


MahiroD20 · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs


2 years before the plot.

Chief Doctor POV

Chief Doctor: Come on, we're losing her!

I am responsible for this human experiment, do you want to know our experiment?

I'll tell you, our goal is to create the perfect human... part human and part robot. And now our most perfect experiment is about to die. Well, she's a child, of course she's more fragile than any adult, but she's apparently the perfect vessel...but we're losing her, SHIT!

Doctor 1: Heartbeat stopping!

Doctor 2: Getting the defibrillators!

Chief Doctor: Give it to me and step aside

Following my orders and moving away, I use the defibrillators on the child.

All eyes were fixed on the heart monitor, waiting for the moment when the heart would start beating again.

Nothing else... I try to do it again, and nothing.

When suddenly the alarms start ringing like crazy… damn the police discovered us!

Chief Doctor: Pack things up, the police are coming!

Time skip

Arriving to leave through the back doors, we heard a command:

???: Stop!

Damn we were surrounded! Yeah... I think it's gone...


MC: It's dark...But at least the pain has stopped. This peace wanted to last forever.

MC: Ah… A light… fucking light. My eyes hurt


Going to her to turn off the annoying light. I hear a robotic voice


When I get close to the light, I wake up lying on the floor.

[Image here]

Still lying down and with my hand outstretched I see a woman with red hair, before I can even hear anything or even speak, she falls towards the darkness again but this time my consciousness disappears.


Is this girl alive!? As? Getting closer, I look at it, robotic parts, right…

If they even find out if she leaves this place alive, she won't have a normal life.

VERA: I think it's time to retire.

Taking her on the back, dodging people. She woke up, apparently placing her head in the middle of my back to listen to my heartbeat.

Continuing to my house without saying anything, just enjoying each other's presence.

Well, my life will be busier, but it's not that bad...



Today is the launch day of Sword Art Online, and yes I tested the beta and it was…. INCREDIBLE the feeling of killing, even if it is virtually, is very good. Well, I just killed monsters, I wasn't so insane as to kill a player, of course if it doesn't bother me.

Telling Vera that I will participate in the official launch, I returned to my room an hour before it was officially launched. Putting the NeverGear on my head and lying down on the bed I say:

Link start.


I log into my account, and use the beta account called Nº21 which is basically my name since I haven't had one since that Lab

Opening my eyes and I see that there is already enough logging into the starting city, running through the city exit and heading to a plain to relax while I wait for the launch.

After a while I see two players going to the plain where I'm lying, getting up and going towards them to greet them.

Nº21: Hello guys, how are you at this debut.

Chatting a little, the guy named Kirito who had black hair and Klein who had red hair who looked at me strangely were apparently training to get used to the system. Well I don't need to since I have my innate real life skills.

Seeing Klein taking an attack on his private parts and covering them Kirito says:

KIRITO: get up man, you didn't feel anything, right?

Nº21: I think this is what they call phantom pain.

KLEIN: oh, that's right.

Standing up, Kirito explains:

KIRITO: the important thing is how you start the skill

KLEIN: right, I understood that part…but it keeps moving.

KIRITO: If you control your movements correctly and activate an attack skill

Kirito picks up a rock and activates a skill and throws the rock at the monster's butt, creating a red flash and hitting it squarely.

KIRITO: the system will ensure that the skill hits the target.

KLEIN: Control my movements...Control my movements...

After saying these words he stands and says:

Nº21: Wait a moment while you feel the ability activate and then let it explode.

Placing the sword on his back and activating the skill, seeing the monster heading towards him. He shoots towards the monster and hitting the side, the monster explodes into particles. Celebrating and coming to give me one to thank me, I just dodge it as I fall to the ground.

Both Kirito and I congratulated him

KIRITO: Congratulations on your first kill

Nº21: well it took a while but congratulations, despite the boar being the weakest monster in the game.

KLEIN: Really?

KIRITO: Yes, well let's move on to the next one

And we continue like this until dusk, as we talk Klein says he needs to go out to get a pizza he had ordered. Swiping down to press the logout button:

KLEIN: What? There is no exit button.

