
Chapter 11: Workout Buddies

I woke up tp the smell of something sweet really sweet, it was disgusting I wanted to throw up. Then I looked up and saw a man standing near my window.

"Edward what do you want?" I asked.

"I was bored and wanted to come see how you were doing because I haven't seen you because you spend all your time with the mutts." He explained.

"Don't call them mutts their family." I snapped.

"Sorry I forgot you phased since the last time I saw you." He said sympathetically.

"It's fine, wait how did you know I phased?" I questioned.

"One I can read the guy's thoughts and I saw your wolf in their thoughts, two you smell like wet dog, three your nose is burning from my scent." He explained.

"Oh." I was all I could get out.

"So what's up with you and Paul you guys didn't imprint on each other because I would have seen it." He asked.

"No we didn't imprint but there isn't nothing." I stated.

"Your lying you like him but you won't look at him in the eyes because your scared your going to imprint and he will reject you and he will imprint on someone else." He babbled.

"Hey stay out of my thoughts." I snapped.

"You know he dreams about you every night." He sighed.

"He does?" I questioned.

"Yup actually he is dreaming about you right now." He explained.

"What's it about it?" I asked.

"You don't wanna know." He quickly added.

"Come on just give me a hint." I pleaded.

"Fine, let's just say you are both naked in his room on his bed and the bed it about to break." He quickly explained.

I laughed so hard and then blushed at the fact that me and Paul were you know doing it.

"Can you tell me why he doesn't look me in the eyes?" I asked.

"Of course it's the same reason you don't look into his eyes." He explained.

"Oh." It all I said.

"He's hoping tomorrow after your guys run that you will hug him and then he is going to make his move." He stated.

"I don't know if I'm ready for the whole spending the rest of my life thing." I sighed.

"Hey if you both imprint you can see your future together." He explained.

"Edward what if he doesn't imprint and only I do?" I asked.

"He can feel the pull you feel but he doesn't know if you feel it." He admitted.

"But he is a hoe." I explained.

"He hasn't been with any girl since the day he saw you." He quickly told me.

"He hasn't?" I questioned.

Edward nodded.

"Well I have to get going, and you have to get up early and don't forget to hug him tomorrow after your run tomorrow." He said climbing out of my window.

After Edward left I had to spray my room with perfume because I couldn't sleep with his scent in my room it made me sick.

I laid back down and fell back asleep. I woke to my alarm. I sighed and was excited for the day ahead of me. I walked to my closet and put on a pair of running shorts and left the sports bra I had on then I put my hair in a pony tail and walked downstairs.

Paul was already here because I could smell his pine scent from the middle of my house. I walked outside where I found him shirtless and he had a pair of basketball shorts on.

"Morning." I smiled.

"Morning princess." He smiled back.

"What's with the new nickname?" I giggled.

"Well Seth and the rest of the pack have one for you and so I thought I could make one." He smiled.

"Only Seth and Jake have a nickname for me." I explained.

"NO all the guys do Seth has Bambi, Jake has Candy, Sam calls your short stuff, Embry calls you shorty, Jared calls you hothead." He explained.

"I'm going to kick their asses." I shook my head.

"That's why they don't call you it in front of your face." He laughed.

"Well I guess it's what I get for being friends with guys." I laughed.

"yup." He laughed.

"Well let's go." I gestured to the road.

"Alright mrs. bossy pants." He laughed.

When he said this I smacked his shoulder and made him wince.

"Come one Lahote." I snapped.

I took off in front of him because I hate being called bossy so I had to calm myself a little. Then Paul finally caught up and went to my side. I looked over at his tall figure and could see all his muscles contract with every move he made. I had to look away before he noticed I was starring. We ran about 3 miles from my house and then 3 miles back up to my house. Now we finally got to my house and we were trying to catch our breathe and we were both all sweaty.

"We should be workout buddies." He finally got out.

"No." I got out after catching my breathe.

"Why not?" He whined.

"Because I say so." I stated.

"Fine, I'll see you at Emily's." He smiled.

"Hold up." I said grabbing his hand and making him face me.

Then I jumped on his torse wrapped my hands around his next and started rubbing my sweat all over his neck and shoulders like he did to me yesterday then hopped off.

