
The Ultimate Patriarch System

Jin, a young orphan without friends and often bullied by everyone, dies after getting tortured badly by the loan sharks he owed. He transmigrated to the Xuantian world with the Ultimate Patriarch System and is on his way to creating his own legend.

future_cultivator · ファンタジー
11 Chs


"Why don't you join me then?"

Jin said, inviting Chen Song to have a seat.

"I will be glad to join you, brother" Chen Song replied with a smile as he took the seat opposite Jin. Bespectacled by the amount of food on the table, he and Jin engaged in a series of questions and answers

"Can you finish all these?"

"I made the order, I am pretty sure I can handle it"

"Are you serious? I find it hard to believe that"

"My meal is of no concern to you, just tell me what I want to know and leave" Jin replied, kind of pissed off at the constant questions

"Haha! Right, right. So how can I address you, brother?" Chen Song inquired


"Okay brother Jin, nice to officially meet you. I came with my friends, I wonder if I could call them over. I'm sure they could also have answers to what you would like to know" he asked pointing to his group behind him

After a few seconds of hesitation, Jin nodded in agreement and Chen Song waved, beckoning them to come over

The four youths walked up to the table and made a light bow clasping their fists with their palm

"Brother Jin, these are my friends Yue Lan, Bing Haoran, Jiang Hai and Lin Wei. "

"Hello, nice to meet you brother Jin"

"Nice to meet you too" Jin returned the bow while still seated. Seeing this a frown formed on Lin Wei's face. Jin focused on them and activated the eye of truth

[Name: Yue Lan]

[Age: 19]

[Cultivation: 9th level of the foundation building stage]

[Affiliation: Inner disciple of the scented mist pavilion]

[Name: Bing Haoran]


[Cultivation: 8th level of the foundation building stage]

[Affiliation: Inner disciple of the scented mist pavilion]

[Name: Jiang Hai]

[Age: 19]

[Cultivation: 9th level of the foundation building stage]

[Affiliation: Young master of the Jiang clan]

[Name: Lin Wei]

[Age: 19]

[Cultivation: 8th level of the foundation building stage]

[Affiliation: Young master of the Lin clan]

After they all sat down, Jin continued

"Tell me about this town, the factions present and which are stronger. If there is any other information I need to know you can go ahead and add it too." Jin said

"Okay, where to start? Spring lily town got its name from the beautiful spring lily flower that can be found in large quantities all over the town. It is home to commoners and cultivators alike. There are lots of groups constantly vying for power but only 7 factions are commonly known as the strongest. They are the flaming sword sect, the scented mist pavilion, the Chen, Jiang, Lin, Guo and Hwan clans. There are other groups but none as powerful as these 7"

"Yea, I'll advise you not to get into trouble with any one of them. Nobody knows what might just happen" Lin Wei chimed, spotting a condescending smirk on his face

After gently shaking his head, Chen Song continued talking

"Every 3 years, a tournament is hosted in this town. It is an opportunity for young people to showcase their talent and earn a name for themselves. Visitors have a shot at it too as the only requirement is not being older than 25 years old.

There are always prizes for those who emerge in the first 10, but the first 3rd prizes are mouth watering. The next tournament is scheduled to be held in 3 days.

I answered your questions so I believe you should answer one of mine too, right?"

Chen Song added at the end

"Ugh, so what is your question?" A dissatisfied Jin asked while tearing into the chicken thigh in his hand

"Where are you from and which faction do you belong to?" Asked Chen Song

"I'm a wanderer, don't belong to any faction" replied jin

Their interest was piqued as they eagerly looked at him

"Really? What city did you live in previously?" Bing Haoran asked excitedly

"Demon plains"

". . . . The demon plains? Where wild beasts and demonic creatures run rampant?" A shocked Jiang Hai asked

"Is there another one?"

