
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · 軍事
237 Chs

Chapter 114: Astonishing Fuel Consumption

翻訳者: 549690339

The youth was like the wind, running free and joyful.

Gao Yuan spread his arms wide, relishing the brisk wind on his face, and felt utterly content.

Looking back to see the string of zombies trailing behind him, Gao Yuan couldn't help but let out a happy yell.

"This is so awesome!"

Hearing Gao Yuan's shout, the zombies behind him roared and picked up their pace once more.

He was certain in his heart that if it weren't for the alien monsters, zombies could not pose any threat to him, for they simply couldn't catch up to his speed.

Maintaining a speed of six seconds per hundred meters was enough to leave the zombies behind, and he could accelerate at any time to shake them off completely.

A speed of sixty kilometers per hour is what six seconds per hundred meters equates to, and if he could keep this up indefinitely, then Gao Yuan would truly be superhuman.

And Gao Yuan had been running at this speed for half an hour already, meaning he had covered thirty kilometers, and by that time the zombies chasing him had given up completely.

Gao Yuan was definitely faster and more enduring than the zombies.

With this speed, it wouldn't even take a day to reach the Supreme Command; at most half a day, three hours would be more than enough.

However, just as Gao Yuan was enjoying the pleasure speed brought him, he suddenly felt hungry.

Running made him hungry, and although he had eaten a lot, he felt hungry after only half an hour of running.

But fortunately, it was just a feeling of hunger for Gao Yuan, not the severe kind that would leave him too weak to move.

He immediately slowed down a bit.

Three seconds per hundred meters is a sprinting speed, six seconds is a fast running pace; now, reducing the speed a bit, it felt like a normal person's jog.

Gao Yuan couldn't help but mutter to himself that his fuel consumption seemed a bit high.

A car with good features consumes more fuel, so naturally, a capable person needs to eat a little more.

But the problem was that Gao Yuan couldn't find anything to eat now.

There were hardly any zombies left behind him and Gao Yuan thought, rather than keeping the zombies chasing him, it would be better to speed up to shake them off and then walk slowly.

So Gao Yuan sprinted for a while, completely shaking off the zombies behind him.

But he was still hungry, and the feeling was intensifying.

The current Gao Yuan was no longer the kind of person who only felt hungry at meal times; one obvious and direct problem was, as long as there was physical activity consuming energy, he would get hungry very quickly.

He needed to find food.

Gao Yuan had left the highway and was running across the plains; considering the density of villages and towns here, it was quite unlikely for him to completely avoid them.

Therefore, Gao Yuan easily found a village, clarified its name, then he found a spot where he wouldn't be disturbed and pulled out a map.

After locating himself, Gao Yuan realized that he was midway between his camp and the Supreme Command.

It was probably not possible to run all the way to the Supreme Command in one go; he got very hungry after traveling just a quarter of the distance, and if he tried to make it in one stretch, he could faint from hunger halfway there.

What to do? The simplest solution was to go into the village to look for food, and a more secure method was to return to camp, where there was a lot of food stored, and it was high-calorie food.

The village was bound to have some food, but searching would be a waste of time, and Gao Yuan felt he couldn't afford to lose time, so he quickly decided to head straight for his own camp, restock on food, and then make for the Supreme Refuge.

Once his goal was set, he headed directly there, running towards the camp at what he deemed the most comfortable pace.

Along the way, he encountered a few groups of zombies but was easily able to shake them off.

The good news was that although he was very hungry, his strength wasn't affected; the bad news was that his stomach was getting increasingly hungrier.

Finally, as he was about to enter the mountainous area, he felt weak in his limbs and began to feel dizzy and blurred vision.

He still had to climb a mountain to reach the camp, but whereas he usually walked up slowly, this time he ran up it.

He didn't follow the winding mountain paths, instead choosing the most direct route to the camp. The cliffs and gorges that were usually necessary detours, he was now able to leap across, and even without running all the way, his speed was still several times faster.

At last, he saw the familiar village and returned home after being away for more than a month.

Upon reaching his camp, Gao Yuan first observed it from a distance, and once he felt sure there were no uninvited guests, he immediately ran back to his house.

The first thing to do was to find something to eat.

Gao Yuan's hands were trembling from hunger.

He grabbed a can of meat, opened it, and shoved it directly into his mouth; he took out the compressed biscuits and crunched them down.

After consuming ten cans of beef and ten boxes of biscuits in one go, Gao Yuan felt something in his stomach, and no longer as hungry, he went to check the meat stored in the ice cellar for winter.

As expected, the meat had gone bad.

The meat that was frozen solid in winter had thawed, but as the mountains were still much colder than below, the temperature at night was still below freezing, so the meat had spoiled but had not completely rotted yet.

He threw all the spoiled meat away at a distance to prevent it from stinking up the place next time he came, and then, with no other choice, Gao Yuan decided to eat the emergency supplies meant for a crisis.

Every time he opened a can, he felt a pang in his heart, and with every box of compressed biscuits, he winced, but now was the time he needed it most, and eat he must, no matter the pain.

Feeling no longer hungry, Gao Yuan silently packed up the remaining items and prepared to set off again.

However, as he was deciding to leave, a realization struck him – why on earth hadn't he used a more efficient mode of transport, rather than relying on his legs?

Quietly, Gao Yuan rolled out his bicycle, loaded up his large refuge bag, and rode it down the mountain.

This area was very familiar to him, so he carried his bike directly to the newly built road behind the mountain.

After setting down his bike, he carefully mounted it and cautiously started pedaling.

Gao Yuan was well aware of how frighteningly strong he was; he was afraid that he might snap the bike chain with one strong pedal.

The bicycle's speed increased, and Gao Yuan found it almost indescribably easy; he only needed to apply a tiny bit of force and be extra careful not to damage the bike, but still the bike's speed kept increasing.

He whizzed past the village where they collected supplies and continued forward. As he passed through another village, a zombie spotted him on the road and immediately lunged at him.

Gao Yuan didn't want to risk breaking the brakes by squeezing them, nor did he dare to swerve, for fear of toppling the bike. So, he simply picked up a stick with his right hand and swung it as the zombie nearly reached him.

With a smack, the zombie fell to the ground immobile, and Gao Yuan, supporting the handlebar with one hand, rode off into the distance.

It was simply too easy, just too easy.