
The Tycoon Inheritance

[Congratulations, host on your successful transmigration. Thank you for your patronage. You have been allocated the Tycoon Inheritance System. Do you wish to bond with the system?] "Inheritance?" Now known as Chen Kai in a parallel world to his original earth, he is given the gift to live this life as carefree as ever. "No, citizens to lead. No wars are to be fought. No politics. No demanding missions. I'm back to being a simple nobody with endless opportunities" [Host would you like to bind with the system to gain your inheritance?] "Sure. What's life without some perks? ....... ><.... Ode to the light and web novel authors who brought me such joy from their face-slapping stories, enviable rich young masters, and deserve-to-die characters. Please allow me to enter my 'just for fun' book. I need a change of pace. This book is fiction. Remember that!!! ...... -_- ..... Yes, you can say it's trash if you wanna.

Devoted_laurel · ファンタジー
74 Chs


[Notice: Host has acquired 100% assimilation of the present body. All latent emotions and memories from the previous soul are unlocked. Please be aware of initial discomfort.]

A wave of dizziness took over him for a few seconds which was the duration of his hug with Lan Yueran.

When he stood back to talk to her, he noticed the change in her expression. She reached up and cupped his face with both hands. “I was thinking of how you’ve grown too much but I guess I was wrong. This is the Little Kai I know.”

He understood her confusion. His experiences from past lives weren’t concealed tightly. It was fully becoming ‘Chen Kai’ that he looked like the one she originally knew.

Behind them, Su Lian also felt the change in him. He was now the Chen Kai from before and the Chen Kai ‘after’. Overall, this is the man she wishes to follow.