
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · 軍事
237 Chs

Chapter 63 This logic is very reasonable

翻訳者: 549690339

Gao Yuan wasn't tongue-tied, he truly hadn't anticipated the current situation.

Clearly, Xiang Weiguo wanted to create a hero, and that hero was to be Gao Yuan.

Was it necessary?

Of course, it was necessary, only a fool would say otherwise.

At any time, people need heroes, but especially in the most difficult, dangerous, most desperate times, they really need heroes.

Generals who lead humanity in battle and secure victory are heroes, those who show bravery in battle are heroes, and those who help the needy and rescue the distressed are heroes.

They are all heroes, different in their own ways, but Gao Yuan had suddenly become the hero who emerged when he was most needed.

The hero with the advantage of the right time, the right place, and the right people—a hero who saves the beauty.

Thus, with just a little push, Gao Yuan truly became a hero.

He had to become a hero.

"Please explain in detail how you made your judgment, okay, why did you choose this path, over."

Gao Yuan swallowed hard; he had already spent half an hour describing the process of rescuing Luo Xingyu and felt he had been quite thorough, but everyone's curiosity seemed to grow stronger.

"Based on some traces, it was..."

Gao Yuan felt he couldn't go on unless he brought Xiang Weiguo into the picture, but Xiang Weiguo firmly pressed the talk button then spoke unabashedly, "You can't mention me, it must be your own achievement."

Wang Hu nodded repeatedly beside him and said to Gao Yuan, "The commander has mentioned your situation at that time, but I also believe it's better you don't mention him. At this moment, don't let others steal your spotlight. We aren't making things up, it's just that everyone desperately needs a hero to lift their spirits right now, and what you're saying is basically the truth anyway, so don't mention anything else."

Gao Yuan felt like he was being pushed into a role he had never wanted, to become a hero, and he didn't think it was better to omit Xiang Weiguo's presence.

So, after pressing the talk button again, Gao Yuan said softly, "Sorry, there was a bit of a signal problem, I'll continue. The reason I chose the right path was because of some skills that Uncle Xiang taught me, like how to identify tracks from subtle traces, over."

"Who is he, over."

Xiang Weiguo's face showed urgency, and he appeared to be very anxious, but Gao Yuan interjected, "He teaches special forces, he has twice been awarded with second-class individual merit, he is a veteran, over..."

"I just knew it had to be like this, Gao Yuan's performance clearly shows he's had training. Haha, what we teach in special forces, could it be the same? Could it be the same? Good job, Gao Yuan! Impressive! Over!"

Xiang Weiguo thought that mentioning someone's assistance would overshadow Gao Yuan, but he was mistaken.

After Gao Yuan said he had been taught by someone, the radio was abuzz once more.

Everyone unanimously agreed that no wonder Gao Yuan performed so exceptionally well; it was because he had a good teacher. It was to be expected, and indeed he had not disappointed anyone, satisfying everyone's collective expectations.

Indeed, only our own people could have done such a beautiful job!

Indeed, he is an outstanding talent trained by our military.

Gao Yuan, you did great!

Right now, the radio is stuck on this rhythm, nothing else, just praising Gao Yuan.

Why did this situation arise, you might wonder? It's because the ones glued to the radio are all soldiers, soldiers stationed at the various refuge shelters.

There, the god-making movement is complete.

Finally, Wang Hu took the radio from Gao Yuan, saying urgently, "This is Wang Hu, everyone, our agreed time was one hour, and now it's been an hour and a half. We can't keep using the radio frequency indefinitely, and we certainly can't delay urgent matters. I declare, today's communication ends here. If anyone wants to see Gao Yuan, come to Shimen Shelter No.2, over."

"Wang Hu! If you don't take good care of Xiao Gao and Xiaoyu, watch out, I'll smash your glasses! Over!"

"We must take good care of our hero, over!"


Gao Yuan wiped the sweat off his forehead, grateful that the radio broadcast had finally ended. He had thought Luo Xingyu would be the popular one, but unexpectedly, after one question was raised, she was completely forgotten.

Wang Hu also wiped his brow, looking reproachfully at Xiang Weiguo and said, "Commander, this is where you're at fault. Why didn't you tell me about such an exciting event? I was breaking out in a sweat listening to Xiao Gao, and even though Xiaoyu was right in front of me, I was sweating bullets. My nerves could barely take it, and others would definitely have pressed for details. Now, after an hour and a half, we've covered only this one topic. What should we do? We can't have a radio storytelling session every day; we dare not occupy the frequency all the time. If we miss an emergency because of this, it would become a serious issue."

Luo Xingyu was wide-eyed and speechless. Gao Yuan whispered, "I'm worried to death, what's wrong with you?"

Luo Xingyu replied with a pained expression, "I didn't get to mention the part about looking for my dad. I thought there would be plenty of chances to talk, but I didn't even say my dad's name before the broadcast ended..."

Gao Yuan responded helplessly, "We'll talk about it next time. Next time you bring it up first, then we can talk about other things..."

Since it's a military radio, it definitely can't be monopolized for too long. But given the situation, getting Luo Xingyu to talk about finding her father on the radio was definitely not a problem. If Wang Hu dared to say that she couldn't use the radio anymore, Gao Yuan would have no issue with it, but the people in the other shelters would surely tear him apart.

Now Gao Yuan truly had become a hero, although he really had never intended to become one.

One could only say that life's encounters are indeed strange.

At that moment, people both inside and outside the door suddenly burst into applause.

Gao Yuan felt his face flush; the people here knew the whole story, and he thought it wasn't right that everyone was ignoring Xiang Weiguo—even Luo Xingyu—to clap just for him.

But what Gao Yuan didn't expect was that everyone actually knew what was going on. Whether it was the people by his side or those in the radio room, they knew someone had helped him and that this person was important. However, there can be only one protagonist. No matter how important others might be, maybe people would take interest later, or even gradually unearth the story, but today, during his radio speech, no one cared about the supporting cast.

Wang Hu was also applauding. When the applause finally began to die down, he smiled at Gao Yuan and said, "Alright, we've finished talking, it's time to eat. Let's head out to lunch now. We'll dine together at noon to celebrate Shimen Shelter No.2 producing a hero. All officers who are not on a mission should come; those who are on duty can let their deputies come. Today at noon, we celebrate, let everyone meet Gao Yuan. Xiao Xu, pass down my orders."

Gao Yuan had actually come to Shimen Shelter No.2 only after becoming famous, yet Wang Hu seemed to purposefully ignore this fact.

The others ignored this detail as well.

Now everyone knew one thing: Gao Yuan was at Shimen Shelter No.2, he belonged to Shimen Shelter No.2, so he was Shimen Shelter No.2's hero, the hero produced by Shimen Shelter No.2. The logic was sound.