
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · 軍事
237 Chs

Chapter 71 Asking the Right Person

翻訳者: 549690339

In the morning, we learned sign language, mainly some simple tactical signs such as advance, retreat, stop, enemy presence, number of enemies, direction, and fighting.

Gao Yuan felt that remembering these signs was not difficult, but some people just couldn't remember them, or even if they did, they couldn't master them proficiently.

This was normal, as people's ability to learn varied in strength. As for why they were learning sign language, Gao Yuan who knew the inside story, understood it clearly.

If the volunteer formation was created to deal with zombies, then staying silent became very important when eliminating zombies that were highly sensitive to sound.

In the afternoon, it was time to practice formation and drilling.

At attention, about-turn, march, just these most basic things.

Why practice these most basic things? The most important reason was that this was the foundation!

Having a solid foundation in anything is very important.

The foundation in drilling would play a decisive role in the volunteers' mode of combat, because they would fight zombies with cold weapons in teams of five. Therefore, before practicing specialized combat formations, the basic marching and drilling naturally needed to be well practiced.

At dinner, Zhang Zhe collected their rewards.

A packet of instant noodles for each person.

"Instant noodles, come get your instant noodles!"

Carrying a bag full of instant noodles in a plastic bag, Zhang Zhe seemed very excited, and after being the last one back to the dormitory, he lifted the plastic bag and announced, "Brothers! Our reward of instant noodles is back!"

It's just instant noodles, what's there to fuss about.

Gao Yuan inwardly scoffed, but he also knew that to others, these instant noodles were indeed quite a rarity.

Industrially produced goods, including food, which had been massively produced before, were rarities now.

Everyone looked towards Zhang Zhe, as these were belongings of the group, and thus Zhang Zhe was expected to distribute all the instant noodles to everyone.

But Zhang Zhe seemed to have a different idea.

"Brothers, what I think is, since we earned this together, we should eat it together too. What do you say?"

Zhang Zhe always looked happy-go-lucky, and he seemed sincere and enthusiastic when suggesting they eat the instant noodles together.

But Fang Xiang had a different opinion.

"Why should we eat together? We just had dinner, I'm not hungry right now."

Fang Xiang was a man of few words, with ordinary looks, and an average performance during training. In short, except for his somewhat distinctive name, the rest was very ordinary.

Gao Yuan was indifferent to Zhang Zhe's proposal, but he would not contradict him because there was no need to.

Zhang Zhe wasn't angry and continued in a cheerful tone, "I didn't say to eat it now. We'll eat when we're hungry. It's more meaningful to eat the spoils of victory we've won together, right? Or do you want to eat all by yourself? That would be so boring."

Zhang Zhe changed the subject. Fang Xiang simply wanted to keep his own share of instant noodles to eat when needed, but he felt somewhat embarrassed to refute Zhang Zhe's words.

"All right then, let's eat together."

Zhang Zhe tossed the instant noodle packet onto his own bed and said, "Eat it whenever you're hungry, but now, while it's not too dark yet, let's get familiar with hand signals."

Speaking of which, Zhang Zhe, the team leader, was quite responsible. Becoming familiar with hand signals wasn't something Xiang Weiguo specifically asked for, but Zhang Zhe still wanted to use the free time to have everyone practice.

Ma Zihang said with a helpless look, "After a tiring day, why are we still practicing? Let's just go to sleep early. What's the use of practicing this?"

"Of course, there's use in practicing this."

Not everyone took Zhang Zhe's words as commands. Ma Zihang, with a face that said he couldn't care less, said, "You guys go ahead and practice if you want. I'm going to take a break. My God, we signed up as volunteers, not soldiers. You make such a fuss all day long."

It was known that this kind of situation would arise because not everyone could adapt to military training and management. Ma Zihang was in it to fight zombies, and while he wasn't afraid of death, he detested hardship.

Zhang Zhe extended his hand and made a complex set of hand signals that meant stop moving forward, the enemy is at 2 o'clock, forty meters away.

"What does this mean?"

Gao Yuan looked at it and, after thinking for a while, could understand, but Ma Zihang just shook his head and said, "I don't understand."

Zhang Zhe didn't get angry; he just said calmly, "If we encounter zombies and dare not make a sound, I'll tell you the situation with hand signals, but if you don't understand, what do you think will happen?"

Ma Zihang fell silent. Zhang Zhe continued, "At the beginning, Xiang Team asked if anyone was afraid of hardship or death, they could choose to quit. You didn't quit, so now you are a member of our squad. Ma Zihang, I'm not pressuring you as the team leader, I just want to ask you, since you chose to become a volunteer, why can't you train with everyone else? Before, slacking off at work might have been okay, dragging your feet was quite normal, but now, do you think that's appropriate?"

Zhang Zhe made sense, and his attitude was also decent. Ma Zihang had nothing to respond with. He waved his hand and said, "Alright, alright, you're the leader, you're right. Okay, I'll learn, is that fine?"

Ten people started to gather to practice hand signals, but just as they began, someone knocked on the door.

A soldier appeared at the doorway; he was from the security platoon, now following Xiang Weiguo and responsible for assisting with volunteer training.

"Gao Yuan, Xiang Team wants to see you, come with me."

Gao Yuan walked through the group, and under the puzzled gazes of everyone, he left with the soldier who had come to fetch him.

The young soldier was only about twenty years old, and he clearly knew Gao Yuan. After they left the room, he smiled and asked, "How do you feel? Can you adapt?"

Gao Yuan smiled back, "It's okay, I think it's not bad."

"Getting used to group life at the beginning might be a bit uncomfortable, but you'll get over it quickly. Later on, you'll even find it hard to leave these people."

Gao Yuan thought of his classmates and the scene of their graduation was still vivid in his mind. He hadn't cried when he left his dormitory, but now that he thought about it, there was still a pang in his heart.

So Gao Yuan certainly knew what it would be like if things kept developing the way they currently were.

"The people in our squad are all pretty good, and we get along quite happily. Do you know why Xiang Team called for me?"

"I don't really know, but I can tell you that the regimental commander is with Xiang Team right now. They must have something important to discuss with you."

Gao Yuan was a bit puzzled. What was Xiang Weiguo looking for him for now?

It wasn't until he entered the regimental commander's office and saw Xiang Weiguo and others that Xiang Weiguo said immediately, "Gao Yuan is here. We can ask him about the weapon matter."

Wang Hu nodded and said to a puzzled Gao Yuan, "I heard you're a Bladesmith? Do you know how to make knives?"

Gao Yuan immediately understood. So it was about making knives. Ah, Wang Hu really asked the right person.