
Chapter 1: The Beginning

In the heart of the bustling city of New York, hidden behind towering skyscrapers and shimmering lights, lived a man whose wealth matched his solitude. Alessandro Vince Moretti, an unassuming man with a face marred by scars and a countenance that had seen better days, was a billionaire in every sense of the word. His appearance, however, was a stark contrast to the world he had built around him.

Alessandro's journey began with a cruel twist of fate. Abandoned by his parents as a child due to his disfigurement, he had been left to navigate the harsh realities of an orphanage. His days were filled with longing for acceptance, the kind he never received from the world that judged him solely by his looks.

There lived a guy who was ugly, he is Alessandro. He is weathy, he was working for his dad in his company although he will like to get his own company but he just wants to make his family happy by working in the families company. His parents knows he's ugly and because of that he couldn't find a girl who will love him for himself. So because of that any girl who gets as his girlfriend for some reason only be with him for his money or connection or even just to get together with his brothers. Even his own parents for some reason uses him for money or connections. 

It has been going on for so long and he didn't realized that his family and his past and present girlfriends had been using him. Anywhere he goes he gets laughed out, gets mocked at and nobody wants to associate themselves with him because he's ugly. Some days he spents his time in the office or his house because he doesn't want to go out only for him to be looked at . For him it wasn't his fault, it was that he was born like that and for the fact that he is being judged because of that just makes him feel like not showing his face to the world.

One day he was at work and his mum called him to come over for dinner with his girlfriend so they can get to know her properly he agreed because he didn't know what was going and didn't know that he's parents had a hidden genda for calling him and his girlfriend over. He agreed because he didn't know what was going on. It was when he got to his parents house and they received the both of them. It was time for dinner he noticed how his own brothers where looking at his girlfriend with sexual eyes, he tried to forget about it and not make it seem like that. At some point he didn't realize when his girlfriend left the dinning room to go to the toilet and also his brothers left the dinning room. 

Since he didn't know what was going on he decided to go look for his girlfriend only for him to hear sex noise coming froming from his brothers room when he went to check he saw that it was his girlfriend and his brothers fucking. It got him so upset that he decided to leave the house only for him to hear his parents talking in his father's office of how they should kick him out of the company with nothing to his name or even try to strip him of all his money. He was in shock that he felt so stupid to not have notice what has been going on since he left his parents house without telling anyone.

He felt betrayed by his parents, so he decided to forget what he heard only for him and then while he was at home the next day he noticed that he got some alert telling him that his girlfriend and parents has been siphoning his money and thank God it wasn't his main account just his savings. After collecting the money his parents sacked him from the company and push him out he felt so depressed and betrayed, he couldn't believe that his own parents can treat him the way they have been treating him. After all he has done for the family and company his own girlfriend, parents and brother's could betray him like these. He decided to start a fresh new life in Italy Sicily. He also decided to close his heart for anything love. He built a wall so thick that he will never fall in love with anyone or have anything to do with family again.