
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · 軍事
237 Chs

Chapter 135 Communication

翻訳者: 549690339

"Please rest here for a while, and if you need to sleep or eat, let me know. I will arrange food and accommodations for you."

A young military officer couldn't help but glance at Gao Yuan several times before he finally left the small lounge.

The room was empty now, except for Gao Yuan and his few companions.

Yu Shunzhou's eyes were red with envy.

"You're out? It took so long for you to come out, ah..."

Yu Shunzhou heaved a long sigh, then he moved closer to Gao Yuan and urgently asked, "What did you all talk about?"

Before Gao Yuan could answer, Xiang Weiguo said in a ghostly voice from the side, "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, don't say what you shouldn't say."

Yu Shunzhou immediately dismissed the idea of continuing and could only smile helplessly as he sat down next to Gao Yuan on the sofa.

Gao Yuan didn't know what to say, so he asked Yu Shunzhou a very serious question.

"Have you eaten?"

"I have, a state banquet!"

Yu Shunzhou sighed deeply once again and then spoke with a helpless expression, "Too bad I didn't get in, otherwise I could brag about this meal for the rest of my life."

Yes, it would be enough to brag about for a lifetime, but Gao Yuan suddenly remembered he was no longer the nameless little man who only sought to survive.

Of course, he wasn't any big-shot now either, but still, he had changed.

Leaving aside the connection with Xinghe, Gao Yuan was now the only person on Earth whose genes had all been altered, right?

But as he thought this, Gao Yuan suddenly felt a twinge of fear, so he looked at Xiang Weiguo and whispered, "Uncle Xiang."


"Just now, I felt like I couldn't control myself..."

Xiang Weiguo was clearly startled and asked, "What do you mean?"

Gao Yuan recalled the feeling he had just experienced, then spoke in a low voice, "I can't suppress my emotions like before. Instead, I say whatever comes to mind immediately, impulsively, completely without self-control."

Xiang Weiguo frowned and looked at Gao Yuan for a long time before suddenly asking, "Is there any tendency towards violence?"

Gao Yuan thought carefully and shook his head, "That, I don't have, truly I don't. I'm just in a rush to argue, but I have absolutely no impulse to resort to violence."

As someone who had survived the combined effects of three viruses and undergone genetic changes, whether Gao Yuan might have any sort of problem was something no one could be sure of.

If Gao Yuan had any serious tendencies towards violence, it would be troublesome in the future. For one, would they dare let him see Li Wen?

Gesturing for Yu Shunzhou to move away, Xiang Weiguo sat next to Gao Yuan and then whispered in his ear, "Don't just say you can't control your emotions. Don't tell anyone, but you must observe yourself. If you really can't control them, then act consciously. You are different now from before, do you understand what I mean?"

Of course, he was different from before. Gao Yuan's destructive capabilities were astonishing. If he had any serious violent tendencies, the consequences would be very severe.

Gao Yuan nodded silently.

It was then that Yu Shunzhou, who was sitting nearby, said, "How big must this place be? We have been traveling by train for so long, yet we're still inside tunnels! How massive must this project be!"

Yu Shunzhou was still caught up in excitement, but no one could answer his question.

Just then, the officer who had just escorted Gao Yuan and the others in came back.

"Gao Yuan, please come with me," he said.

Xiang Weiguo was clearly a bit nervous as he stood up and spoke in a low voice, "What's the matter? Is there a problem?"

"Oh, the superior officer wants Gao Yuan to go in and assist the scientists with some tests. Please continue to wait here for a while; the superior officer will come to meet everyone shortly."

Yu Shunzhou immediately became excited. He stood up with his eyes shining and said, "Really?"

Unfortunately, no one paid any attention to Yu Shunzhou; they all surrounded Gao Yuan and left.

Having just left not long ago, he had to return. Gao Yuan felt Xinghe couldn't part with him.

However, when he saw Xinghe again, it wasn't in the meeting room from before but in a much larger room, resembling a classroom.

In front of them was a huge electronic screen, behind were rows of seats, and many computers; Gao Yuan glanced around and had no idea where he was.

"This is the command center, where we can record all video and audio in real-time," the officer explained briefly, then smiled at Gao Yuan—a kind and encouraging smile—before gesturing with his hand to follow him and saying, "Please, come this way."

Gao Yuan remembered the command center as a place with a map hung at the front and a long table around which a bunch of people would gather, pointing and giving directions.

Looking at it now, the command center was much larger than he had imagined; it could accommodate at least three hundred people seated.

The command center was now occupied by a group of scientists who looked fervent. One-third of them were white-haired elders, another third were middle-aged, and the remaining third appeared very young, but Gao Yuan did not doubt that they were some of the smartest people in Shenzhou.

Different from the movies, there were only a few people wearing white lab coats. There were those dressed in sharp suits and leather shoes, several in sports attire with cloth shoes, but most were in casual wear; in any case, they didn't look much different from a regular crowd.

Aside from the fervent way they looked at Xinghe, these people seemed quite ordinary.

But even someone as naïve as Gao Yuan knew that this place likely gathered Shenzhou's most outstanding scientists; Shenzhou's future depended on these people. If the Serpent People were to strike here, well, the consequences would be unthinkable.

Gao Yuan was led all the way to the back, all the way to the last row, where he finally spotted Li Wen and a host of generals seated.

Professional matters, professional settings, professional communication should be left to the professionals, Gao Yuan thought this was good.

Gao Yuan did not know where to sit; then the officer led him past a row of generals, bringing him beside Li Wen.

Li Wen smiled and pointed to a chair next to him without speaking, his eyes still on the exchange happening between Xinghe and the scientists at the front.

Gao Yuan sat down somewhat anxiously, and then he watched Xinghe, speaking eloquently at the forefront.

"That's all for my self-introduction. Now, if you have any questions, you may ask them," Xinghe said.

So long after the fact, it was just the self-introduction, Gao Yuan thought to himself that everyone should be eagerly raising their hands with questions now, but that wasn't the case. A middle-aged man stood up, he switched on the microphone on the table, and with urgency, he said, "Hello, Xinghe, I am a nuclear physicist. You mentioned earlier that you have done some research and have an understanding of Earth's nuclear physics. My field of research is controlled nuclear fusion; may I ask what your views on controlled nuclear fusion are? If necessary, I can first give you a detailed introduction to Earth's research progress on controlled nuclear fusion."

"There's no need," Xinghe replied promptly. "Controlled nuclear fusion, as the name implies, is the primary mode of energy utilization and the correct approach. It's the necessary path to enter a more advanced civilization."

"Please explain in detail, give us more details," the scientist requested, his voice trembling a bit.

After a brief silence, Xinghe replied with a hint of helplessness, "There are no suitable words in your lexicon..."