
The Ultimate Patriarch System

Jin, a young orphan without friends and often bullied by everyone, dies after getting tortured badly by the loan sharks he owed. He transmigrated to the Xuantian world with the Ultimate Patriarch System and is on his way to creating his own legend.

future_cultivator · ファンタジー
11 Chs


"The dogs have been beaten, will the owner come looking for trouble next?"

Jin taunted. He gave a smug look to Ao Feng as the later boiled in anger and shame. After he overhead what the people around said about Ao Feng's cruelty, he decided not to go easy on him.

In a fit of anger, Ao Feng pulls out his sword and lunges himself at Jin.

"I will make you pay for this disrespect, you will be a reminder to these peasants not to ever dare get on my bad side! Die for me!"

"Haha, I guess I'll have to put you in your place" Jin retorted with a smile that further drove Ao Feng to the brink of madness.

'Swish! Swish! Swish!' The sword continued swinging at Jin aiming for his vital organs, but on every occasion, before it could hit, Jin dodged to the side with little to no movement. Since Jin started battling to the death with the shadow in the training space, this level of combat was like a plaything to him.


Jin dodged to the side and landed a slap on Ao Feng's face leaving a hand print on the now red cheek

"Y-you bastard! You will pay!"


Another slap connected to the other cheek, a furious Ao Feng crazily swung his sword trying his best to hit Jin.

"This is getting boring. Time to put an end to this"

After a few more slaps and dodges, Jin quickly grew bored of his opponent and decided to end the fight.

With a little dodge to the right, he evaded Ao Feng's sword, and in one smooth movement he held onto Ao Feng's arm and landed a heavy blow below his elbow, breaking his bones and disfiguring his right arm.

"Aaarghhhhh! My arm! You bastard!" Ao Feng cursed in pain as he staggered backwards. He clutched his right arm with his left as beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

He looked up only to see Jin grinning at him, to him this face gave him nothing but the impression of the devil laughing as he collected his soul

'thud... thud... thud'

Jin walked towards Ao Feng while he retreated, Jin gave out a chuckle as he asked

"Hey, why are you screaming when we have only just started? Come on let's have some more fun"

"N-no! D-don't! Please don't come here! Help me! S-somebody! Please!" Pleaded Ao Feng as he tried to escape

'Crack! Crack! Crack!'

Jin caught up to him and proceeded to break his other arm and also shattered his knees, crippling him. Ao Feng screamed and cried in pain, begging with snot dripping down his nose for Jin to forgive him and let him go.

He was a mess, blood was flowing from his wounds and was seeping into the ground. His face was swollen due to the hard slaps he had received from Jin earlier. If anyone who didn't watch the fight from the beginning were to see Ao Feng right now, they would not be able to recognise him. That was just how badly he was beaten up.

After crippling So Feng, Jin stood over his body and watched in disgust as his body twitched uncontrollably from all the pain he was feeling. The once haughty youth who wanted to beat him to death was now crying and begging like a child at his feet.

This once again reminded him that strength was paramount in this world, if he wasn't strong enough, he would have been the one getting beat up. He promised himself not to slack off in his training and to one day be a top cultivator who was feared and respected by all.

"Sigh... If people heard the way you're screaming like a bitch right now they would think I'm the villain here. Why did you have to be a trouble maker when you had no strength to back it up? Ugh, what a drag, you're no fun"

Jin said as he raised his foot and stumped on Ao Feng's belly, the kick shattered his dantian and dispersed all his previously gathered energy, turning him from the once highly cruel young master to a mere crippled mortal who couldn't even take care of himself anymore.

"Arghhh!" Ao Feng screamed for the last time before he passed out in his own pool of blood

The surroundings went quiet for some seconds before the surprised people burst into conversations in different little groups.

"What?! Ao Feng was defeated?"

"Who would have imagined?!"

"Not just defeated but even crippled in the process!"

"Just who is this person? So bold!"

"This is bad, the black dragon gang is known for being vengeful! What would happen to this young man?"

"I advise he starts running as far away from here as possible"

The people gossiped, some feeling excited and happy about seeing Ao Feng getting retribution for all he did to the weak in the past while some worried about how the situation in spring lily town would change due to what happened here.

The man of the hour, Jin, leisurely strolled back to the registration counter. The group of youths walked up to him

"You are really strong brother Jin!" Bing Haoran squealed

"No he is just too weak, I didn't even do much" Jin replied as a matter of fact

"Anyways, we will be taking our leave now. We shall meet on the day of the tournament" Jiang Hai said and they all gave a perfunctory bow as they went their separate ways while Jin continued with his registration.

"Hand over the registration fee then state your name and age"

The man said as he handed Jin a tray to put the money in. He submitted the money and his information after which he was handed a plaque with the number 104 on it.

After the registration, Jin took a stroll around the town to familiarise himself with the place. He spotted some nice places to eat and even a red light district as he walked for some hours.

. . . . .

In the room of an inn.

Jin sat crossed legged as he viewed his status

[Name: Jin]

[Age: 20]

[Race: Human]

[Cultivation: 1st level of the golden core stage]

[Physique: Innate Dao Body]

[Spiritual root: Divine grade]

[System points: 800]

[System store: Locked]

"System, how do I unlock the system store?" Jin asked, curious as to why the store had not activated even after he broke through to the golden core stage.


"The system store can only be unlocked with 10k system points! Accumulate system points and you can unlock the store! Cultivation realm has nothing to do with it!"

"Really! Okay that's something I can do. I guess I will be spending some time in the demon plains again, ugh!"

Jin said, making his plan to go back to the demon plains to farm system points.

With a wave of his hand, 500 spirit stones dropped on the bed. He sat in the lotus position and initiated his true Qi scripture, the high grade spirit stones were visibly turning to dust as all the Qi stored in it was absorbed.

The Qi flowed into his body through his meridians and gathered in his dantian, steadily strengthening his core.

"Ding! The host has broken through to the 2nd level of the golden core stage!"

"Ding! The host has broken through to the 3rd level of the golden core stage!"

After two hours Jin finally opened his eyes, he took a look into his body and at his golden core which shone brighter than before. There were intricate patterns forming on his golden core making it seem mysterious.

"I was only able to break through 2 levels with 500 high grade spirit stones. I need to find more spirit stones if not my only option is to find a place with a saturated amount of Qi or its equivalent which is an almost impossible task. Sigh, I will have to go to the demon plains tomorrow so as to unlock the store as soon as possible, if I'm right then there should be something that can help me in there"

Jin thought as he laid his back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. His mind went back to when he was on earth and how bad he had it, not wanting to get caught up in regret, he shut his eyes and forced himself to sleep after a long time.

[Name: Jin]

[Age: 20]

[Race: Human]

[Cultivation: 3rd level of the golden core stage]

[Physique: Innate Dao Body]

[Spiritual root: Divine grade]

[System points: 800]

[System store: Locked]