
Judge's dilemma

For the first time in her career,Judge Baek was thinking of calling in a personal favor.She had a few friends who were in the police department and the medical field.She needed some answers faster.The recess was going to end soon and she hated to leave the decision hanging for the next session.

Picking up her phone she called a number and the phone was answered with a curt,"Hello."

"Hello Commissioner Mo.This is Baek Song calling.How are you?"

The answering voice warmed incredibly and answered,"Judge Baek!I am doing really well.How are you doing?Are you on leave today and not in court?"

Judge Baek answered the questions with a smile and then proceeded with her request,"Commissioner Mo,today I am calling you to ask for a favor.I need details of a person's medical records but I don't know which hospital to look in on.Can you help with that?"

"Of course I can.Tell me the name of the person and I'll call you back with all the information.But I expect that you will let me win the next round of poker when we play..."

"Of course I will.The person I want to know about is Ru Long.His medical history for the last 4 years.He is the son of Ryu Long of Lance Inc."

Sputtering sound..."Ryu Long...Judge Baek...you don't ask for simple favors,do you?I hope it is nothing serious..It wouldn't be wise to offend him..."

Judge Baek smirked and asked,"You need to work hard to win the poker round."

She kept down the phone and after interlocking her fingers on the desk leaned back and closed her eyes.Her hands were tied due to the system.Even if there was a grain of truth in the boy's words,she would not be able to protect him totally.She was being pressurized and threatened from the higher ups to rule in the mother's favor.The fact that Ryu Long had still not tried to use his power made her more inclined to rule in his favor.She was aware of the man's clean reputation and how he did not accept any favors so he was not obligated towards anyone.But her career was being threatened.She was at the end of her service and if now she was framed then all her life's work would be waste.On one side of the scale was her past and the other held a child's future.Her decision and conscious was clear but the execution was difficult...Her musings were interrupted by the shrill tone of the table phone.

"I have e mailed you the child's medical reports from 2 years ago.That is the only hospital record he has other than the normal vaccines.What more I am also going to connect you to a Paeditrician who can explain the report.He is calling you now. And you be prepared to lose this weekend!Bye!"

He had hanged up before she could thank him.She opened the email and answered the phone which was ringing on her desk.

As she discussed the reports,they discovered that the reports had been tampered with.The diagnosis read simple food poisoning but when you studied the medicines used it indicated a much more severe poisoning.The child's internal organs had been harmed and even after the stomach had been pumped and poison removed,the child had slipped into a coma for a few days.His brain had slipped into shock and the child had been saved with great difficulty and it was considered a miracle.After putting down the phone,Judge Baek's face was red with anger and even Dr Wen,who had been a part of the discussion had understood the situation enough.They had reached two conclusions.One that,Ru Long had been harmed by his mother and this had led to the break up of his parents' marriage.And the second that the little child may be suffering from PTSD.

mass release 3/5

har_kcreators' thoughts