
Transcending talent

Guys i will make the mc go to a cultivation universe not a cultivation world first because there's gonna be more cultivation worlds or realms than one right, im going to call them realms. Im going to take the mc to the lowest and weakest realm, so that he works his way to the top there. There is a total of nine realms in a cultivation universe - first realm is the weakest. im also going to take mc to anime worlds so dont worry


mortal ranks- low to high / 1 - 5 star ---wont go into to much in cultivation stages

bronze rank

silver rank

gold rank

black gold rank

earth rank

sky rank

There are more stages, but not now.


"hmm...system i want to use the omniversal talent pills" Micheal said excitingly


[Does host want to use all 3 pills]


"yes" said Micheal


[Transcending talent from the omniverse, ascending to unknownverse talent level.]

"wow!!!! my talent transcended, system whats the unknownverse."


[nobody knows what the unknownverse is host, you can not enter the unknownverse yet host due to being too weak.]

Micheal was dissapointed but not down, he just had to get stronger so that he can explore the unknownverse.

Micheal suddenly had an idea and decided to ask the system about it.

"system can i at least go to another universe" ask Micheal


[yes host you can, you can go anywhere accept the unknownverse.]

Micheal was full joy, like a kid getting his first toy he couldn't believe what he just heard, mostly for not paying attention when system was hacking the omniverse.

Micheal want it to go to a wuxia novel because he was fascinated when he read those and imagined him self being a cultivator.

"system i want to go to a cultivation universe." said Micheal


[what level cultivation universe host?]

"what level?"


[there are 3 levels of cultivation universe consisting of low, mid, and high. A low level cultivation universe has scarce supply of qi, a mid level cultivation universe has a steady supply of qi, and a high level cultivation universe has a highly supply of qi.]

Micheal was the type of person that like to have op(overpowered) things to make things easier, but still like to work his way to the top.

"i want to go to a low level cultivation universe"


Micheal's stats





vitality: 10


strength :10

agility :10

magic/qi/ki :10

intelligence: to talent)

luck :10

hack points:

sorry i couldn't post earlier i was and still am sick.

comment on what should i give the mc

bloodlines/abilities/qi techniques

ULTRAOPcreators' thoughts