
The Ultimate Lifeform

Mark, dropped to his left knee & propped his right elbow on his hip, holding firm his sniper rifle until he had the Suspect in his sight. Gripping his sniper, Mark aimed straight at the suspect's head as he held a woman at gunpoint. Mark took a deep breath and was about to pull the trigger, but the next second he found himself in a room. Author: I will upload whenever I want... I am doing this for fun, so if I get some good reviews I will continue this story.

Hoosierdaddy · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs


When he exited the bathroom he found the most beautiful and sexiest woman he has ever seen in his fucking life laying on his bed and going through his new Laptop. The perfect arcs of her waist, breasts, and buttocks were indescribably lovely, her soft and shiny platinum blonde increased her charms even more.

'Holy shit, Look at that ass' Mark thought in a daze while he calmed his raging hormones down.

Mark: "Ahem..." This got her attention, she turns her piercing gaze on him, and instead of being embarrassed she eyes his body appreciatively.

The woman: "I will give you 10 out of 10." She said with an appealing flirty smile. Mark smirked and ran his hand through his wet hair.

Mark: "I can say the same about you" Mark chuckled. She smiled at him and her eyes linger on him for a moment too long before she hopped down and approached him.

Felicia: "The name is Felicia, nice to meet ya." Mark shook her offered hand.

Mark: "Mark, your new tenant" Mark pauses and he took one glance at the mac book and found out she was looking through some online shopping websites & was scanning the site for a woman's innerwear.

Felicia: "Oops..." She quickly closed the tab, much to his amusement.

Mark: "Though it's rude to touch other things... I like your boldness." Mark said and took out a blue t-shirt and black jeans from the cupboard.

Felicia: "Well, thanks I guess..." Mark turned to face her and his eyes trail with admiration from her full, pouty lips to her luscious curves and her beautiful blue eyes.

Mark: "You don't want to see me naked too right?" A blush suffused her cheeks, embarrassed by his stare she left his room immediately.

Mark: "Damn, I am living with BlackCat." Mark muttered under his breath and felt quite blessed to be in the same house as her. He will definitely go after her if she is single, damn after seeing that beautiful face and a sinful body to die for, it's impossible to get her out of his mind, he is captivated by her beauty.

[A Month Later]

Located underneath Riverside Park on the Upper West Side, the Freedom Tunnel is one of the city's most frequented off-limits transportation spots.

The Freedom Tunnel was first constructed as part of Robert Moses' Westside Improvement Project to address the problem of "Death Avenue," a ground-level railroad track responsible for the deaths of several pedestrians. However, once the tunnel was completed, the rise of trucking made the track largely obsolete.

Many homeless people discovered the abandoned area by the mid-70s, and hundred resided there through the '80s. However, in the 1990s Amtrak began laying a new track, and many squatting there were forcibly removed by the NYPD in 1996. Today, the tunnels are remarkably clean, with the only signs of life from the graffiti on the walls.

Deep in the tunnel stood a creature whose body appears to mainly consist of blue energy. Four retractable spikes are protruding from both of his shoulders. The creature's arms are rather large, stretching down nearly to his feet in a resting position. His head, arms, chest, and legs are rock-like. His eyes are green and a moss-like substance can be seen around his neck and shoulders.

This creature is Mark and the Alien he transformed into is called "Fulmini", a species that is made entirely of Omni-Enhanced energy, they have the ability to release strong, blue electrical charges from any part of their bodies, which they can use to construct various weapons and tools, absorb external sources of energy, can use their electrokinesis to telekinetically move objects, can create force fields and energy boxes, can manipulate the weather to the point of being able to create a massive storm and lastly the most powerful ability of Fulmini is that they can generate wormholes.

Wondering what he is doing in this shady part of the tunnel? Well, he is absorbing the power of his own Alien, & adding them to his arsenal.

Since, the Omnitrix has the DNA sample stored in it, even though if he absorbs every single ability of the Alien he transformed into, the DNA sample stored in the device doesn't get destroyed, which means he doesn't have to worry about losing an Alien and even though if he did, he doesn't care because he already has acquired their total abilities without sacrificing his human appearance.

Mark activated his osmosian power and in just under a minute he absorbed Fulmini's powers and changed back to his original form.

Mark: "Eva, can you show me my status?" His status screen popped up before his face.


[Mark Smith]

Race: Osmosian, ???.

Hp: 10,000. MP: 6,000.

Strength: 3000. Agility: 1500.

Sense: 800. Vitality: 1,000.

Intelligence: 300.

Powers and Abilities: Energy Absorption, Death's Blessing, Matter Absorption, Power Absorption, Pyrokinesis, Cryokinesis, Flight, Intangibility, Telekinesis, Cosmic Rays, mana manipulation, Temperature Resistance, Camouflage, Hydrokinesis, Plant Manipulation, Self-Duplication, Magnetokinesis, invisibility, Life Force Draining, Audiokinesis, Night Vision, Infrared Vision, Bat Transformation, Hypnosis, Super- Speed, Accelerated Thinking, Enhanced stamina, Enhanced strength, Enhanced sense, size alteration, teleportation, dimension-hopping, and Enhanced Intelligence.

