
The uncraked mystery: love between the forbidden being and human

His father is a creature of the night who is known for controlling shadow and also a master controller of the night. As for his mother, she was the sole savior of a race that chose their destruction. The main connection to the moon and the stars. A creature that is said to be a celestial body. The primal wolf. He is a forbidden said from the forbidden love of the celestial being and the devil. In other words, the devil and the fairy, are two distinguishable creatures that are day and night. He is an abomination. As for her, she was a normal human. A high-ranked military officer. Is she? Actually she is the successor of that organization. Which organization is that? Find out in the novel. The weak but tricky strings of love interweave their fate together. The string looks weak but it could not be broken. She was actually on a special mission but due to these weak strings, she had to forget the mission and nourish the string of love interwoven between them. Escaping from love is an impossible thing. In their journey of love, he was also investigating what led to his parent's death and found out that it was the organization his father came from which is also the organisation the lady from. He did not know that the lady was actually from the organization but the lady knew the story concerning his parent death and in a way, she was indirectly involved. The ordered string of love just got super messy right? Faced with options that do not favor her, will she choose to abandon him? Will she choose to complete the mission that will endanger him? Or will she choose to join him out of love and fight the organization that was her root? Will they choose to run away? Well running away was not an option because their decision would lead to the fate of an entire planet full of their loved ones. They say love can conquer all obstacles. Is it true or are the obstacles they are just talking about not actual obstacles but just challenges? This novel is on another dimension of love. An emotion-stirring masterpiece which different unique ideas and creations have been carefully interwoven along with the unending weak strings of love. This novel is made to revolutionize and bring out another dimension of a werewolf's love. A masterpiece that will keep the readers on the edge of their seats while making them crave more. Read now........... ****************************************

Onyeamah_Deborah_0662 · 都市
11 Chs

chapter Three

There was a forest in the ancient days on earth, in the Chinese country. A forest that was said to be the realm of mystery for the humans. The Chinese once talked about it but people thought that they were lying so they just kept it a secret and named it the forest of the divine beings. In this forest of divine beings reside some creatures. Creatures were said to be new creatures because they were under the protection and watch of the mother moon. Creatures that have the cunning ability of humans and the unadulterated fury of the night when the moon is fully out. All in all, they were the real definition of a perfect elegant race. They occupy the forest at night and hibernate during the day. Just as the saying goes, good things don't last, No one knew what happened to them, whether they just decided to go into hiding or became extinct

A century ago in this particular forest of divine beings.

It was a lively forest filled with life, different caves were built in the forest. Elegant creatures who were all on their four limbs with red eyes and fangs coming out from their mouth were seen roaming about. All in all, what made them elegant was because of their fur which was in different colors. The werewolves. Everyone went about their normal life of enjoyment, they didn't need to work for food. The forest had already blessed them with abundant resources they could use for food so they were living a worryless life.

 Teens were being taught how to control the powers that Mother Nature blessed them with, and children who could not control their transformation were seen in their half-human form playing about. When a child is born, it starts to show peculiar signs to show that it can transform. They are divided into three groups, omega, beta, and alpha. Most of them were normally omega. The beta were far more powerful than the omega and they were very few. As for the alpha, they were only produced once every century and they were the natural leaders of wolves.


Back in Fishers Island, Lucas came down in front of the gate. He sighed heavily as he looked at the tall and wide reinforced gate, with the insignia of a Lycan on it. On top of that's "THE JOHNSON MANSION".

"Time to face the family," He said as he gave a bright smile. He already missed them greatly. This was the family that changed his life then but it's been a long time ago. The gate opened automatically when it detected him showing the sight of a long and straight road with trees and gardens on either side of the road. Everything here was speaking about a thing "Green" The forest must have been nurtured for hundreds of years before it became this beautiful. It gives the feeling of calming the body and it looks as if this place is another dimension away from Earth because it gives off two feelings. "Calmness and peace"

He went towards the jeep that was already waiting for him by the side of the road and entered. A man wearing black was in the front seat.

"Welcome home young master" The man smiled gleefully when he saw him. The man was MR Anderson, the leader of all human workers in the mansion and the main butler of the mansion.

"How has everyone been" He asked.

"Everything has been fine, except for us feeling your absence even though it's only been a week since you left the house" The man answered.

"I also miss the house, that's the reason I came back," He said.

"How is New York" Mr Anderson asked him.

"New York is good, except that I don't feel comfortable with the bustling of the outside world, I only love the feeling of peace here" He answered.

"You have to face the outside world sooner or later since you chose to take the mantle," Mr Anderson told him. They continued to talk till the car pulled up in front of a mansion.

He came down from the car and looked up at the white mansion. It was built like the mansions in ancient times and this showcased how long the legacy of the Lucas family had been around. It was a very large mansion but gave off the feeling of a desolate place because the people in this mansion were few. In front of the mansion, bodyguards wearing black were seen standing guard, of course, they were not humans, they were. also Lycans, They all bowed when he passed by before he entered the mansion.

"Uncle Lucas" The first thing that greeted him was a loud voice calling his name and following that, a projectile slammed into him. He was able to catch the projectile without much stress, it was a girl who looked like she was five years old.

"How are you, Amelia" He asked her.

"I'm fine, I you," She told him.

"I also missed you too" He answered.

"When will I follow you back" She asked

"Don't worry, you will follow me back when you can fully control your transformation" He told her.

"I'm fully able to control my transformation now, Father and Mother told me that I will soon follow you but I don't know when, She said.

"That's good news, by the way, where is father and mother," He asked.

"They are in the living room" She answered him. He went to the living room where he saw a middle-aged couple who were waiting for him.

The couple were Mr Lucifer Johnson and Mrs Stacy Johnson. The two are lycans and they married through the mating method. Amelia was their first child, she was given birth five years ago. Lucifer is the one controlling the agriculture companies the Johnson family has all over the world. Stacy stood up immediately she saw him and went towards him. She hugged him for some moments before they finally separated.

"How is New York?" She asked him.

"New York has been good" He answered.

"Are you eating well you are already lean" She asked worriedly as she examined him.

"I've been eating well" He answered.

"Don't worry your favorite food has already been prepared" She told him. He walked to Lucifer and they also exchanged pleasantries before they walked into the lobby.