"Ok now you can leave." I laughed.

"Not yet." He laughed.

I looked at him questionably and then he picked me up placing his hands under my ass and the he rubbed all his sweat on me.

"Eww Paul not again." I squirmed.

"It was only fair because you did it to me." He giggled.

"Still gross." I giggled.

Now he finished rubbing all his gross sweat on me he just kept holding me. I didn't mind I liked his touch, he warm skin on mine and our body heat becoming one heat source.

"Well I have to go shower before I have patrol and I'll see you at Emily's." I smiled trying to get down.

"Alright I'll see you later then." He said putting me down but letting his hands trace up from my ass up my sides and on my shoulder.

"You better not stink later so I can take my nap on you after my shift." I giggled walking inside.

"Hey that reminds me we never made out our deal." He quickly added.

"Well what did you have in mind?" I asked.

"Well maybe after your shifts you can sleep on me but every morning we go on a run like we did this morning." He smiled.

"So basically I can sleep on you whenever I please and in return I be your workout buddy?" I made sure I was getting what he was offering.

"Exactly." He smiled.

"Fine." I sighed.

"Alright bet." He giggled.

"Well you better be at Emily's after my shift today." I announced walking up to my front door.

"Don't worry I will be." He smirked and took off towards his house.

I just laughed to myself and walked in the house it was about 7 so I had to shower and pack a bag for after patrol.

I got in the shower and it felt so nice on my muscles. I stayed in the shower for about 20 minutes until I smelled pine.

"Paul are you in my room?" I called out.

Then I heard the bathroom door open and someone walked in.

"Yeah it's me, how did you know?" He questioned.

"I can smell you." I stated.

"Oh" He said.

"Why are you in my room?" I asked.

"Because your dad invited my dad over after I had showered and then he told me that I could come in since he knew you were up." He explained.

I had just learned that my dad and his dad worked together so I would be seeing a lot more Paul than usual.

"Ok well make yourself at home until I get out." I stated.

"Does that mean I can take a quick nap in your bed?" He asked.

"Yes Paul you can take a nap." I laughed.

"Yes." He whispered to himself.

I just laughed and finished my shower. I got out of the shower and wrapped my towel around my body and walked out of the bathroom. Paul was knocked out on my bed and he had my pillow in his arms like he was snuggling it. I blushed to myself and walked to my closet. I put on a cropped black Nike hoodie with a pair of shorts because this wolf temp doesn't make me like clothing. I walked out of my closet and back into the bathroom so I could do my hair. I was blow drying it went I felt someone's head on my shoulder and arms wrap around my waist.

"Sorry did I wake you?" I asked turning off the blow dryer.

"No not really I was walking up anyway and wanted to see what you were doing." He explained.

"Oh well I'm doing my hair." I explained parting it down the middle.

"I see." He smiled.

I just smiled back and starred at us in the mirror.

"You know you should wear more clothing." He stated running his hands up my waist and up to my stomach which was showing.

"Why can't control yourself Lahote?" I laughed.

"I mean I can but maybe one day I'll finally loose my sanity." He smirked.

"Just like you did in your dream last night." I giggled.

"How did you know about that?" He quickly asked.

"My mom is friends with the Cullens and Edward paid me a visit and told me all about your little dream." I giggled.

"That stupid leech always in someone's head." he grumbled.

"Hey it's ok I found it kind of cute that you dream about me." I smiled turning around to face him and cupped his face in my hands.

Paul blushed hard and I giggled at his blush which made him blush even more.

"Awe Paul Lahote blushes, who would have thought." I cooed.

"Only for you." He smiled.

I then got a phone call from Sam.

"Hey don't forget you have patrol in 5 minutes." He reminded.

"I know I was headed out the door right now." I explained.

He just said ok and we hung up.

"Well I have to go." I smiled.

"Fine but I'll be waiting at Emily's for you." He smiled.

"All right pretty boy." I kissed his check and walked out.

I walked out of the house and ran into the woods to shift. I made sure to bring a bag so I could out my clothes in it for after. I looked funny being a big wolf carrying a duffle bag around like a chew toy.