

It's the year 2052 John just returned from the gas station when the world changed. a multi billionaire conglomerate launched the first fully immersive vr game. Will John rise to the top or plummet farther than he ever has. Hi guys author here I'm going to try and publish daily on this book as well as read comments as much as I can thank you all in advance for your support

Mango_massacre · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Launch Dreamcatcher

I just got off work and myself some ramen I flicked on the TV to watch the news. "breaking news multi billionaire conglomerate nova, just launched the first ever full dive vr game." I launched out of my seat spilling my noodles all over myself broth still hot. I paused the news and cleaned myself up before starting to listen.

"the games name is Dreamcatcher." the news reporter kept babbling before I shut the TV off. I ran to my computer and input Dreamcatcher. Thousands of results popped up before I clicked on the official website.

there were four tabs forum,customer support,gold conversion, and order. I immediately clicked over to the order tab and saw the prices for the gaming pods. the prices alone were enough to make me wince the cheapest one cost 7,500$ but I wanted one that could keep me in longer. I scrolled a little farther until I found the one I wanted. Series s it cost 16,000$ that was almost all the money I had but I ordered it.

I also ordered enough nutrition packs to last me for weeks. it wouldn't arrive until tomorrow so I had some time to burn. I decided to go to the store to get some groceries. On my way I saw my best friend Dave we grew up with each other and loved next door. I hollered "hey Dave want to go to the store." He came running over and greeted me before we went to the store.

When we arrived I grabbed a cart and started walking in. Dave asked "what you having for dinner?" I realized I hadn't even decided yet but I went for some pork and rice before grabbing some gravy. I always wanted to be a cook but I never had enough money to go through with it. I finally went home after grabbing some more necessities. I cooked for Dave and myself."dinners served." I brought dinner to the table and smelt the pork it was exquisite "thanks" said Dave. before scarfing down his. I preferred to eat mine in a slower manner. I've seen Dave choke on numerous occasions but it never stopped him. finally I went to bed excited for tomorrow.

Bang Bang Bang my door rattled on it's hinges but this was one of the few times I didn't mind. I rushed to the front door and whipped it open feeling the cool morning breeze on my face. The pod arrived I dragged it inside since I didn't want to pay the installation fee. I assembled it with relative ease before plugging it in to the wall socket. it was a smooth black metal tomb that hummed to life. I've never been as excited as this before.

I hopped in after putting the nutrition packs into slot I planned on staying in as long as possible. the pod hummed to life waiting for the activation words."start Dreamcatcher." my vision faded and reappeared floating in the sky with a character customization screen.