
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · 軍事
237 Chs

Chapter 111: Just Give It a Try

翻訳者: 549690339

Gao Yuan took off his shoes and socks, revealing his big toe; he didn't want to completely ruin his socks.

Li Jingang removed all the trinkets he was wearing and stood to one side doing a few stretching exercises.

Barefoot, Gao Yuan stepped in front of Li Jingang and called out loudly to Xiang Weiguo, "Everyone be careful, we absolutely can't afford any injuries now, pull your punches, make sure to pull your punches."

Li Jingang assumed a starting stance for his boxing routine and said to Gao Yuan, "Come at me."

Gao Yuan rushed forward and threw a punch at Li Jingang.

He definitely held back on his punch because he had not forgotten the scene where he had burst Li Changfeng's head with one punch.

Gao Yuan was terrified he might burst Li Jingang's head with a punch as well.

Even though he held back, Gao Yuan's punch was still too fast; in every sense of the word, he was a superhuman.

A superhuman that couldn't fly wasn't that super, but he was definitely superhuman.

But surprisingly, Li Jingang ducked his head and evaded Gao Yuan's punch, then squatting down, he blocked with his left fist and swung his right fist out, punching Gao Yuan in the ribs.

Gao Yuan and Li Jingang immediately both stepped back.

Gao Yuan desperately rubbed his ribs, his expression one of extreme pain, while Li Jingang kept swinging his right hand, also displaying a look of extreme pain.

"Damn it, did my hand break?"

Li Jingang cried out in pain, but Gao Yuan was in so much pain that he could only hiss in sharp intakes of breath.

Li Jingang had indeed managed to land a hit on Gao Yuan.

Xiang Weiguo thought for a moment, then asking himself honestly, he believed he definitely couldn't land a hit on Gao Yuan.

Panxin looked at Li Jingang with concern and said, "Is your hand really broken? It couldn't be, why did you use so much force!"

Li Jingang grimaced and said, "It's not that I used too much strength, it's that his speed is so fast, hitting him is like hitting a wall. Oh my god, it hurts so much."

Gao Yuan was winded from the blow, he felt around for a good while, finally catching his breath and said, "I'm okay, but it really hurts. Shall we go again?"

After checking his hand thoroughly, Li Jingang then said to Gao Yuan, "Hmm, let's do it."

The two assumed their positions again, but this time it was Li Jingang who struck first.

He waved his hand in front of Gao Yuan's eyes, and when Gao Yuan instinctively reached out to block, Li Jingang suddenly went for a low kick to Gao Yuan's leg.

Gao Yuan fell to the ground with a thud, while Li Jingang immediately clutched his left hand, hopping and jumping around in pain on the spot.

Gao Yuan got up from the ground, clueless about what had just happened to make him fall.

Xiang Weiguo looked at Li Jingang with surprise, and Li Jingang said helplessly, "It hurts like hell!"

Just then, Gao Yuan had unwittingly blocked with his arm, striking the back of Li Jingang's hand.

"I was just feinting, knew he was fast, so I quickly pulled back but still got hit. Damn, hope it's not broken..."

Li Jingang was on the verge of tears as he looked at Gao Yuan and said, "This guy is too fast, too tough..."

At that moment, Xiang Weiguo said sternly, "King Kong, you've got some good moves there."

Li Jingang replied with a helpless face, "I know my skills are good, but I can't spar with him."

Given Gao Yuan's current speed and strength, landing a hit on him was extremely difficult, but Li Jingang had managed to hit Gao Yuan twice. However, Gao Yuan's strength and physical robustness were beyond his comparison.

Yet Li Jingang still boasted with pride, "If it were a matter of life or death instead of just sparring, he'd be dead. I'd knock him down and finish him off with one more strike."

Gao Yuan was pondering what had happened; he had also trained with Xiang Weiguo, even though he mainly practiced with weapons. Still, Li Jingang had far surpassed him— the two were not even on the same level.

In terms of technique, Li Jingang was leagues beyond Gao Yuan, but as the saying goes, brute force can overwhelm any technique. Li Jingang was much inferior in physical strength and resistance to blows, but if Li Jingang used a gun, he probably could take down Gao Yuan.

That was what Gao Yuan was currently thinking about.

Xiang Weiguo said in a deep voice, "Hmm, if weapons are involved, you'd certainly be the one to die."

Pointing at Li Jingang, Xiang Weiguo said confidently, "Don't be discontented. Gao Yuan might not be up to par barehanded, but armed he's out of your league. However, it seems like your boxing skills have really internalized, haven't they? I've seen many practice Xingyi Quan, most just have the forms, but very few truly master it. With your age, plus your physical attributes and talent, you are undoubtedly the top in Xingyi Quan."

Li Jingang was stunned for a moment but then shook his head and said in a low voice, "I may be good, but whether I'm the best or not, I can't say. There's another person. I don't know who's better until we fight."

Xiang Weiguo looked surprised and asked, "Oh, there's another Xingyi master? Haven't heard about that. Anyone who can reach your level is no ordinary person. Who are you talking about?"

"My brother, my cousin, well, I used to play around when fighting him, but now I don't know. I heard he has become very formidable, but I haven't had the chance to test him."

"How come you haven't had the chance, is he also in the military?"

"No, he's abroad."

Li Jingang looked reluctant to say more and didn't explain further, so Xiang Weiguo didn't press the issue. He walked up to Li Jingang, put a hand on his shoulder, and said in a low voice, "King Kong, little brother, buddy, I have a favor to ask. Your Xingyi Quan is really impressive. When you have time, could you teach Xiao Yuan a thing or two?"

Li Jingang glanced at Gao Yuan and without much hesitation, said, "Sure, I can teach him when I have time. But does he really need to learn?"

Indeed, did he really need to learn? That was what Gao Yuan thought too.

"Oh come on, one can never have too many skills, it's definitely good to learn a few more moves."

Xiang Weiguo let go of Li Jingang, satisfied, and said with a grin, "Alright, let's wrap up the test here. Let's discuss what to do next. Gao Yuan has eaten all our supplies, and this place is getting more and more dangerous. We need to figure out a solution, either head to the base with Xinghe directly or have Xiao Yuan go alone to deliver the message so the base can send someone to back you guys up. What do you two think?"

Luo Xingyu interjected anxiously, "Wait, hold on a sec! Uncle Xiang, just hold on for a little bit. First, tell me who is more formidable, Brother Yuan or him?"

Xiang Weiguo looked at Luo Xingyu, then at Li Jingang, but it was Li Jingang who spoke softly, "Well, let's just say he's the more formidable one."

"What do you mean 'let's just say he's more formidable'?"

Luo Xingyu was puzzled, and with a sigh, Li Jingang said, "Without mutation, one of me could take on ten of him. After his mutation, he relies on physical quality, I rely on skill and experience. But he can improve, whereas I could never have his physique. So you tell me who's more formidable. I can still land hits on him now, but later... How about you give me some of your blood, just in case it helps!"