"That place is teeming with powerful creatures that are violent by nature, how can one possibly live there?!" Yue Lan asked in disbelief, she couldn't imagine someone living in the demon plains but by the look on Jin's face she knew he was telling the truth

"What were you doing there? We have seen you dole out taels of gold so there's no need to think you were poor and decided to go live in the demon plains" Bing Haoran remarked

"I was in seclusion. Just got out not too long ago. By the way, that tournament you were talking about, how do I participate?"

"Oh you can register at the stall set up in the Townsquare, a fee of 150 copper is required for the form. You can start registering now or on the day of the tournament" Chen Song answered

"We will go register after we are done here. You could join us if you wish to" Bing Haoran said

"That would be nice" replied Jin. Immediately after, the system's notification rang in his ear.

"Ding! Issuing mission!"

"For the host to be the Ultimate Patriarch, he needs to have a deserving prestige. A name that puts others in fear even before seeing the name bearer!"

"Enroll for the martial tournament and emerge victorious!"

"Requirement: Come in first place!"

Jin had a smile on his face while he continued his chat with the rest. At some point, more food was ordered and they all ate together.

. . . .

In front of a stall in the Townsquare.

A line of teenagers and young adults stretched for more than 20 feet.

People from far and near usually come to spring lily town to participate in the grand tournament. A lot more came for the entertainment and the opportunity to meet some people and with some luck,  make a connection of a lifetime. That type of story was not unheard of.

There were people who were discussing in one corner waiting for their turn, while some remained silent and focused on their reasons for being there.

After 45 minutes it was finally Jin's turn to get registered. As he was about to step up to the counter he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder before a voice sounded behind him.

"Hey junior brother, I am in a hurry so why don't I take your turn and you can take mine?"

Turning around, Jin was met with a tall and fairly built man. Black hair, dressed in a blue robe with a black dragon embroidery on it and a sword hanging on his waist.

Behind him stood two other people who were presumably his guards

This was Ao Feng, second son of the black dragon gangs leader. He had a reputation of cruelty and committing inhumane acts against those weaker than him. No one targeted by him has ever been the same.

"Oh no, Ao Feng has set his eyes on someone again"

"Again? Why didn't he just run when he saw Ao Feng? Doesn't he have eyes?"

"I think it's a visitor who came to participate in the upcoming tournament"

"Aww, poor thing"

The people around whispered amongst themselves but everything they said could be heard by Jin thanks to his abnormally strong spiritual senses.

'Eye of truth'

[Name: Ao Feng]

[Age: 22]

[Cultivation: 7th level of the foundation building stage]

[Affiliation: Second young master of the black dragon gangs]

The two guards behind him had almost identical information with the only change being one having their cultivation level in the 5th level of the foundation building stage while the other was in the 4th.

"And why should I do that?" Jin replied with a smile

"Because I asked nicely? I will overlook your disrespect, now leave"

Ao Feng said with disdain, not seeing him as worth his time.

"Sigh... Get lost while I'm still being nice" Jin said, equally pissed off

It was like a bomb went off in Ao Feng's head upon hearing Jin. His face darkened and he clenched his fists.

"You... Are you messing with me right now? Looks like you're new in town but that doesn't give you the right to act anyway you want to. Teach him a lesson boys, beat him half to death!"

Ao Feng ordered his guards.

The two guards looked at each other and took off in Jin's direction. They both threw punches at Jin but they all managed to miss their target.

Jin was weaving and bobbing his head while dodging all their attacks.

He did not need to utilise his movement technique as he was much faster than the guards. While they toiled and laboured to hit him, Jin always slipped away, easily yet effectively dodging the barrage of attacks.

"What are you fucks doing? There's both of you and one of him! Stop embarrassing me and get him!" A frustrated Ao Feng screamed at his guards

With being under pressure from their boss, the guards pulled out their swords and started attacking Jin with killing intent. This doesn't go unnoticed by Jin, he resolutely evades their sword strikes and landed two kicks that made the guards fly back and crash into the other stalls behind them.

"The dogs have been beaten, will the owner come looking for trouble next?"