
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · 軍事
237 Chs

Chapter 38 Why Leave

翻訳者: 549690339

The soldiers' barracks had beds, tables and chairs, and even bedding folded into tofu-like squares left on the beds, which showed the hurried departure of the troops but also made it convenient for Gao Yuan and his companions.

Gao Yuan could disassemble the 92 handgun with his eyes closed, which was a perk of having confiscated that particular 92 handgun. Although there were no bullets, it did not prevent Xiang Weiguo from teaching him how to disassemble and aim. Therefore, during these few days of preparation, being able to disassemble the gun with his eyes closed was the result of Gao Yuan's training.

Of course, reassembling the gun definitely required him to look.

As for now, Gao Yuan and Luo Xingyu each held a machine gun, listening to Xiang Weiguo explain how to use them.

It was too simple; knowing how to disengage the safety meant you could shoot, and knowing how to change the magazine meant you could maintain continuous firepower. However, if firing the gun were so simple, there would be no such thing as a sharpshooter.

"Got it?"

"Got it."

Xiang Weiguo asked Luo Xingyu, who nodded and said, "If you encounter a zombie rushing towards you, what do you do?"

Luo Xingyu seriously replied, "For close range, load the drum magazine and keep firing until the zombie is dead. For long range, use three-round bursts, and don't hold the trigger down, wasting bullets."

Xiang Weiguo nodded, but Luo Xingyu followed up very seriously, "I have a question, what is a three-round burst?"


Xiang Weiguo was a special forces trainer, but he had never actually taught completely inexperienced soldiers, so Luo Xingyu's question was too simple, so simple that he didn't even want to answer.

"A three-round burst means firing three bullets at a time, also known as short burst fire. Actually, it doesn't have to be exactly three bullets; two or four also work. In essence, you pull the trigger once in automatic mode, fire a few bullets and then quickly release the trigger. Is that correct, Uncle Xiang?"

Xiang Weiguo nodded, "Any more questions?"

Luo Xingyu hesitated, and Xiang Weiguo said, "Don't be afraid, no matter how simple the question, ask it. Never pretend to understand when you don't."

Luo Xingyu tentatively asked, "But why can't you kill one with a single shot?"



Gao Yuan and Xiang Weiguo were both left speechless.

Luo Xingyu continued very seriously, "Why is that?"

Xiang Weiguo exhaled and said, "It's okay, that's a good question... Killing one with a single shot would certainly be ideal, but the issue is that it's not feasible, understand? Once you've done some shooting, you'll understand why it's not possible to kill with a single shot."

Suddenly, Gao Yuan said, "Uncle Xiang, why are we in such a rush to go back?"

Xiang Weiguo was puzzled for a moment, "What do you mean?"

"There are lots of bullets here and plenty of guns. Why don't we do some target practice here? It's not easy to come by this opportunity, and it'll be such a waste of bullets to practice shooting after we go back. Why not train here?"

After hesitating for a moment, Xiang Weiguo nodded, "Yeah, why don't we train here? This military base is far from the village, and even if there are gunshots, they won't carry that far."

Gao Yuan clapped his hands, "Right! It would be great to train here."

Luo Xingyu said, "There's not much food, if we stay here too long, we'll have nothing to eat on the way back."

Gao Yuan laughed heartily, slapping the machine gun in his hand, "With this buddy, we could live here for a month with no issue."

Xiang Weiguo waved his hand, "Get some good rest tonight, and we'll start shooting practice here tomorrow. I'll go scout the nearby area first. If it doesn't work out, we can practice in the nearby hills. Anyway, it's definitely closer than going back."

After speaking, Xiang Weiguo stood up with a smile on his face, "We have beds and blankets here, and even without heating, we won't freeze. I'll go check the kitchen to see if there's anything to eat. If there is, that's great; if not, we'll find a way to get food. Xiao Yuan's idea is good. We'll stay here for a while. Alright, you guys rest. We're going to sleep; keep an eye out for any noises tonight."

Gao Yuan always felt that Xiang Weiguo's last sentence had a hidden meaning, but interpreting it as not knowing if zombies approached seemed like no problem either.

Xiang Weiguo left, and Gao Yuan looked at Luo Xingyu, who was also looking at him.

"Hmm, it's so cold, my hands are freezing stiff. Let's sleep, don't take off your clothes, cover up with three blankets, and you definitely won't be cold."

Gao Yuan reached out to turn off the headlamp, wanting to conserve the precious battery. Even though the batteries were rechargeable, there was nowhere to charge them.

Luo Xingyu suddenly stretched out her hand and said, "Look at my hand, do you think I got frostbite?"

"Frostbite? That can't be possible."

"Come and see."

Gao Yuan sat beside Luo Xingyu, grabbed her hand to look, and noticed her hand was a bit red from the cold, but it wasn't frostbite.

"It's nothing, not frostbite. Didn't I give you gloves? Put them on."

Luo Xingyu's face was also a bit red from the cold, but it wasn't cold once she burrowed into the quilts.

The beds were all bunk beds, but they definitely weren't going to sleep on the top bunk. Gao Yuan returned to his own side and laughed, "Feels like we're back in the college dormitory, but this place is much cleaner than our dorm. Let's go to sleep quickly."


Luo Xingyu rolled her eyes at Gao Yuan, flopped down on the bed, and then casually pulled the quilts over herself.

Gao Yuan said irritably, "You're such a big person now, and still need someone else to take care of you, right? Grab two more blankets and take off your shoes before you sleep."

Luo Xingyu stood up, clearly annoyed, did as Gao Yuan instructed, then covered her head with the quilt and stayed silent.

It was unclear what kind of mood Luo Xingyu was in.

After turning off the light and lying on the long-forgotten wooden bed, Gao Yuan initially felt quite content, but it didn't take long for him to decide that the heated brick bed was more comfortable.

Exhausted, Gao Yuan was able to fall asleep quickly, but just as he was about to drift off in a daze, he heard Luo Xingyu whisper, "Gao Yuan, are you asleep yet?"

"Gao Yuan, Gao Yuan?"

Gao Yuan heard Luo Xingyu's voice, which now dropped the 'brother' title, and although she didn't sound like something had happened, the sleepy and tired Gao Yuan decided to ignore her and continue sleeping.

But Gao Yuan couldn't fall asleep because Luo Xingyu had climbed into his bed.

"Scoot over a bit."

"What are you doing? Why aren't you sleeping?"

Luo Xingyu paused for a second, then said somewhat angrily, "Scoot over."

It was very crowded for two people to sleep on a dorm single bed; Gao Yuan was very reluctant to squeeze together with Luo Xingyu, but at that moment, she said, "I'm scared."

Well, that was a good excuse; Gao Yuan could only scoot over, and then Luo Xingyu burrowed into his blanket.

"It's very cramped..."

"Otherwise, let's push the two beds together."

"Forget it, sleep, let's just sleep."

Gao Yuan continued trying to sleep, Luo Xingyu placed her hand on his stomach, but Gao Yuan quickly pushed her hand away. It didn't take long before Luo Xingyu's hand landed on his chest again.

No help for it, it was like this every day, he'd just have to get used to it.