
The Unbeliever

Ashley has a bestfriend named Kai. One day Kai goes missing...In the next 11 years, Ashley was without a best friend. A war starts. Then Everyones finds out what happened to the one boy named Kai with a secret.

Ash_Johnson_8910 · ファンタジー
7 Chs


"Did you hear that?" One of the werewolves said. Ashley couldn't see what they looked like because she was hiding, she couldn't move because she was in a state of shock. She could hear the werewolves getting closer to her. "Boys." A cold voice said. Ashley was almost dead because of that, not in the way you think. Then all of a sudden. "Who's that?" Ashley was laying on the ground the cold ground, you know because it was snowing a little bit. The next day, Ashley woke up in new clothes, laying on a bed. "W-where am I?" Ashley said really tired, she was in a dark cave with fairy lights, It looked like a room someone would live in but has more natural and in a cave. I must say it looked beautiful. "Shhh, Don't speak," A woman's voice said. Ashley's head was pounding with questions. "This must be confusing for you.." The woman said. "You think!?" Ashley yelled at the woman. The woman looked shocked by the attitude, Ashley noticed. "M-my apologies, I am just scared and upset at the moment," Ashley said with apologetic eyes. "No problem, I understand," The woman said. "My name is Ashley, Nice to meet you" "Oh, My name is Ruby". "That's a lovely name". "Thank you..". Then awakened silence… "Ruby?" Ashley asked. Ruby nodded in response. "You look about my age..How old are you? If you don't mind me asking of course". Ruby had long brown hair that went to her back. She had greenish-gray eyes. She looked around 22-24. Ashley has long light brown hair going to her bottom and dark brown eyes. "Oh, I'm 23…" 23? Ashley thought. "Wow, I love your eyes.." "Thank you…". "How old are you?" She asked. She looked a little versus. She wouldn't get that close Ashley, she always stayed around 3-4 feet away. "I'm 22 years old". Ruby looked calm. Like she already knew from the start. But they whatever. "We are about the same age," Ruby said. "What am I doing here?" Ashley asked looking for answers. Ruby didn't answer. "RUBY!!!!" A man yelled. Ashley was taken back by the yelling and covered her ears. Ruby was also scared but tried not to show it. "I need to go quick," Ruby said while running out of the cave. What was that beautiful village? She saw a lake and trees and flowers, flowers fields. It was beautiful. "Ashley! What are you doing out here!!" Ruby said shocked. "I was just-" Ashley started to say but then, "Who is this?" A man said by the tone of his voice he sounded mad. "The wlovehutners spotted her in our territory the other day". The man looked at me. He was so handsome. He had blueish-green eyes and had light brown hair that was kind of long. He also had pointed ears. Ashley had been staring at the man for a minute straight. She thought he looked similar like she'd seen him before but couldn't put her finger on it. "Hello?" The man said. "O-oh sorry." "No problem," The man said. "What's your name". "Her name is-" Ruby started to say but got cut off by the man holding up his hand in Ruby's face, making him shh her. "I asked the young lady." He said with anger. "Yes, My apologies alpha.." Alpha?