New: Omni- Enhanced Electrokinesis, Electro Weapon construct Creation, Energy Absorption, Wormhole Generation, Energy Redirection, storm creation.


Mark: "Looking good." Mark grinned widely as he saw the list of strong & powerful abilities, which he acquired from the classic aliens like Ghostfreak, Way big, heat blast, & some were acquired from the reboot series.

Mark stretched his hand out and created a throwing blade made of blue electricity in his palm. He aimed and threw it at a concrete pillar. The blade literally pierced through the pillar-like a hot knife through butter and zoomed off in the distance.

Mark: "Damn..." He mutters in awe.

"Ring!" "Ring!"

He heard his phone ringing, he grabbed his phone from his jeans pocket & found the caller was Felicia. Mark's mood went a little sour, you see his relationship with her is kind of odd, he does like her and well he could clearly tell that she is interested in him too, but something is stopping her from accepting those feelings. Maybe she has a lover and she doesn't want to cheat on him and if that's the case then Mark has no right to interfere in their life, so with that thought in mind, he has completely stopped his advances towards Felicia, he distanced himself from her and nowadays Mark put his complete focus on his journey to become stronger and carry out the task Death has entrusted upon him.

Mark tighten his hold on the device and he was about to decline the call, but an uneasy feeling tug at the uncertainty of his mind. He doesn't know why but he has this gut feeling that if he doesn't pick up the call he will regret his actions later.

Mark sighs heavily and picks up the call, but no sound came from the other side of the call, but the next second he heard some rustling and muffled breathing sound.

Mark: "Eva, where is she right now?" Mark asked, worried that something must have happened to her.

Eva: "Sir, according to her phone location she should be in her home." Eva answered immediately.

"Hel-" He was startled by Felicia's voice, she sounds desperate as if her life is in danger. Mark didn't waste another second and used his teleportation to return to his room.

[He acquired this ability from an Alien known as Cartoonami, an alien who has the ability to cross-dimensions and teleport to any place it wants]

Mark bolted out of his room and approached her room in haste. Seeing that her door is locked from inside he busted it open in one sweep kick.

The scene before him is enough to make his blood boil in anger, there on the bed, a random dude pinned Felicia down with his body weight and is trying to get her phone out of her grip.

Dude: "W-What the fuck?!" The dude exclaimed in a sacred tone, he gulped as he took one quick glance at the broken door.

Felicia looks over to Mark, helplessness, and desperation in her eyes. Mark quickly crosses the distance between them & grabs the dude by his hair and yanked him off from her body.

Dude: "Ahhh! Dude, you are killing me...!" The piece of shit shrieked as he manically claws on Mark's hand trying to free himself from his grip.

Mark's grip only tightened, and without an ounce of mercy he lifted the dude up in the air. Crimson blood trickled down the dude's face as his hair slowly started to rip from his scalp due to his weight.

Dude: "If you kill me, you will go to jail" The Dude squealed like a pig who is about to get slaughter.

Mark: "Kill you? Death is far too easy of a punishment. I will not kill you, I will hurt you really, really bad." Mark's face lit up in a sadistic grin, which scared the hell out of the dude.

Dude: "Babe, save me...Agh... I don't know what came over me... I am so-" Before the piece of shit could complete his words Mark slammed his head into the wall knocking him out.

Mark: "I am so sorry you have to go through that..." Mark said gently and approached the trembling form of Felicia.

Mark: "Are you ok- oof!" He got the air knocked out of his lung when she leaped towards him and hugged his torso with an iron grip.

Felicia: "Th-Thank you... Thank you..." She broke down into tears and with a trembling voice, Felicia profusely thanked Mark for saving her life and her chastity.

Mark kept his silence and comforted her by rubbing her back.

Felicia: "I... I n-never th-though Ryan would try to... "Sob"..." Mark rubbed her back gently & spoke.

Mark: "Shh... I'm here with you now."

He held her in his arms and comforted her for the next 20 minutes, by now her heavy breathing has calmed down, and she stopped crying.

He glances down and found the poor girl who appeared to be sleeping, her breathing deep and steady.

Mark sighed in relief and moved to tuck her in bed, but her grip on his shirt is so strong that if he tries to free himself he would definitely wake her up. Mark took out his phone from his pocket & dialed a number.

Mark: "Where are you right now?" A moment of silence later a voice akin to his replied from the other side.

???: "What happened boss?"

Mark: "Stop whatever you doing and return immediately."

???: "Boss, I am this close to robbing the Joker, the prince of Clowns!" The voice exclaimed from the other side of the room.

Mark: "Fuck Joker! Return immediately, some mother fucker tried to force himself on Felicia!" Mark growled out as he stared at the unconscious piece of shit with rage in his eyes.

Out of nowhere, an exact copy of Mark pops up in the room and looked at him in stunned silence.

???: "Boss, what can I do for you?" The copy quickly asked with a serious face.

Mark was about to say something, but pauses momentarily and then grins darkly.

Mark: "I wonder what Joker will do if he found his money missing & in its place he finds this guy?" The clone smirked darkly on hearing the ingenious idea.

Mark: "But before that, use hypnosis on him & erase all memories related to us. I don't want to deal with that Crazy clown and his insane clown girl." Mark's clone nods at his words and teleported from the room with Ryan.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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