
8. Synchronize


After Kuro left .Ainz started his experiments

"Let's see if I still have it. Status"

A holographic screen appeared before him then suddenly new words began filling his mind "Compatibility Success. Entering Information Momonga"

Name: Momonga [Ainz Ooal Gown]

Racial Level:

Skeleton Mage

Elder Lich

Angel Lord


True Overlord

World Enemy: False God of Death [ Asura ]

Job Title:


Ruler of Death

Angelic Warrior

God of Ruin and Life (World Enemy)


Ex- ruler of Sorceror kingdom

King of Nazarick

God of chaos



"Character information not suitable to current form. Initiate synchronization. Ainz seeing the holographic button pressed it without worry.

Synchronization complete 40%. Synchronization failed body unable to withstand trauma. Spells upto 8th tier available. Total mana reduced to suit current form.

"Haah..It seems I will play a weak little boy for the duration."

"Now to see where to go first"

Ainz used his create low tier undead to summon bone vultures.

"Go and tell me if you find any good place to create a base"

The bone vultures obeyed the supreme beings command and flew off to execute it with haste. Ainz after sending his bone vultures away started to wait for their feedback. But as time passed he got bored .Then after much thought and reluctance he opened the scrolls to see what's inside.

"I guess I should open them now but first I should make sure this place is safe."

Ainz began casting weak some scrying spells and anti-divination spells as well as tried to see if there was anyone close nearby. After his preparations are completed he began his training.

Ainz opened the scrolls. One of the scrolls contained some chakra paper with some shurikens. Another scrolls contain a jug of water and some food but the rest of them contain some jutsus.

"Let's see…wind style breakthough ,kawarimi, bunshin no jutsu ,wind style: dual blade, wind style :air shuriken"

Seeing the variation of wind styles Ainz guessed Kuro might be a wind user.

Next he picked the chakra paper there was an instruction manual attached to it. He followed the manual to boot and poured his chakra in the paper.


A part of the chakra paper became wrinkled then the paper tears in half but something unexpected then happens the wrinkled part burned away in black flames while the other half was consumed by darkness. Seeing this phenomenon Ainz pondered what face Fluder would think if this happened in front of him. Thinking about the mad man's raving Ainz shivered and decided to not think about it.

"Wrinkled means lightning, cut apart is wind but it doesn't explain the black flames or the darkness it seems" Ainz thought for a bit but decided to leave it for later and resumed his training.

Ainz decided to use fireball in the tree but mixed it with both chakra and mana .The flames became purely condensed to form a lump of a dark fireball, then he released it.

The dark flame upon release sought to burn the entire tree to oblivion. Ainz seeing the intensity of the flames panicked and tried to use water spells to extinguish it. But to his surprise the fire couldn't be extinguished. He then tried to absorb the flames. He filled his body with chakra and created a leyline along the flames and absorbed it.

Ainz rubbed the sweat gathered in his head and sighed "That was close but the fire could act like a beacon here. I need to hurry and get out of here."

He began to ponder where he should go but then the bone vultures [message] him. "Ainz-sama we found a suitable place"