KIRITO: look carefully.

KLEIN: I already looked, but I didn't find it.

Me and Kirito opening the menu to search and well... we didn't find it either. Without having time to be surprised we were forced to teleport. Turning my face to look around I can already tell that it could be the debut event, I don't like crowds they talk too loud, covering my ears to muffle the sound but it doesn't work logically.

I think all the logged in people are finally here, looking up I see a red message flashing, but soon it starts to spread covering the entire square turning the light around us red. Blood was spreading, making the atmosphere darker and forming a being that had a cloak of the same color, standing up and facing the people below, he began to raise his hand and speak:

GM (GAME MASTER): Attention, players. Welcome to my world. My name is Akihiko Kayaba, and from now on, I am the only person who can control this world.

Seeing the game's creator, I can't help but be impressed and smile at his audacity to say that he is the only one who can control this world. I don't think he knows my account.

GM: I'm sure you've noticed that the exit button is not available. But this is not a flaw in the game. It's an online Sword art resource, you can't go out on your own and no one outside can take away your NeverGear. If they try, a transmitter will release a strong electromagnetic wave into his brain, destroying him and ending his life.

Everyone started talking really loud again, covering my ears and smiling to myself, I think if anyone sees me like this they will think I've gone crazy

GM: Unfortunately, several players and their families ignored these warnings and attempted to remove NeverGear. And with that, 213 players lost their lives. As you can see, news agencies around the world are reporting all of this, including the deaths.

GM: There is no method to revive yourself within the game. If your HP reaches zero, your character will be eliminated forever. There is only one way to get out, and that is by completing the game up to floor 100. Finally, I would like to inform you that there is a gift from me in your inventory.

Opening my inventory and getting the mirror? I place it in my hand and see my reflection, the next moment a light enveloped me to change to my real body but without the bandage on my eye, revealing what was underneath it.

KLEIN: is everything ok kirito, 21?

KIRITO: Yes...who are you?

KLEIN: and who are you?

Nº21: NeverGear has a digitizer that covers our head. This way, the device can know our appearance.

KIRITO: are you No.21? It hasn't changed much. Does that mean…

KLEIN: You're Kirito!

KIRITO: You're Klein!

KLEIN: Why? Why work so hard for this?

KIRITO: I'm sure he'll tell us.

GM: You're probably asking yourself "Why?" Why would the creator and developer of all this do such a thing? My goal has already been achieved. I created this world for one reason only… just to be the god that rules this world. And now it is complete. This is the end of the Sword art online tutorial, Good luck players.

After this announcement it crashes and the red liquids rise back to the message boxes and disappear.

This announcement left everyone paralyzed except for me, the sound of breaking glass can be heard with a scream, breaking everyone out of their state of paralysis and a crowd begins to scream in anger and fear.

Covering my ears to muffle the sound, a hand grabbed mine and Klein's wrist, making us all run towards an alley.

KIRITO: Listen carefully to both of you. I'm going to the next village right now, come with me.

KIRITO: If everything he said is true, the only way to survive in this world is to become as strong as possible. The resources within an MMORPG are…

Nº21: Limited, right? Everything will be varied in days.

KIRITO: Yes, we should go to the next city right now. I know all the shortcuts and risk areas.

KLEIN: But, it's just... I spent a whole night in line with my friends to buy this game, they're here somewhere, I can't leave them behind.

Nº21: despite not having friends, I prefer to play alone so I will have to refuse your offer.

KLEIN: Don't worry about it. You can go to the next city. I can manage with what you taught me!

KIRITO: Okay... if something happens, send a message.


KIRITO: so see you later, you two

After that he ran to the end of the alley disappearing from our sight. Saying goodbye to Klein, I also run to the opposite side of where Kirito went, heading towards a forest.

Nº21: Ok… let's start the game.

Taking a pair of basic claws from my inventory, I went deep into the forest to get exp.

It's going to be fun, I thought to myself with the biggest smile I've ever had in my life.