
The Truthseeker

One must first gaze upon the soul. Then, one must reach for it. To reach is to feel, and after that is to become one. Ablaze in flames, torn by loudness, and vanishing into thin air, a once prosperous land now turned into nothingness. Seeing the vision of the destruction of his kingdom, Veritas strived to sacrifice everything to prevent that outcome. As Veritas grows throughout the story, so does the mysteries around him. Seeking to determine the real truth, Veritas uses his wits and craziness to fight everything in his way. This is a tale of uncovering the truth beneath the hidden mysteries that lie in the world. A world that revolves around the Soul. A journey of ascension, fighting against the madness and questioning one's own identity. This is the story of the Almighty. The Whisperer of the Winds. The legend of the Visionshaper. Truthseeker.

DauntlessBrother · ファンタジー
83 Chs

The Three Trials.

 It was the day that Veritas finally turned 16.

In Elrod Royalty, that meant that those in the proper age of 16, would go through a trial of their choosing. In order to prove themselves as a distinguished member of royalty, male or female alike would participate in these trials.

This is called the Rite of Passage.

For the long history of Elrod, this has been passed down to every generation, with not one individual failing a single trial. 

Although the types of trials that they go through vary from each generation, the members of royalty still have the freedom to choose.

Veritas knew that his brother, father, grandfather, and his predecessors commenced in a rite of passage.

Veritas was only 12 years old when his brother passed the passage.

He remembered back then that his brother, Pallacio, outwitted his father in a game of minds. It seemed like a pretty easy task, but to outwit someone that led the whole kingdom? The King was a very capable figure when it comes to the battle of minds.

Although Veritas didn't know what truly happened, he knew that Pallacio was always a very smart individual. 

Ever since they were a child, Pallacio was reading books that were too advanced for their age. It seems that he got most of his genes from their mother, Aletheia. 

However, his Father was really intelligent. Even Sienna from the Intelligence School of Knowledge couldn't outwit him! He had experienced wars, political strife, population crisis, and many more. In the end, he survived all of these events, solving the majority of them alone.

Not only that, but he was also a bearer of a Sacred Path of Guidance. It is not simple to be a guide to others, one must possess great knowledge and experience when doing so. 

Thus, it was surprising for Pallacio to outwit his father. Veritas remembered that Pallacio looked indifferent while he could feel his father become so proud.

What father wouldn't be proud of their kid surpassing them?

Ever since then, Pallacio went on to become the King's brain, suggesting advice and tackling many issues head on. 

This was a great help for the royal family, but.. Pallacio was then sent to study in the Northern City of Wilden. 

He was tasked to investigate a certain mystery in that area. So, Veritas didn't know much about his purpose.

Walking down the regal halls of the castle, pillars upon pillars rose up to the ceiling, knights kneeled in front of the red carpet, and a looming figure sat atop the throne in the middle. Veritas saw this scenario and slowly made his way to the throne, wearing a pure white mantle and a marble steel plate. He looked very noble, as if he were the definition of a "Prince".

As he arrived upon the throne, Veritas kneeled down in front of the King.

It was his 16th birthday, and Veritas was being bestowed a gift.

A gift that would define his honor and status.

"Prince Veritas, you have been given the honor to prove yourself."

The King stood up and unsheathed a silver-white sword that reflected a gleaming light, the sword looked as if it had existed from history. 

'That's the family heirloom, Ventus Gladius!' Veritas recalled seeing the sword back in his brother's ceremony. 

The King then brought the sword to Veritas' right shoulder and began speaking,

"You are to be given 3 trials in which you are free to choose only one!"

The scenario seemed tense for Veritas.

"First Trial, traverse the mountains of North and seek the Frozen Tree! Then, you must gather its Seed that lies at the very top!"

"Second Trial, face the Head Wielder Mikella Reiloush and show your honor!"

"The third and most daunting Trial, head to the southern ruins of Orph. Seek the Gargoyle Knight and slay it!"

Veritas heard this and speculated which trial was the best for him. The trials that his father listed went from easiest up to the hardest. The easiest being the Seed of the Frozen Tree. 

It was easy due to the fact that he only had to gather a singular Seed. However, it proved to be quite difficult because the Frozen Tree has only been reported to be found once. It seemed that the Frozen Tree vanishes when its seed is taken.

Next, fighting the Head Wielder could be deemed as impossible by many. But his father only mentioned showing honor. That would mean that fighting until your legs failed or fighting until your whole body bled. In any case, the trial didn't seem too easy nor too difficult for Veritas to handle.

Now, lastly, the Gargoyle Knight of the South that has been guarding the infamous Ruins of Orph. Many adventurers try to deplete the ruins of its rich history and treasure. But, the Gargoyle Knight was a formidable foe! Even Pathbearers are said to struggle against it. 

So, it was the most impossible task for Veritas to handle.

He hadn't even unlocked his Path yet!

Veritas quickly decided and thought about which trial he would take. It was quite obvious after all..

"Father.. I have decided!"

The guards and other people alike tensed up, they felt pressure coming from the words of the Prince.

The King merely stared at Veritas with elegance, and awaited for him to respond. Though, he probably already knew what his son was going to take.

"I choose.."

Veritas abruptly paused before continuing with words of honor.

