
The Uchiha's in MHA (AU)

WARNING:  This will not be an OP mc fanfic.  They will be strong but also not unbeatable.  Please remember that these are kids!  While they are averagely smart they are not geniuses and will occasionally make stupid mistakes.  (They won't be idiots either.) DO NOT expect them to act like Madara would or ect.  They are still just your average 15 yo kids.  While they might show some resemblance's to their characters and receive some their personality traits, they are still their own person. As for how the dynamic of having 3 MC's will work.  It won't be 3 MC's.  Madara will be the MC with Obito and Itachi being major side characters.  Like Saskue and Sakura from the original Naruto. With that out of the way, I hope you all enjoy. --Synopsis-- When Ace Dies at the age of 15 along with his two best friends in a car accident, all three of them are given the chance to reincarnate into MHA. With three wishes of course. How will this change the future? Will it be for the good? WARNING: IF YOU LEAVE A NEGATIVE REVIEW THAT HAS ITS MAIN POINT AS NERFED MC’S, YOUR REVIEW WILL BE DELETED BECAUSE I HAVE GIVEN YOU PLENTY OF WARNINGS ABOUT NON OP MC’S. (Characters from other anime’s will make their appearance in this MHA Fanfic.)

DaoistShinobi · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

The Bet (Bonus Chapter) (Short Chapter)

(Author- Hey I hope you all enjoy! If you do then please don't forget to feed this story all your power stones. I would greatly appreciate it. Anyway, please enjoy.)

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

"Hnnn." I yawn as I turn off my alarm. In the two other beds of the room Itachi and Obito do the same.

We then sit up and are about to get ready when, *Bang.* Our door opens.

"Hello. Did you sleep well? Are you ready for your next day of school? I'm so happy you all got into U.A. I wonder if we'll see each other there." A certain pariwinkle haired girl asks as she's now standing in the doorway.

"Nejire, can't you give us five minutes to get ready before you assault us with all your questions?" Itachi groans in annoyance.

She then puffs her cheeks out, "Fine. But be down stairs in five. Breakfast is almost ready." With that, she turns and heads down stairs.

The three of us then get ready in silence. After a few minutes we head downstairs to eat breakfast. Mom is in the Kitchen quickly finishing breakfast. "Sorry Kiddo's, you'll all have to eat without me today. I got to get to the restaurant and open it. Sheila isn't working today."

Obito nods, "Okay."

I agree, "That's fine. Have a good day at work."

he walks over and places all our food in front of us before smiling, "Thanks. You four have a good day in school. Nejire told me that you all have your first Hero class today." She then smirks, "Kick their asses."

"Yes mam." The three of us reply while chuckling. Our mother's always been like this it's actually rather funny.

With that she then heads out the door. Nejire, while eating smiles, "So, yesterday a new transfer came to our school as a third year. She's in my class."

While eating, I ask, "Ho? What's she like. Any good?"

Nejire nods, "Yes actually. She is actually extremely strong. Her personality is a lot like Madara's. Who knows, maybe it'll be love at first sight." She jokes.

This causes me to spit my food out in shock, "Excuse me what? Love? Thanks but I'm good. The thrill of battle is my one and only love." I smirk back satisfied with my use of such a cliche line.

This draws a innocent smile out of Nejire, "Really? I wonder if you'd be willing to bet three... no five weeks of mom's desert on that?"

Obito and Itachi immediately jerk their heads up in surprise. Mom's dessert is legendary. So much so that the maximum amount ever bet before has only been 3 days and that was by the ever foolish Obito.

I chuckle and without hesitation accept this bet. "Deal. But when I meet her and don't fall 'head over heels' for her, no taking it back." A malicious grin forming on my face.

We then shake on it. After we agree, we quickly finishing eating before heading to school. I then smirk before looking over to Obito and Itachi, "You guys ready? It's time to become heroes."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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