

A newborn baby boy was found at the end of the tunnel by a wretched-looking dog who was very hungry, looking for food to survive on. The dog quickly ignored its hunger and decided to rescue the boy to an area where he can be easily seen and helped. The worried dog carried the baby with its mouth, supported by its jaws, and placed him on the doorstep of an old abandoned man who lives in a forbidden forest where no human is supposed to survive due to the existence of evil spirits. The old man heard cries of a baby at his doorstep, then he hurriedly, with fear, went to check what was there. To his surprise, he found a poor bouncing baby boy lying helplessly on the ground. He became distraught and took the baby boy inside his house. The old man sighed worriedly and wondered how this innocent child ended up in the forest of dangerous jinx. The old man, who had only a cow left in his hut, decided to milk it to feed the baby boy. The old wretched dog kept watching the little baby grow at a close distance, checking on him until his eleventh birthday. On that day, the old man gave him a little old -looking diary as his birthday present and told him the book contains everything about him (the old man) and how he ended up in the abandoned forest on the Jinx. The little boy smiled and said thanks. That night, the old man passed away after he took his last bath. The little helpless boy cried and cried until he had no tears to shed. The next morning, the little boy decided to read the diary to guide him out.