"The Third Trial! I shall slay the Gargoyle Knight of the South!"

Everyone in the room couldn't believe his choice. If even the Wielders had a hard time defeating the Gargoyle Knight. Then how would a normal human do so!

With a wide grin in his mouth, Veritas received the blessings coming from his Father.

"Then, Prince Veritas. By dawn, you shall traverse the South and slay this Gargoyle Knight!"

The King's words held uncertainty but deep inside he expected for his son to choose this trial.

'As expected of my son..' 

Thus, the luxurious sight in the castle remained regal as the knights bowed to the honorable Prince, daring to face off against a terrifying foe. 


After Veritas' choice of trial, he made his way towards the outskirts of Elrod. 

In a luxurious carriage, Veritas had dismissed his disguise and kept his white-haired appearance. He looked outside the peaceful scenery of the outskirts and felt nostalgic somehow.

'It'd be a long time since I can see this scenery again..'

Veritas did not know when he would accomplish the task given to him, but he knew for a fact that it would take a very long time. Perhaps months or even years!

Still, he couldn't just go up and leave, he had people that he needed to update.

Veritas was on his way towards Bello and Alune's house, his only two friends. 

Though he had much connection with the others from Diamond Borough, these two are the only ones that he considers as real friends.

That said, he wasn't even sure that they were home. Upon checking the all-familiar Beast Master Den and seeing that Bello was not there, Veritas decided to visit the outskirts and see the two. 

All-in all, the long trip cost him about an hour or two, the carriages were real slow due to him requesting for it to be a smooth trip.

Veritas wanted to relish the vision of Elrod.

Thus, upon reaching the outskirts, it only took him about 12 minutes to arrive in the Agalia Household.

He stood in front and saw the tattered wooden door. The house looked vintage and ancient, showing a once-great architectural design.

He laid silent for a couple of seconds before finally screaming out loud.

"Bello! Come out!"

The scream was so loud that the people around were startled. Although they already knew who the Prince was, they didn't expect him to do something of that scale.

In a few moments, the tattered door finally opened, revealing a boy with messy black hair and an alluring face.

"Stop screaming at this time of the day! There are people sleeping!"

Bello looked as if he had just been woken up by the loud commotion outside. His sleepiness did not immediately notice the grandiose attire of Veritas, who was wearing a pure white mantle and a marble steel armor.

Upon squinting his eyes and rubbing it, Bello looked dumbfounded as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Eh- What's with the get up? Doesn't suit you at all scumbag."

Veritas felt a vein pop on his temples.

'I'm the Prince of this Kingdom, this bastard has balls!'

Bello saw that scary face of his and immediately felt terror creeping up within his body. Veritas slowly made his way towards him but was stopped by Alune's presence.

"Oh- Veritas. Looks good on you!"

He stared at the feminine beauty that is Alune, and felt happy by his remarks. He then looked back at Bello with ferocity in his eyes.

Bello jumped back in fear and avoided his gaze.

'This bastard is really..'

With a deep sigh, Veritas made his way to the honest home of Agalia.

Upon being welcomed by Alune with warmth, he was made to sit down and have a conversation with them.

"So..? What's the occasion?" Alune asked honestly

"I- I'm leaving."

Bello, who was picking his nose, suddenly stated:

"Eh.. That's good then-"

Alune bonked his head and Bello felt the pain swelling atop his occipital lobe. 

"Then? Where will you go, Veritas?"

"I'm going to slay that Gargoyle Knight of the South."

Veritas explained about the rite of passages, the three trials, his honor, and many things. The two of them listened attentively and understood the situation. He went into detail about the place where he was going. How long he thought it'd take. And the great rewards that it'd bring.

"So? Why tell us this.."

Veritas felt shy in answering such an honest question.

"Honestly, Brother Alune.. I just didn't want you both to worry. I didn't want to disappear so suddenly.."

"No one's worried scu-" Bello whispered under his breath.

Alune suddenly gazed at Bello with terror on his eyes.

Then, Alune breathed heavily and confirmed Veritas' intentions. He realized that after learning of their past, Veritas seemed to be considerate about their connections. Thus, he didn't want to leave abruptly like their parents once did. 

"Thank you Veritas."

Alune expressed deep gratitude at the Prince's thoughtfulness. Behind that scheming and messy personality of his, Alune knew that he held some kind of pure kindness. 

With that, Veritas left the house and made his way back to the carriage.

"You take care, Veritas!"

"I will, Brother Alune."

The warmth given by Alune was reassuring. This gave Veritas a will to survive and fight. He knew that he had a home to come to, and friends to tell great stories.

He looked at Bello who seemed to have a blank expression on his face. However, as soon as Veritas entered the carriage, the messy-haired boy yelled towards him.


Veritas turned around at the sudden words.

"Kill that stupid bitch!"

With a smirk on Bello's face, Veritas could not help but boast his prowess.

"I'm gonna make him taste dirt!"

Thus, the carriage slowly left the outskirts and headed back to Diamond Borough, where Veritas would spend the night resting and gathering his strength.

Once morning came, he would have to depart and spend a long time strategizing on how to defeat the Gargoyle Knight.

Veritas stared at the peaceful scenery of the outskirts, appreciating the beauty that he would no longer see for the upcoming days.