
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · 軍事
237 Chs

Chapter 90 Military Orders Are Absolute

翻訳者: 549690339


There were still many questions, even the most critical ones hadn't been asked, but now was not the time to be preoccupied with curiosity and inquiries.

Wang Hu had made up his mind, and after an initial contact, he had made his judgment.

"Liu Yaozhong."


"Convey my order, Stonegate Second Shelter is to enter first-level war readiness immediately."

"Li Zhi."


"Contact Supreme Command at once, by any means necessary, using the code name 'Dawn' communication password, and instruct them to support me at all costs. If necessary, ask Supreme Command to inform us of their exact location. Remember, code name 'Dawn,' clear call."


"Repeat the order!"

"Contact Supreme Command, code name 'Dawn,' clear call."

"Good, carry out the order."

Wang Hu looked at the officers of various ranks, then his face turned stern, "The show ends here. We're entering first-level war readiness status; everyone be on standby. Liu Siming."


"Take the guard platoon, secure this area, protect our alien friends, uh... Zhou Shaoqiang."


"Lead Da Hong Third Company, stand guard outside this conference room, protect the alien friends."


It was at this moment that Gao Yuan witnessed the true demeanor of Wang Hu as a regiment leader, a fierce general.

Once he had made up his mind, Wang Hu's approach showed what it means to act swiftly and decisively, realizing the value of Xinghe, he immediately made his choice.

"Mr. Xiang."


Xiang Weiguo outranked Wang Hu, but as the highest commander on site, when Wang Hu gave an order, Xiang Weiguo's duty was to execute it without hesitation.

"Lead the volunteers into combat readiness, inform those volunteers who have seen Xinghe that they must learn to keep a secret. This is an order of utmost importance. If you think someone is unreliable, I authorize you to take any measures necessary. This news must be contained. I'm not worried about the troops leaking information; I'm worried about the volunteers."

"Yes! I assure you, no information will leak!"

When Xiang Weiguo said he assured no information would leak, he was gritting his teeth. Gao Yuan couldn't help but want to go back and remind Zhang Zhe and the others that now was absolutely not the time to blabber. There is no idle talk in the military. As the highest commander, Wang Hu had issued a strict order against leaking information, and anyone who dares to gossip could truly cause a disaster.

Wang Hu took a deep breath and said, "Communications operator."


"Is the landline working?"

"Reporting, the landline is functional. It has been tested and is unaffected by the nuclear blast." ,

Without any hesitation, Wang Hu ordered, "Command all artillery units to enter first-level war readiness. Tell them to behave as if the enemy has already reached the vicinity of my shelter. As soon as the order arrives, no matter where we're targeting, shells must land precisely. Additionally, if zombies reach the artillery position, they must not abandon their post. Fire an extra round if possible, prepare all types of ammunition, load the guns, and ensure someone is on duty at each artillery position 24 hours a day, whether for a day, a week, or a year! As long as the first-level war readiness status isn't revoked, even if they die, they must die at their post! That's the order!"


"Did you get that?"



"Report to the commander, it's noted."

"Let me see it."

As Wang Hu spoke on the other end, the communicator rapidly took notes on the paper. This was the most primitive method but also the most reliable.

Wang Hu took the stenographer's notes, quickly scanned through them, thought for a moment, and then took out a pen and started writing a few words vigorously on the paper.

"This battle is our service to the nation. It doesn't matter if you are my men or not, anyone who dares to falter at the crucial moment, I will personally execute them!"

He handed the notebook back to the communicator with a stern face, "Don't change a single word. If anyone asks anything, you say Wang Hu said death in this battle is an honorable end, and don't speak of anything else. Go make contact."

"Yes, sir!"

The communicator took the notebook and ran off. By this time, there were hardly any military personnel left in the conference room.

But Gao Yuan remained standing there without leaving.

Letting out a breath, Wang Hu said in a deep voice, "The political commissar and the chief of staff stay, the two experts stay as well, everyone else..."

Wang Hu suddenly looked towards Gao Yuan, "Why are you still here?"

Gao Yuan hurriedly reported, "Commander, I was the first to see Xinghe, and I have a critical question to ask."

"Oh? What do you want to ask? Ask!"

Gao Yuan immediately looked at Xinghe and asked, "When I first saw you, there was a halo behind your head, but it's gone now. Why?"

"After my spacecraft was destroyed, I lost my power source. The main engine of my spacecraft provided energy for my mecha. The halo you mentioned is my power antenna. Now that I have lost the main energy source, I am operating on backup energy."

Gao Yuan asked in a serious tone, "How long can the backup energy last?"

Without hesitation, Xinghe replied, "In Earth time, at full power, twenty hours. If only basic functions are retained, it can last for one thousand six hundred hours. With the current usage, it can last for two hundred forty hours."

Gao Yuan was somewhat surprised, "So little time?"


Xinghe made no attempt to offer an explanation. Gao Yuan thought for a moment and said, "So your spacecraft is like a signal tower, except the signal is energy. As long as you can receive the signal, you'll have an endless supply of power."


"How far can it reach?"

"In Earth units, one hundred forty thousand kilometers."

Wang Hu couldn't help but inhale sharply at this information, while Gao Yuan cautiously asked, "So, the energy you use... is it electricity? Can we provide you with additional energy?"

This was a very critical question, indeed.

But the answer from Xinghe was disappointing to Gao Yuan.

"It's not."

"Then what is it?"

Xinghe was silent for a moment and then said, "It can't be interpreted in terms of Earth physics. I'll try to explain. According to Earth physics, light has wave-particle duality. This statement is accurate but incomplete. The energy we use is derived from particle motion, but these particles are not among the over four hundred types discovered on Earth. The main engine of my spacecraft is a... more advanced nuclear reactor. When I use the energy... transmission device on the spacecraft for long-distance transmission, my energy transmits almost without loss in wave form. In summary, I can't explain with the vocabulary available to Earth's civilization."

As Wang Hu was about to speak, Gao Yuan interrupted urgently, "So you mean to say Earth's nuclear physics is still in its primordial stages, and our use of nuclear energy is also at a basic level?"

"Yes, not just basic, but the most primitive stage. You have seen the door but haven't even touched it. I hope this explanation is something you can understand."

"Understood! Now, a very important question, can Earth's nuclear weapons pose a threat to the Ophiuchus?"

Wang Hu had been somewhat annoyed with Gao Yuan but considered the question to be of extreme importance upon hearing it.
