
Two cups of coffee, the clock and him.

*Opens the diary and starts writing*


I am Emma, roughly in first half of her twenties. How much old are you? Well sorry you can't speak. Why am I even doing this!!! Talking in diary. I am already consulting a psychologist just because of Clara and I am feeling that this is insane. But Robert says that you will help me. Well Robert is my psychologist. According to him writing stuff in a diary will help me channelize my thoughts, opening me up so I can speak my problems. I won't deny that last time during our first session I kept mum for an hour. I won't deny that I don't have issues. But like everyone in adult life has their own shares right? But then Clara my best buddy since kindergarten points out that my problems are huge because I dont eat sleep or bathe. Well maybe she is right..... But even when I was in college and Judy used to yell at me, I used to skip baths...

*suddenly shuts the book and throws it.. Emma is trembling*

"Emma are you fine, what happened? take some water.", Clara says in concerned way. Emma nods and starts sipping. Clara goes till the diary and picks it up. Reads it, calls Robert and asks for appointment. Emma is staring out of the window , sipping water. Her gulps are echoing in the silence awakened by just mentioning Judy.

After one long hour, Emma finally manages to get up from her bed to place the glass on the kitchen platform. Clara slowly approaches her from back and hugs her.

"Hey don't worry you are not alone. I am with you and I know that somewhere you are there inside and you are listening to me... " , Clara tries to pacify Emma. Finally she tries to crack a faintish smile.

"Come on that's like my champ. Now get ready we are going to meet Robert. I have pre-poned your appointment. ", Clara explains that they should be there in an hour.

*At Robert's office*

It's a peaceful place with walls painted in cooling colors, photo frames of aspiring and inspirational quotes, a beautiful charming lady sabrina at the front desk whose smile is so emphatic in nature that it will make you feel as if she understands you, as if she is been where you are right. She is like those dialogue promoter who supports you to complete your lines from sidelines. She gives everyone their favorite chocolate after each session and 'you did great point' on the card ,which Robert thinks gives more motivation to patient for visiting again in the next session.

Inside they have four counseling rooms, one lounge and breath taking, soul satisfying canteen. Each counseling room has the same architecture and pattern to make the patient comfortable. It has one table, one antique lamp, two sofas, one bean bag, one swing, garden in balcony attached to the room. It's for providing options and settling down wherever you feel comfortable. In between two sofas there is small coffee table with wooden coasters. On the main table there is one antique clock which rings once every hour to remind that the session is over.

As Emma and Clara both reach his office, sabrina waves Clara to wait for Emma in the lounge area. Emma is then escorted by Sabrina into room number three where Robert is waiting for her. She carries the diary along, hands over the diary to Robert and then sits on the sofa. He is magnificent man who is in his thirties, matured and experienced due to his numerous patients which had different demographics. Calmly he reads it, closes it and offers coffee to Emma. She just nods, looking everywhere else accept Robert's eyes, trying to run away from the questions he will ask. Or one can say she is running away from herself as she doesn't want to face the answers to those questions. The only thing she likes in the whole room is that antique clock, she keeps staring at it waiting for the melodious chime which will indicate her to stop running away. As there will be no need to provide rational and logical explanation.

As she is sipping her coffee, the first question uttered by Robert is "Who is Judy? How well do you know her? Since when you know her?"

Emma says nothing but now there is a hint of tears in her eyes.

As the clock was ticking Robert was waiting for an answer.... But she frozed like ice. He then told her that he can't judge the seriousness as due to trauma or stress she is being selectively mute which is why its restrictive with respect to her treatment.

He suggested her three options so they could progress in their therapy.

1. The diary process, where even if she speaks less he can get some idea about origin of her issues.

2. The hypnotic process, where he will hypnotize her and she has to iterate everything which is happening to her and going around her.

3. The outbreak process, where they will subject her to various reasons of trauma forcing her to outbreak and explain the strong issues in her life..

After thinking for some time and staring at the wall on the table she decides to choose the hypnotic treatment but asks for presence of Clara as well. This is the second meet of Robert and Clara. They meet briefly in last meet.

Robert tells Emma " It may look convenient right now but it has it's own cons. Hypnosis requires high level of subconscious attention and if you fluctuate more it may turn out to be worse."

She still agrees, Clara tries to convince her to follow the diary process but Emma she is stubborn as ever.

Robert does the set up for the hypnotic process after long conversation for about 50 minutes, now Emma is in trance.

Robert asks Emma, "where are you now?"

Emma says, " I am in my high school dress going home."

Robert asks " how are you feeling?"

Emma says, " I am feeling happy as I will meet her. But i feel weird because he is in front of me."

Robert asks who is her and him in referred to?

She asks, " Judy and Daniel."