soldier finds new purpose. He sets out to uncover the secrets of the Skeleton King and harness the sword's power. Royal Road/Webnovel Exclusive

7 Chs

The White Knight Pt.1

The scene shifts to a vast, gleaming city, towering with brilliant structures that stretch toward the heavens—the City of Light, home to the angels. This is a place where everything seems possible, a shining beacon amidst the endless struggle between light and darkness. Here, the air is filled with a sense of serenity and promise, a stark contrast to the harsh, desolate world Skalf had just endured.

The streets are paved with a radiant stone that glows faintly underfoot, and the sky above is an endless expanse of blue, unmarred by clouds or shadows. Ornate spires adorned with gold and crystal pierce the skyline, and shimmering bridges connect floating islands, each adorned with lush gardens and flowing waterfalls. Everywhere, there's a feeling of peace and joy—a place untouched by despair.

People wander the streets, their faces filled with smiles and contentment. They are regular humans, living in this city under the watchful eyes of their angelic protectors. Children laugh as they chase each other, their voices echoing through the city like sweet music. Vendors sell fruits that glow softly in the light, artisans craft beautiful wares, and families gather in parks, basking in the warmth of the eternal day.

A colossal statue of an angel, wings spread wide and eyes full of kindness, towers over the city center, a symbol of the light's power and protection. The statue is a reminder of the seven angels who watch over this realm, guardians of peace and prosperity, ensuring that darkness never touches their world.

Yet, despite the overwhelming sense of harmony, there is a subtle undercurrent—a hidden vigilance, as if the angels themselves, though revered, are always ready, always prepared to protect their utopia at any cost.

The City of Light is a paradise, but it is also a fortress. And while its people enjoy their perfect lives, unaware of the dangers that lurk beyond their borders, the angels know better. They know the world is fragile, and they will do anything to keep it from falling into chaos.

In this perfect city, the stage is set for a clash of ideals, where light and darkness will soon meet again, and the true nature of the world will be tested.

Inside the colossal castle, the air was thick with a sense of duty and purpose. Knights moved with precision, patrolling the pristine halls, their white armor gleaming under the soft, golden light that filled the space. Yellow lines traced intricate patterns on their uniforms, symbols of their allegiance to the angels they served. Each knight was armed with a unique weapon—some wielding swords, others with lances or bows—ready for any threat that dared challenge the sanctity of their city.

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the grand alleyway, commanding the attention of every knight in the vicinity. They turned their heads, standing at attention as a towering figure approached. The captain.

His presence was unmistakable, a force of nature that demanded respect. Clad in immaculate white armor adorned with golden accents, the captain's every movement was a blend of grace and power, a seasoned warrior whose mere presence exuded authority. His armor, more ornate than the others, bore the marks of countless battles, yet it shone as if untouched by time. A faint, ethereal glow emanated from his helmet, hinting at the divine nature of his role.

Behind him flowed a long, regal cape, embroidered with the symbols of the angels—a testament to his rank and his duty as the protector of this celestial city. His face remained unseen, hidden beneath the polished visor, adding an air of mystery to his already intimidating figure. Yet, his eyes, barely visible through the slits, seemed to pierce through the souls of those around him, leaving no doubt that he was always watching, always judging.

Strapped to his back was a long sword, its hilt elaborately crafted, radiating an aura of light that was both beautiful and deadly. It was a weapon forged not just for battle, but as a symbol of justice and divine power, wielded only by those deemed worthy.

As the captain strode through the castle, knights parted, bowing their heads in respect. His mere presence commanded silence, an unspoken understanding that he was not just a leader but a symbol of the angels' will on earth.

The captain paused, surveying the knights before him. Even without seeing his face, they could feel his intense scrutiny, as if he were assessing every one of them, weighing their worth. The silence stretched, the only sound being the faint hum of magic that lingered in the air around him.

Not fully back, still a little in my depressed zone.

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