

"What the? Where am i?" he thought as he was waking up. Looking around all he could see was darkness. Just as his eyes were getting used to the darkness a bright light shines directly at him. Everything became a bright red light and than dark again. In the distance he could hear a screeching noise, a noise as if it was an alarm. When he tried getting up he felt a sharp pain go through his leg. His eyes finally adjusted to the dark, and as he was starting to see. He looked down at his leg and saw a large metal pole sticking out of his leg. He started to remember where he was and what had happened. They have been on this ship for 20 years now, him and 200 others. They were headed to a new earth.

30 years before he ended up on this ship he was a killer set to die in the chair. A man in a dark suit and sunglass came by his cell in the new hi-tech prison. No one could ever escape from this prison or from there demise. The man had asked him if he wanted to leave and become a new man, a man that didn't have his record, a man who could make a difference. Knowing that he was on his way to death, and could feel that cold hand reaching out to take him from this world, he instantly said yes. Three days later he was released and headed to Florida. As he stepped out of this prison, in the middle of nowhere, he looked up and saw the dark sky no sun would ever touch down on this land again. After the fallout the sky had become black, the air had become thin. As he got into the car the man in the dark suit was there and told him of who he would become.

As he was remembering this he got up with all the pain in his leg and the blood running to the ground, he knew he needed help. He started walking down the corridor, all cold and metal like. This had been his home for 20 years. He could remember the love he had and the love he lost. He couldn't remember her name but he new be had to find her. He had to make sure she was still alive. As he got closer to what he thought was her door. He could see her drawing him to her. She was wearing the shirt she new he loved, it had reminded him of home. When he was with her he felt as if he was home. He felt a sense of relief, and hope that he was not the only one alive. He drew closer the the door. She was standing there waiting for him just inside the door. He opened it, say her standing there and before he new it was sucked into space. He felt his body getting cold and his lungs explode. Before he became consumed with death he remembered her name. Lilly, he had fallen for her because that was his mother's favorite flower.

"Lilly i have to save her." he said right before death had gripped him and took him home.