
Chapter 184 Nemesis

"Calling Gao Yuan, what's your situation? Over."

Gao Yuan received Panxin's call, but he didn't know what to say.

Should he tell the truth, or should he conceal some details?

In the end, Gao Yuan decided to tell the truth.

"Gao Yuan here, no one's inside, the survivors are all dead, I'm starting to evacuate, over."

"Understood, be careful, drones are adjusting flight paths and will provide you with vision at any time, over."

Gao Yuan really wanted to talk to someone, to dilute the psychological refuse that had just accumulated in his heart.

People sometimes need an outlet for psychological release, otherwise, it becomes unbearable over time.

"Brother Pan, I've got a question. Why do you call each other by your real names during missions? Shouldn't you have code names? Over."